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<br /> circum+tanu:s.Borrnwcr shall nut wmmit waste or desuoy,damagc or substendelly clwngc the Praperry or allow thu
<br /> � Property to deterioratc,rcasn�abla wcar and tear excepted. Lendcr may inspcct tde Property!f thc Property is vurant
<br /> or abandoncd ar tho loaa is in default. l.ondcr may takc rcasonablo action to prAa;�:t and prescn+c sucb varant or
<br /> � abandoneA Properly. Honower shall also be in default if Bonower,duriag tho lnan appUcetion proc�s.gave mntcrIally
<br /> false or lneccurAte informaciun ut statements ta Lcnder(ar failed to proWde Lender with any matedal lnformation)
<br /> In conaectlan with the laan twiAonoad by tke Nate,including,but not limited to.rapresentations conoeraing Bonower's
<br /> Qaupancy of the Praperry�s u principal residence.If this Secudty Instrument Lr on u Ie�sehold,Borrowcr shall enmply C�
<br /> i wlth thc provlsic�ns of thc lcasc. 1P Borrower aoqulres fca dtic to thc Property�tha lcaschold aztd fcc titla shall nut '
<br /> be mcrged unless J.ender agrecs to the merger la wrldng. ,
<br /> y,,e„� � 6. �budemnarian. The prooceds ot any award or claim far damuga�dircct or oansequendal,in wnnectlon with �.►
<br /> . �.� •�I any condcmnation or ather taking ot any part of the Property,or for oonvayanoe in placo of condemnation.are hereby �j
<br /> , assigncd end shaU bcs paid to Lender to the excent of the fuU amount of the indebteduess tbat remains unpaid under ;_
<br /> the Notc nnd this Security Insuument. Lender shall appty such prooeeds to the reduction of the indebtedness uader �;._
<br /> the Note aad this Security Instrument,first to any deUnquent amounts appllcd lu the order pmvided in paragraph 3, .,::
<br /> siad then to prepayment of principal. Aay applIcation of the proceeds to tha prin��lpa!shall not eztend or postpone _
<br /> the due date of tbe monthty payments.which are refened to ia paragraph 2,or ch�ange the amount of such payatents. _ -_
<br /> .' Any excess proceeds over aa amount roquired to pay all outstandiug indebtedness under the Note and this Securiry �-
<br /> Insuumeat shaU bc paid to the eadty legally entitled thereto. _
<br /> ,�i, 7. ����m��d pro�on o[I,e�+s Riabts tn We ptoperty. Bonower shall pay all governmental —
<br /> � or municipal chargcs�fines and imposiUons that are pot included in paragraph 2. Bonower shaU pay these oblIgatioas _
<br /> � on time dlrecdy to the entIty which is owed the paymen� It failure to pay woWd adversely affect Lender's interest ia �y__
<br /> We Property,upon Lender's request Bonowcr shall promptly furnish to Lender receipts evideacing these payments. —
<br /> � 4� If Borcower fails to make these payments or the payments req u i r e d by parugrap h 2,o r f a i l s t o p e r f o r m a n y o t her
<br /> covenents and agreements wntained in this Secudty Instrument,or there is a legal proceeding that may signi8cantly �-'_
<br /> � affect L..eadcr's rights in We Properry (such as a prooeeding in bankruptcy,for condemnatioa or to enforce laws or
<br /> regulatioas),then Lender may do and pay whatever is necessery to protect the value of the Ptopercy and Lender's dghts ��
<br /> in tpe Pmperty.includiug paymeat of taxes,hazard tusurance aad other items mentioned ia paragraph 2. �
<br /> � Any amouats disbursed by I.ender under this paragraph shall become an additional de6t of Bomower and be �;:
<br /> ���by�c.,ec�uity Instrumen� These anaounts shaU bear interest from the date of disburse�ent at the Nate rau� _
<br /> i� and at the option of I.ender shall be iramediately due and payable. �
<br /> - --. —� ��;.,���grQ�gtly�tt�charge any liea which has prlority over this Securiry Iasuumcat unless Bonower.(a)
<br /> agrees inwrIting to We payment of We obligation secured by the liaa in a manner aoceptable to Lender, (b)ooatests
<br /> ia gooci faith the lien by,or defends against enforcemeat of the lien in,legal.prooeedin�which in the Lender's opinion
<br /> 3° � operate to prevent the enforcement of the lien;or(c) seaues from the holder of tlte lten an agreement satisfactory
<br /> ''• to Lender subordiaating the lien ta this Security Insuumen� If Lender determines that aay pan of the Property is
<br /> �� subject to a lien which may attala prIoriry over tlils Security Instrument,Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying
<br /> th�lisn,Borrower shall satLsfy the Hen or take one ar more of the actions set forth above wtt6in 10 days of Wa giving
<br />-� � ' ' of noticx.
