<br /> requirecl hy L2�SP,t�, aaid Borrower sha11 pay to f ender the amount neces�a�y to uiake up thc deficiency in
<br /> s000rdaaice wit7i RESPA, but in no moic tl�an 12 inonUily paymenl�s.
<br /> Upo�i payn2cnt in full of ali sums secnred by this Security hisU�ument, Lendc� sliell promptly refund to
<br /> Borrowar nny P'wids huld by Lender.
<br /> 4. Charges; Liens. Bor�rower s1�a11 pay all tases, assessinenls, charges, fines, and impositiona at6ributnble to
<br /> the Ptoperty which can attain pric�rity ovor this Seourity Inslrwnent, lezisehold paymen6',e or grouvd rents on
<br /> the Pxopeity, if auy, and<;omtnunity Association bues, Pees, and Asse�sments, if azry. To t�ha exCent that
<br /> tliese items ue L�sarow Items, $oirowar shall pay theui in the manner pmdtded in Scction 3.
<br /> Rorrowcr sl�all prompYly disoharge any lien which lins priority over thie Socuritq InetrumenC unless
<br /> Borro�ver: (n) agrees in wirifing Co the paytnent of the obligatiou secured Uy the lien in a maimer acceplable
<br /> to Lender, but only so long as Borrower is performing such agrcement; (b) conte.gts Uie lien in good faith Uy,
<br /> or de£ends againaf enforceme�it of the lien in, legal procec$ings which in Lcnder's opiiuon oper�te ta prevent
<br /> llie euEorcc�nent of lhe lien wl�ile t$ose proceedings aae pending, but only tnatil such proceedings are
<br /> wncluded; or(o) secures $om the holder of the liorr an ngrectnent satiyfactory to Lendar subordinaTing til�c
<br /> lien to this Security Instrument, If Lander det�rmines thaC any paz�t of 11�e Property is subjcct to a lie�i which
<br /> can attainpriority over lhis Securi6y Insuluncnt, Leniicr m�y give Rorrower T nouice identifyin�flie lieu.
<br /> WiYhin ]0 days of the date on which thaC noticc ie given, Borrower e1�a11 saCisfy Uie lien or t�lce�ue or more
<br /> of the actions set forth above in fhis Section�F.
<br /> i.,ender may requiraRorrower to pey a one-tiime charge for a real eatnCe tax verification nnd/or reporling
<br /> scrvice used by Lender in comiecfion with this Loan.
<br /> 5. Property Insurance. Borrower a1�a11 keep tlie improvc,�nents now exisYing or herenfter erected on the
<br /> Property insured against loss by firc, h�zArde included within the Cerm '"extendcd covarage," and nny other
<br /> h��u�ds incltuliug, but not limiYed Co, earthqiuilccs a�id floods, for which �yender reqtiures insiirttnce. Tlus
<br /> ineuranee shnll be inainCained in the alnounts (including dednctible levels) and for the periods that Leuder
<br /> reqtiires. Wha1 Lender reqniYes pw•suu�t do the preceding senteuccs can change dming the term of the Lo�u.
<br /> The insuraaice oarricr providiug the insurnncc shall be choyen Uy Borrower subject tc�L.ender's i ight to
<br /> disappro�+o Rorrower's choice, whicll right ahall not be exercised unreasonaUly. Lender may require
<br /> Boirower 6o pay, in conncotion wiUi this Loan, ei6�her: (a)a ono-time eharge for 11ood zmie defcvmivation,
<br /> eerfiilCation and h�acking services; or (b) a on�time charge for tlood zone determinaGion and certifi�atiou
<br /> sarvicee and suUsequenC charges eaoh tima remappings or similnr changes occur wl�ich rensovably might
<br /> affect euoh cieternrivation or cerCification. Rorrower shall also be rea��onaiUle for fl�o payment of any Fees
<br /> imposed by tlie Fcderal Emergmley iVlenngemeut Agency ii� eomiection with the review of any flood zone
<br /> defermination resulCing fro'm an x�U,jection by Borrower.
<br /> If Borrower fails ta maintain any of tlie ooverages deseribed aUova, Lender may obtaiu insurance coverage,
<br /> at Lender's o�tiou and Borrower's expanae. Lendcr is mider no obligation to purr,l�ase enypnrticiilartype or
<br /> atuounC of coaerage: Thorefore, sueh a�verage sh�ll aover Lender, but mi�ht or inight nof protect Borrower,
<br /> Borrower's equity in llie Property, or the contents of the Properfy, agninst any risk, hazard or llebility and
<br /> might provide��entor or lesser ooverxga thnn was previously in cffecC. Borrowcr ao]mowledge,a that the cost
<br /> of the inem�ance coverage so obtained might sigiufican(]y exceed the co§t of insur�ncc that Borrowcn-could
<br /> Piaue obtnined, Any�mounts diebm•sed by Lcndar under fhie Section S shall become addiGon�l debt of
<br /> Borrower seoured by this Secnrity,Instrument. Tl�cse vnotmtis chall bear interost at the Note ratc fi�om the
<br /> date of disbursement aud aha11 be payaUle, with suoh interest, tlpou notice from Lender to Borrower
<br /> requesting payment.
<br /> NEBRASKA-Sinyle Family-Fennle A4aelPreddieMac UNIFORM IR�STRUM ENT 2d002245
<br /> VR�P O Form 3020 1(01
<br /> V�7 PB(NF)(11�bl
<br /> Wolters Kluwar Financiel 9t�rvlces Paya e of 17
<br />