<br /> sfltisfnctioi�, provideil that such inapeoCion Fhall be unciertaken prpmplly. Lender may pay for the,repairs
<br /> aud restoration in a single disbursement or in a seriee of progresa payu�ente as Che work is compleced.
<br /> Unless an a�;ree�nent is made in wriCing or Applieable Law requires interest to be paid on such
<br /> . Miscellaneous Proneeds, Lender el�all no[be rcquired to pay Borrowcr any interest m�earnings on sucli
<br /> Miecellaneous Proceeds. If the restaration ox repair ie not economically feasible or Lender's su;urity would
<br /> be lessaned, the Misoellaneous Proceeds shall be applied to the ewns secured by thie Security Inatrnmene,
<br /> wl�ether or not tl�a�1 due, with the excess, if any, paid to Aorrowet, Such Miscellaneous Proceeda shall ba
<br /> applicd in the ordcr prc�vided for in Scction 2.
<br /> In the event of a total talcing, destruction, or loss in value of the Property, the Miscellaneous Proceecls shall
<br /> be npplied to tho sm��s sccurcd by this Security instrument, whcthcr or i7ot t1ie�i due, with the excess, if any,
<br /> paid to Borrowei.
<br /> In the event of a parual takiug, dest�uction, or loss in value of the Property in whioh fhe fair market value of
<br /> the Property immeciiately Uefore the partial talcing, deshuction, or loas in value is equal to or greater than the
<br /> amount of tho aunLs ecourcd I�y this 5eourity Instrumenf itrunedi�Cely before Cl�c partial taldng, dcshuction, oz
<br /> loss in value, unlesa Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in v,n•iting, the eunis secuxed by this Seourity
<br /> InsGtunent shall be reduced by the vnount of'Yhe Miscellaneous Proceeds multiplied by the f'ollowing
<br /> fi'action: (�t) Y1ie tot�ilil ainontit of the ewns secured immcdiafely before fhe partial taking, dest�-uctioq or loss
<br /> in valne divided by(b)the fair marlcot valuc nf tlte ProperCy immediaCely before the parfinl l2king,
<br /> desCrucCiou, or loss iu v21ue. Any btilnnce shall Ue paid to Borrower.
<br /> In the evctiit of a partial talcing, desLri�etron, or loss in value of Che Property in which U�e fair market valua of
<br /> the Propecty iuunediately befnre the pArtial taldng, deshL�ction, or loss in v�lue is less H�an the�unount of the
<br /> sums secured 'uxunediately before Che paiYial taking, destrucCion, or loss in value, unless Borrower anci
<br /> � Le��der otT�exwisc agree in writirrg, thc Miscel7aneuus Procccds el�all ho appll�d to tl�c sums sa;urcd by tl�is
<br /> Secnrity InsCrun2enC whehher or not fhe sums are then due.
<br /> IP Lhe Property is abandoned by Borrower, or iP, nfter notice by Lender to F3orrower Chnt lhe Opposing Party
<br /> (as defined in the next sentence) offers to make an award to setYle a claim f'or daniages, Borrower fails to
<br /> respond to Lender t�itluu 30 days after the date the notice is given, Lencler is authorized to collect and apply
<br /> flie Miscellaneous Proceeds eithe��to restoratiott or ivpair of the Yro(�erty or to the sums secured by tl�is
<br /> Security Inehument, whether ar not then due. "Opposing Party" meens the third perry that owes Borrower
<br /> Misoellaneous Proceeds or the perCy against whoin Borrower l�as a right of action in rega�d to Miscellaveous
<br /> Proceeds.
<br /> Boirower shall bc in dofau1t if any acti�n or procceding, whe4hrn•civil or criminal, is bcgiui that, in Lender's
<br /> judgmenU, coi�ld resiilt in Corfeihu�e o£the Property or otlier material in�pairment of Lender's interest in the
<br /> ProperPy or rights under fl�is Security Histiruinent. Borrower caai cLu'e snch a dafaulti uid,if acceleration has
<br /> occw•red, roinstaEa as provided rn Sectiou 19, hy ca�ssiiig$�c ac6on or proccoding t�bc dismishcdwith a
<br /> ruling thaC, in Lender's ju�igu�enC, precluc{es forFeiture of the ProperCy or other n�aterial impairmenl of
<br /> Lender's interest in the Property or righCs under this SecuriCy Inau•wnent. The proceeds oF nuy award or
<br /> claim for damages that ue atfributable to tha impai��ment of Lender's interest in tha Property are hereby
<br /> assigixed and shzill Ue paid to),ender.
<br /> All Miecellaneous Proceeds that aa�e not applied to restoration or repair of tha Property shaIl be applied in the
<br /> ordcr provic�ed for in Scction 2.
<br /> zaoorzza
<br /> NF.BRASKA-Sin91e Family-Fannlc MaelFreAdic Mac UNIFORM INSTRl1M FNT Farm 3020 1I01
<br /> VMP �O VMI'6(NE1�1705)
<br /> Wollers Kluwer Flnanclol Scrvices Page10 of 1]
<br />