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201207888 <br /> Any applicaNml of payments, insusancc proceeds, or Miscellaneoas Procceds to principal due tmdcr flie Note <br /> sl�all not �teud or postpone the due data, or change the aunount, of the PEriodic Paytnents. <br /> 3. P�auds for liscrow Items. Borrower sha11 pay ko Lc�ider on the day Pexiodic Payments are due under 11ie <br /> Note, uutil Che Note is p�ud in fiall, a swn(�1ie "Fnnds") t'o provi$e forpa�yment of amotimts due Yor: (a)Ynxes <br /> and assossments and oYher items which can attain piiority over tihis Security Instt•ument ns a lion or <br /> encuanhrt�nce on tho Property; (b}leasehold payineuts or ground rents on thc Froparty, if any; (c)premiwms <br /> for airy and all insnrance required by Lendex under Secrion 5; and(cl)Mortgage'Inst�rai2ce premiums, if any, <br /> or any sums payeble by Bomower to L ender in lien of the payment of Mortg�ge Insurance ptemimns in <br /> necordance with the provisions of S��ct�on 10. These items�ere called"'Escxow Items." A�ori�,rii�ation or at <br /> any time duriug the tenn oF the Loan, Leuder may require thnl Community Assoointiou Dues, Feet, and <br /> Assessmants, if nny, be escrowed by Borrower, and such duey, fees and assessments nl�all be au Escrow <br /> It�en�, 13on�ower sliall pron�ytily fun7ish to Lender alI notices of amotiints to ba pttid tmder thia Section. <br /> Borrower ehall pay l,ender �I1e Funds for Lscrow Items unless Lender waives Borrower's obligaGion to pay <br /> the Funds Por nny or all L;scrow Items. Lender may waive I3orrower's oblig�lipn to pc�y to I,ender l+unds for <br /> nny o��all Fsmow Iteme nt any limc. ?my such waivei may only Ue in writing. In tl�e ev€��t of such waiver, <br /> Borrowex ahall pay direcCly, when and whc�ro payaUle, the tunounCs due for at�y Bscrow Iterus Por which <br /> paymant of Punds has hcen waived by Lendec and, if Lender requires, shall fnrnish to Lander reoeip�a <br /> ovidencing such paymenC within such time period as Lendcr may require, Boriower's oUligation to mnke <br /> stach paylnents 2nd to provide reccipts shall 'for all purpoaes bc deemed to Ue a coven�nC and agreenlenti <br /> conCainod in tliis Security Instrument, as the pl�rase"covennnt nnd�grcement" is used in SecCion 9. If <br /> Barrower is obligated to pay Escrow Ikems directly, ptitrsu�nY to a waivei} and 13orrower fails to pay lhe <br /> unouirt due for an P,ecrnw lfem, Lender may exerci�o its rights uuder Sectiou 9 and pay such ainount nnd <br /> Sorrowex shall then be oliligatcd under Section 9 ta repny Lo Lcnder tivry such Atnount. L��dar inay revolw <br /> the waiver as to aaiy or a11 Fact•ow IComs at any time by a notice given in accordance with Section I S nnd, <br /> upon such revocation, Borrower sha11 pay to Lender all F'unds, and in such�mounte, that are the,�i reqtured <br /> under this Saction 3. <br /> Lender inay, �t t�ny Cime, colleot��ud hald Punds in nn ampunt(a) sufficient to permit Lender to apply the <br /> Funds at tha time specified tmcler 1't}i�PA, 2nd(b)not to exoeed fhe maximum amount a lender oan rcquire <br /> under RESPA. Lender sha11 estimaCe thc amount of Funde due on the basis of current data atid renaoua6le <br /> estimates of expenditures of ftiture Escrow Ttema or oche��vise in accordaztoe wiYh ApplicaUlo Law. <br /> Phe Funde sh�ll ba held iu an inelitution whose deposite arc insured by a f'ederal agency, instrumentalil'y, or <br /> entity(including�Lender, if Londer is au institution whose deposiCs are so i�isw�ed) or nt any P'eder�tl H<�me <br /> Lonn Banlc Londer sliall apply the Punde to pay the P,scrow Itema no later hhan the time speoified under <br /> RCSPA. Lendec�shnll not charge Rorrower for holding and applying tha Ftiuids, anunally�nalyzing the <br /> eRcrow aocount, or verifyiug fhe Escrow Items, tu�lase Lentler pnya Borrower interasG on the Puuda nnd <br /> Applicnble Law pennits Lender to make such a cl�arge. Unless an agreement is madc in writing or <br /> Applioable Law renuires intereyt to be j�aid on[he Fuads, Lcnder shnll noti be requiree{Co pay Bon�ower any <br /> interest or earnings on the Funds. Rorrower and Lencler can agreo in writing, however, tliat interesC sl�nll Ue <br /> paid on the Funds, Lender shall givo to }3orrower, without charge, au amival acoounting of the Punds as <br /> required by RNSPA. <br /> IF thcre is a swplus of Funda held in e�crow, as defined tuider I2ESPA, Lencior Fha11 accomit tio Botrower Eor <br /> the exceas fiivde in aocordance with RESPA. IP Chero is a nhortage of Funda held in escrow, as defined tuider <br /> [t�SPA, Lender shall nolify Borrower as required Uy RESPA, ai1cJ 13orrower shall pay to Lender Lhc ttmo�mt <br /> nee;c�cary to�iske up the shortage in accordance witl�ItESPA, but in no morc Bhan l2 mon(lily paymeuCs. If <br /> there is a deficienoy of Punds held in eacrow, ns dePrneci m7der R�SPA, Lender sh�il notify Borrower as <br /> znoozaaa <br /> N FBINSKA-Single Family-Fannle M ae7Freddie M ec 11NIfORh1 INSTRUId ENT Form 3028 1 f0 f <br /> VM P 0 VM PB�NG)(1 706) <br /> WoAers Kluwer Flnanclal Se�vices P�gn e oi 1'/ <br />