<br /> � ; 8. Fee� Lender may oollect fees and cbarges authorized by the Secretary.
<br /> '. . . 9 ffr�aade�or Aooeieiation of DebL
<br /> ..;,� (a) De6ult. Lcnder may,except as limited by regulations lssued by the Secretary!n the case of payment
<br />~=.":' :` :. defaults,require immediate payment in full of ail sums secured by this Security Iastcument if:
<br /> u'.;�%f�±`:iH,^�' i
<br /> --- �-�,,�� (i) Borrower def.aults by feWng to pay in full any monthlY PaYment required by this Security Insuument
<br />�.,����Y'.� '`"" prior to or on the due date of the next monthty payment,or
<br /> ���r�� � � (ti) Bnrcoaer defaults by failing,for a pedod of thiriy days,to perform any othet obligations oontaiaed
<br />�;`��3'.,:. ia this SecurIry Insuument
<br />�'"�'�"' (b) Sa10 WIthoat Qrodjt AppmvaL Lender shall,if permitted by applicable law(including section 341(d)of
<br /> �'�`'��"r`�•�'J � the Ciams�C3ermain Depository Iastitutions Act of 1982,12 U.3.G 1701j-3(d))andwith tha prlox appraval
<br /> - _..'s�� of the Sectetary�require itnmediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Securlty Iluuument if:
<br />"°u��� y i All or�fATt of the ProTM or a beneflcial interesc in a uust ownin all or nart ai t6e Pro is sold
<br />—__.r ..,.=.-. �� C�' C_�+ g C ���
<br /> ---^A�i:
<br /> or otherwise transfened (other chan by devlsc or descent),and
<br /> s_.r,�,:,:.:�.s.,.:' (ti) 'Phe Property is not occupied by the purchaser or gantce as his or her principal nside�ce,or the
<br /> _;;�,'�';.�':` purchascr or grantee does so occupy tha Proper►y, but his or her credit has not been approval in
<br /> - P�•-� acoordance wIth the requicements of the Secretary.
<br /> �.::;�z.�..;�. ..
<br /> . a�• (c) No Waf�u. If circumscances occ�u that woutd permit l.ender to require immedlat�s payment in tull,but
<br /> . . Lender dces not require such payments,Lender does nat waive fts rig6ts with respcct to subsequent evenu.
<br /> � � (d) ReaW�tions of H[JD Sazetary. In many circumstanoes regulations issued by the Secretary wlll limit
<br /> -- � � Lender's rights,ia the case of payment defaults,to require immediate payment in full and foreclose if not paid.
<br /> ' This Secur[ty Instrument does aot auWorize acceleration or foreclosure if not permitted by regulations of the
<br /> - , Secretary �°
<br /> (e) Mat�e Not Insnrod. Borrower agrees that if this Securiry Insuument and the Notcs are not determined
<br /> ' to be eHgible for insurance under the National Hnusing Act withia 60 DAYS from the
<br /> date hereo�Lender may,at its option require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Secutlty
<br />' Instrumen� A written statement of any suthorized agent of the Secretary dated suDsequent to `
<br /> `"`� Rn nnv� fmm the dace hereof.decliaia¢to insure this Securltv Instrument aad the Note,shall be
<br /> -- _ -___ -- ----- - . .
<br /> deemed conclusive proof of such ineligibility. Notwithstanding the foregoing,this optlon may not ba exercised
<br /> by Lender when the unavailabWty of insuranoe is solely due to L.ender's failure to remlt a mortgage insurence =-_
<br /> " premium to Ws Secrctary. °==-
<br /> � NBBRA9KA-F1iA DBSD OF 1ItUST � --
<br /> : I n��,a•�,ud..u�o teoo�bai�ez Puge 3 of 6 ,
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