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201207888 <br /> All insuranoe polieies rec�aired by I,endcr and renet*�als of such policies shall be subjeck to I,euder's right to <br /> disapprove such policics, sha11 uicluda�ataa�dard mortgage clnuse, and shall name Lender as mortgagee <br /> and/or as aai adclitionnl loes payee. Lender sh�11 havo the right to hold the policies and reuewel cerlific�tes, If <br /> Lendee requirea, Bo1•rower shall promptly giva to Lender all receipts oPpaid premiums uid renewal noticee. <br /> If Borrawer obtains any f'orm o£insurance coverage, not otherwisc required by Lender, for dunaga Co, or <br /> deeCruction aP, the Yroperty, such poliay shttll includa a stanc1nrd mor4gage clause and sh�ll nan�c Lender as <br /> mortgagee and/or ae am additional loas payee. <br /> ln the event of loas, Borrower shall give prompC nofice tn tlia insurnuoe carrier ancl Lender. Lender may <br /> u�nke proaf of loss if not made promptly Uy Bort�ower. Unless Lender and Iiorrower otherwise agree in <br /> writing, any insurance proceeds, whether or not t�e underlying ins�u�ance was required 6y Lcnder, sl�all be <br /> �pplied to resioration or repair of the Property, if the iestoration or repair is eoonomically feasiUle and <br /> Lender'F securitg is not lesseued. During suoh repair and restora6on l�eriod, Lender shall have the righC to <br /> hold such insurancc proceeds until Lender l�as had an opportunity to ia�spect such Property Yc�ensure tl�e <br /> work hns been completed to Lender's satisfacfion, provided that euch inspeclion shall be undertaken <br /> prorriptly. Lender may dishurae proaeecls for the repairs and restoration iu a singlc�paymeut or in a aeries of <br /> progsess payments as the work ie completed Unless an agrecment is made in wri[ing or Applicable Law <br /> requires interest to Ue paid on such insurance proceeda, Lender shall not Ue required to pay&�rrower any <br /> interesC or enrninge on such proceeds. I�ees Por publio adjusters, or other tl�ird pvties, retained by Borrower <br /> ehall not lie paid out oP 11ie insurance�roceeds and shal]be tlie sole obligAtion of Borrower. If the restoration <br /> or repair iF not economically feasiblo or l,ender's aecurily would be lessened, the insuranee proceeds ehall be <br /> applied to fhe sums secured by this SeeLu�iLy lust��mnant, whethec or not then due, with the excess, if any, <br /> paid to Borrower. Suoh instiirance proceeds shall bc applied in Yhe order providcd for in Seotion 2. <br /> It'Borrower lbandone tl�a Property, Lendcr may file, negotiate nncf settle any availaUle iusuratnee clniin and <br /> re2efed matters. If Borrower does not respond wifUin 30 days to a noCice fi•om Lender t1�1t the insw�ance <br /> carrier has oFfered to eetllc a c1aun, than Lendex may negotiate and settle tlie claisn. The 30-day period will <br /> bcgtin when the notioe is giuen. In oither evenC, or if Lender aoquires the Property uuder 3eotion 22 or <br /> otherwieq Borrower hereUy assigis fo Lencicr(a) Borrower's rights to any insuranccproceeds in au amounC <br /> not to exceed Che amounts uupaid mider the Note or�Ihia Sccm'ity LisRrmnant, tuid(b) any o[hor of <br /> 13orrower's righte (other chan tUc i�iglit to any refuud of unearned prcmiums pa9d Uy Borrower) under all <br /> insurwce policies cc�vering fhe Property, iusofar as such rigAts are apglicable to the coverage oP t7�c <br /> Propertiy. Lender may[lse thc insurance proceeds either to repair or restoro the Property or to pay pmoimL� <br /> impaid under tlia Note or this SeQin'ity Tnstrument, wliether or noY hhen due. <br /> 6. OCCupanCy. Borrower shall occupy, estaUlish, and use the Property as Borrowcr's priucipal residence <br /> within 60 days aftea•the execntion o�P Chie Security lnstr�mnent aud shnll continue tio occupy thc Property as <br /> Borrower',s principal residence Par et let�st one yatu after the date of occupuicy, unless Lender oCherwisc <br /> agreeh in writrng, whicli consent shall not be unreasonably wiflilield, or unless extemtating circtunstiflnces <br /> exisC which are beyond Borrowcr'e coiitrol. <br /> 7. Preservation, Maintenance and Prote¢tion of the PropeYty; Inspections. Bojrowcr sl,all not destsoy, <br /> daanage or nnpair tlie Properly, allow tlie Property to deteriorc�Ce or coiiuniY wasCe on Hie ProperCy. Wl�ether <br /> or not 8orrower is residing iu tlie ProperEy, Borrower ehall maintain the'Property in order to prevent.the <br /> ProperCy ii�om deteriorating�or decreasing in value due Po its oondition, Unless it ie dete�mii2ecl pursuant to <br /> SecCion 5 that repair or resloration is not eoonomicallq fe�siUle, Borrower sli�ll prompLly repair tlie Properfy <br /> if d�naged tio avoid furCher deterioratlon or ciamagc. if insurance or eondeiruiation proceeds nre pvci in <br /> com�ection with damage to, or the kal<ing of, the Proper6y, Borrower sUall Ue responsiUle for repniring or <br /> resforing tiho Property only if Lender has released proeeeds for such purposes. Lcndcr may disburse proceeda <br /> 24oazza; <br /> N[oRASKA-Singlc Family-Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac UNIFORM INS'I'RUMENT Form 3020 7101 <br /> VM P(y VM P0(NE)(7 705) <br /> W olters Kluw er Flnancial Senices Page 7 0(1/ <br />