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201207888 <br /> Por the repairs and restoraYion in n Einglc paymenC or in�t series of progress payments ns the worlc is <br /> completed. IP the inetiirance or condemnation procceds are not sufficienE Co repair or restiore the Property, <br /> Borrower is uot relieved of Borrower's oUlignfion Por Uw completion of suoh rel�air or restor�Uon. <br /> Lander or its agenl may make reasonable enLries u��on and inspectione of the Property. If it l�as rensona6le <br /> cause, Lender may inspect tl�o interior of the improvements on the Property. Lendor sl�all give Borrower <br /> noticc�at tlie time of or prior Io suclr an inberior inspection specifying such reasona6le e2uso. <br /> 8. Borrower's Loan Application. }3orrower shall be in default if, durin�the Lovt n�plicxtiion process, <br /> Borrower or any pereons or entiLies actii��g at the dtreotion of Borrowor or with Borrower'a la�owlcdge or <br /> consent gRve matcr1�11y false, misleading, or inaccurate information or statemente to L euder(or failed to <br /> providc Lencler withm.ilerizd inforn�ation) in connection wifh H�o Loan. MateriEtl representnLions inalude, but <br /> are not linuced to, i�epresentations concerning]3orrower's occupAnoy of tho Property as Borrower's princip�l <br /> residenee. <br /> 9. Protection of Lender's Interest in the Property and Rights Under this Security Ins4rument. IC(a) <br /> Borrower fails to perfc�rm the covenants and agreeincnts contauied in this SeouriYy Tnstrument, (b}there is a <br /> legal proceeding that might si�,�zificantly aff8ct Lercder's intcreyt in taia Propex[y nnd/or rights uuder thie <br /> Security LustrLunent(auch as a�roceecliug in Uanln•uptcy, proUtttq for condamnattion or forfeihire, for <br /> enforcemenC of a 7ien which may attain priority over this Security I�iatrwnent or Co enforce laws or <br /> regulations), ar(c)Borrower l�as abandoned the Property, Uian Lender may do and pay for whateveL is <br /> rcasonaUie or appropriafe Co.protcct f.ender'e interest in[he Yroperty and righta under t�dr�Sccurity <br /> Instrument, ineluding protectiiug ancllor assausing the value of tihe Property, and securing u�d/or repairing <br /> the Properly, Lendor'a actions oaai include, buC are not limited to: (a)payiug zmy xLims secured by a lien <br /> which has priority over lhis SecLirity Histrtuneut; (b) appearing in court; aud(c)pflying reasonaUTe attomeys' <br /> fees to pcatect its interest in Che Properry wid/or righta�uuder thie Securiry Instrumant, including its secured <br /> position in a bankrupteq proceecling. Securing the ProperEy includes, buC ie iiot 1imited to, entering tl�e <br /> Property fo u�alce repairs, change looke, replaco or Uoard up doore and windowa, drain watcr froin pipes, <br /> eliminate building or otlier coda violafions or d�ngerous conditions, and haue utiliHea turned on or off. <br /> Although Lender mRy�ke action under tlris Section 9, Lender does not have t�o do so and is not uncler any <br /> duty or obligation Yo do so. It�is agreed that Le�ider incurs no li�tbility for noC t�akiug any or a11 actions <br /> aufhorizc;d under flii.s SecYiou 9. <br /> Any a�nottnts dieUt��•sed by L,encier imdcr this SecCion 9 s1�a1I become addi[ioual ciebt of Bon�o�er secureci by <br /> tihi� Security lusfrmnenC. These amounfs shall bear intc�7�cnt at the Note rate from the date of disl�ureomcnt <br /> �nd shall bo payable, witlx such interest, upon uotioe&om Lendcr to Borrower requesting payment. <br /> If tl�is Security [nstrt�ivant is on a leasehold, Botrower shall compl,y with all the provisions of the lease. If <br /> Borrower acqiures fee title to Eha Prope.�•Yy, the le�sehold and fhe fee title shall not inerge unless Lender <br /> agrees to the inerger in wrifing. <br /> 10. Mortgage Insurance. If Lencie��required Mortgagc[n�urance as a conditiosz o£meldng the Lo;�n, Bc�rrower <br /> shall pay the pretnimns reqtured to niaintHin the MarCgage Tnsurance in efFeck PP, for anp renson, the <br /> MorCgnge Insurance a�vernge required by Lender ceases Yo be nunilnble froin the mortgaga insm�er tl�at <br /> pLeviously provided such insuranoe uzd Borrower was required tio mnke sep�u•fttely designnCed payments <br /> Yoward khe preiniums for Mo��tgage Ineurance, Borrower ahall pay the pre�iuuins required tio obtain covernge <br /> subetantially equiva1ent to flie Mortgage Instu•ance previously in eflecf, aC a cost substantially ec�uivalent to <br /> [he coat to Borrower of tl�c Mortgage lusurEuice previously in effect, fi•om au allervTCe inorCgage insurer <br /> selected by Lender. If subeeniiti211y equivalent Mortgage Insura�ice coverage is not auailable, Borrower sliall <br /> zaaozzqs <br /> NCi3RA51(ASingla Famlly-FannleMaolFfodtlle Mac UNIFORM IN6TRUMENT form 3020 1107 <br /> Vh1P� VMI'6(NE)(71061 <br /> Wolters KluWer Financlal Seraices Paye 0 of 17 <br />