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201207888 <br /> BORROWFR COVBNANTS that 13orrower is lawfully seised of the estata hereby oonveyed and Itias tha right Yo <br /> gruit and co�rvey Yha Property nnd YhaC thc Properry is unencumbered, cxcept for encumbrances of record <br /> Borrower warrants and will defend generally tho title to The Property ag�insC ttll c1aims and de�nands, supjeot to <br /> auy ancmnbxpnces of r000rd. <br /> THIS SEGURITY iNSTRUMENT eombities xmifcrrm covenairts f'or national uso and non-muform covenante with <br /> limited variations by j urisdictton to constitute n uniform eccurity instrutnent coveririg rcal property. <br /> Uniform Covenants. Borrower and Lender covenanC and abn�ee as fallows: <br /> 1. Payment of Principal, Interest, Escrow Item§, Prepayment Charges, and Late Charges. Dorrower <br /> shall pay when due the principa] of, and 'uitecest on, the de6t cvidenced by the Note and any prepa}nnent <br /> charges nnd lnte charges due mider the Note, Bon ower s1�a11 aleo pay funds for L�scrow Items pursuauC lo <br /> Section 3. Payments duo under the Note and this Security lnstruineut ehall be tnade in U,S. emrenoy. <br /> However, ii'any check or ofl�cr instrument received by Lender as payment under the Notc or ffii� Seow iYy <br /> Instr�nnent ie returned to Lender unpaid, l.e�der mey require fl�ati any or all subsequent pnymenYs dLie under <br /> the NoCe and tliie Security Inetrument be made in one or more of the following fonns, as seleoteci by Leuder: <br /> (a�)cash; (b) n�oncy order; (c) certified oheok, banlc check, treasurer's check or cacliier's check, provided any <br /> such check ie drawn upon an iilstihttion whose deposite arc insured Uy a federal agency, rnsCrulnentality, ox <br /> ' entity; or(d) Electronio Ptmds'I'ransfer. <br /> Payments are deemed received Uy Lender whan received a(tl�e]ocation designated in theNotc or at suoh <br /> other locat�on as may be designateci by I ender in accordance with Lhe notice provisiona in Section 15. <br /> Leaider n�ay raCurn ai�y p�lnnent or partiad pay�n�e�it if the payinent or pazlial paynicnts are ii�sufficient to <br /> bring tlte Lo�n currenC. Lcndar may accept eny pnyinent a�partial payinetrt insufficienC Ca bring the Loan <br /> current, without wniver o�P any rigltts heretmder or prejudioe to its rights to ref'use such pn}nnenC or partial <br /> payments in fhe future, but Lender is not oUligated to apply suoh paymonts at tl�e tiine such pnyn7etits arc <br /> �ccepted. if e2ch Pariodic Payment is nppliod�s of its scheduled due daCe, then Lcnder ueed not pay interest <br /> on unappliecl&mds. I.ender ma�y hold auch unapplied Funds until Borrower makes paymentc to bring the <br /> Loan currenY. If Borrowor docs not do so within a reasonable period r�f tinte, Lender shall either ap�ly such <br /> fimds or rehtrn tliein Yo Borrower. IP not ap��lied earlier, such funcls wi11 be appHcd to tl�e outisEanding <br /> prineipal balance ztndar Che Notie immediately prior to forcclosure. No offset or olaatn which Borrower might <br /> have now or in the futixre�g�inst Lender�hnll relieve Borrower from malcing paymcnty due wider the Nofe <br /> end this Secur'rty It�st�ument or parforming the oovenanfs and agreemants secured by this Security <br /> lnshwnent. <br /> 2�. AppliCation of Paqments or ProCeodB. Except as o[herwise dwcribed in tl�is Section 2, nll payments <br /> acceptad and applied by Lendcr slia11 be�pplied in tlie following orctei of priocity: (a�)interest due under fhe <br /> Note; (U)principal due under Lhe Note; (c)�anounts due tuider Section 3, Such�aayments sliall be at�plied to <br /> eaeh Periodic Payment in ihe order in wluoh iC becamc duo. Ang remaining nmounts shall bo applied fust to <br /> la�te charges, second Co any other atnomrts dua under this Security inshume�rt, and tihen to rednce the <br /> princi�al Ualance o£the Note. <br /> lf Lender receivea a payn�e�ic Pram]3orrower for a delinquent Periodic Pa}nncnk wl�ich includes a suffioient <br /> amount to pay auy latie charge due, the pa}+manti may be applied to tihe delinquent'paymeut and tl�e]ate <br /> charge, IC moro than one Yetiodic PayinenC is ontstnnding, Lci�dor may apply any payment received from <br /> Borrower to the repa}m�e�it of the Yeriodic PaytnenYs if, and to the extent that, each payment cnn Ue�aid in <br /> fitll. To the axtent that eny exists nfter the paymeut is app&ul to Che full paym�rt af one or more <br /> Pcriodic Payments, such excesa mny be applicd to any late charges due. Voluntary prepaymauts s1�a11 ba <br /> applied firet to auy prepaymeiit chTrges nnd then as d�crihcd in the Note. <br /> N[BRA51<A-Singlo Famllyfannie MflelFredtlie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUIn ENT Z4Q�2246 <br /> Form 3028 11tr1 <br /> VM P p VI�P6(NE)(71a6) <br /> Wolters Kluwer f-Inancial Services PaBe 4 af 1 Y <br />
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