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201207890 <br /> 12. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Nof a Waiver. }�xtenYion aftl,e timc fnr payment or <br /> modification of ainorti�atiou of the stinns socured l�y this Sec��rity InsinunenC gran[ed t�y Lencier Co Borrowex <br /> or any Succcssor in InCcresC oP Borrowex ehall not opernke to release the liability of Boirower or any <br /> Successors in Interest oP Borrower. Lender shall not be required to commence proceedii�s ag;aiilst any <br /> Suocessor in Interest o1'Borrower or to refiisc to cxtcnd 6ime Por payn�ent or olherwise modify amorCization <br /> of the swns sccured by thi� SecLui�y Inslrument by reason of any demand mAde by the original Borrower or <br /> any Succeasors in InCeresE of Borrower. Auy farUeat'ance by I,evder in exercisiug any nght or.remefty <br /> inolnding, withotxt limitatiion, Lender's acceptance of payments from iliird pnrsons, entities or Suoeessors in <br /> Interest of Borrower or in unouarts less tl�an thc amounT chcri due, sh�ll not l�e a waiveT of or preclude tlie <br /> exe��cise of a�iy i�iglrt or i�emedy. � <br /> 13. Joint and Several Liability; Co-signers; Successors and Assigns Bound. Borro�cer covenants anci <br /> agrees that Bcxrowor's obliga[iot�s nnd linbility she11 bejoint and several. Howover, any]3orrower Who <br /> co-signs Chis Security Instcunient but tloes not execute thc �Totc(a "oo-signer"): (a) is co-signing this <br /> Security InsT�•mnant only to mortgage, grant and convey the co-signer's intecest in the Property under the <br /> terms of this Security instrumenC; (b) is not perflonally obligated to pay the smns secm�ed by fl�is Secnrity <br /> tilstrmnent; and(o) agrees that Lender and any other Borrower cv� agrce to cxtond, modiFy, forbear ox mnke <br /> any acconnnodfltione with ragard to the tenns of thie 5ncuei�y InsCrtuxienl or the Note without the co-signei"e <br /> consent. <br /> Sui�jecc Co the proviaions of Section 18, any Snccessor in InCeresC of Borrower who asaumes Borrower's <br /> obligatious under this Security Instrument in writing, and is appxoved by Zender, shall obtnin all of' <br /> Borrower's rights Tud beneflts undcr lUis Security Iust�•ument. Borrower sha71 not Ue released from <br /> Borrower's ob1igations and liability under this Security Listxnment unless T,e�tder agrees to such rclease in <br /> writing. The covennnts and ngreements ot'Uiis Security Instr'�iment shall bind(excep[as provided in Section <br /> 20) nucl Uenefit the successors and assig�s of Lcndcr. <br /> 14. Loan ChaYges. Lender nkly ch�rbe Borrowcr fees f�r services perforined in connection with Borrower's <br /> defa�ult, for tl�e ptiu�posc of protecting Lender's inYerest 'vi flie Property and riglify under this Security <br /> 1,nstrumcnE, including, bnt not limited Yo, attorneys' fees, property inspection aiid valu2lion Pees. In regard to <br /> any other fees, the nbsence of express anthority in this Seouricy Ins�i•ument to chazge a specific fee to <br /> Borrower ehall not be construed as a prohiUition ou the ahaeging of euoh fee�. T.ender n�ay not cUarge feos <br /> � that are exprc�sly prohibiCed by this Seourity Instrmnent oc by Applicable Law. <br /> If the l,oan is subjoct to�a law which sets rsklximum loan charges, and that law 'rs finally inte�pcelecl so that <br /> thc inf�rest or other loan ckt<u•ges collected or to Ue collcctai in aoimecCion wiCh the Loan exceed the <br /> permitted limits, then: (a}any such loan charge sh211 be reduced by fhe �uisount necessa�y to reduce the <br /> charge to the permitted liiniC; �nd(b) any sums ah eady collected�tcom Tioirower w7�icl�cxecodul pennilted <br /> ]imits will be refunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to malm this refund by redncing the principal owed <br /> under the Note or Uy ivaking a direct paymcnt Eo Borrower. If a refund reduees prinei�al, tha reduction will <br /> be Y��ea�ted as a pa��ti�l prepaymenC wiChoul any prapayn7ent chv'ge(whether or not a prepEiyme��t charge is <br /> provided for ur�dcr Che Nofe). Bormwer'e acceptauce a£any sucls refund madc�hy dircct pnymcnt Co <br /> Borrower wi11 consfihrte a waiver of any right of action Bon owe� n�ighC have nriauig out of such overchu�ge. <br /> 15. Notices. All noHces givan by Borrower or Lender in coimection with this Security InsErwncnC must l�e in <br /> writing. Any notice to Borrower ni comiecYion witl� this Sccurity Inatnunenf shall be deemed[o have been <br /> given to Borrower when inailed by first class mail or when ac[u�lly delivered to Borrower's notice addreas if <br /> sent by otl�er uieans. Notiioo to a4�y one Borrower shatll constitutie noUce to all]3orrowers un7ess Applicz�67e <br /> Law cxpressly requires otherwise. The noYice address slrall be tho Yropen�ty Address uvless Borrower h�s <br /> znoozzzo <br /> NEBRl�SKA-9ingle Femily-Fannie MaelFroddle Mao UMFORM INSTRIIMENT Form 3628 1101 <br /> VM P�7 VM P&(NE)(1106) <br /> Wnl�zre IQmom Flnnnr.inl Pape 11 oi 7'! <br />
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