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<br /> `'. '
<br /> .t •:�1���.. . . . , � . �' ' f���:'- ,s / .
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<br /> 1Q Itcinatatca�ea� Bonower hus u rlght to bc rcipstated if Lc;ndor hu� rcquircd lmmedlutc paymcnt in full
<br /> bccausa of Bonowcr's fallurc to pay att umount duc undcr thc Notc or thls Sccurity Instroment. Thls right�►pplics
<br /> evea after fareclasurepracecdin�s are insUtuted.To reinstate tho Securlry Instrument,Borrower sdnll tender in a luinp
<br /> sum all amounts rcqulrcd to bNag�orrowcr'�ecaounc cunent includtn8,to td.^.cxt�nt thcy urc obligatlons of Borrowcr
<br /> under thls Securlty Instrumeat,foreclosurc costs and reasonabie nnd customary nttorneys'fces und expenses properly
<br /> asssociated wlth the torcclosure proceeding. Upon reinstetement by Bonower. this Securlty In.guument and tho
<br /> ob!lgatIons thac!t secures shnll remain in effect as if Lender had aot required immediatc payment in tull. However, �
<br /> L.ender Is not requircd ta permit reinstatemeat U: (i)Leader has aca:pted reinswt�mcnt atter�he wmmCn�tneitt uf ; �
<br /> fareclosure. proceediags within two years tmmedlately preoeding tha wmmencem@nt of u cunent foreclosure
<br /> procecding,(il)reinstatemont wW preclude forecloswe on different grouads in the future,ar(ifi)re[nstatcmcnt will
<br /> f'"°�� adverscly affect the priority of the lien creatcd by this Secutlty Instrurnen� �R
<br /> 11. Formwrr Not Re�eised; Fotbeuanx by Lcnder Not a Wai�cr. Extension of the time of. paymeat or O ��
<br /> i modipcation of amonlzadon of the sums securad by this Secudty In�uumonc granted by L.ender ta any suooe.5sor ln �F:,'`
<br /> ' interest of Bonower shall aot opc:rute to release the HabilIty of the odginal Bonower or Borrower's su��essors in � �,,;••
<br /> inter�G Lender shail not be requUed to commence proceedings agaisist any succ�sar in interest or refuse to cxtend N _
<br /> time for payment or othenvlse modify amortl�ation of the sums secured by this Secudty Instrument by reason of any � �'-
<br /> . demand made by the arigiaal Boaower or Borrower's successors In interest. Any forbearance by L,ender In e�cercising -`�
<br /> any right or remedy shfill not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise ot any right or remedy.
<br /> 12. Stioaasots aat 1�ssiam Bowd;Joint and S�eral Ilability;Cb-Sisoera. The covenants and agreements of this
<br /> • �� SecurIty Instrument shaU bind and beneflt thc sucoessors and assigns or Leader and Borrower,subject to the provlsIons �
<br /> � • of paragraph 9(b). Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be joint and several. Any Bo+nower wha oo-sIgas thls =
<br /> �� .� Security Insuument but does not execute che Note:(a)is oo-signing tbis Security Insuument only to mortgage,gi�nnt -
<br /> ' . and coavey that Bonower's interest in the Property uadcr thc terms of this Securlty Instrumeat;(b)is not persoaally -
<br /> obl{gated to pay the sums secured by this SecurIry Instrument;and(c)agrees that I.ender and aay oWer Bonower may
<br /> � ��. �i agree to extend,raodify, torbear or make any aroommodations vdth regard to the ternu of this Secur[ty Insuumeat or _
<br /> � ' °� the Note wIthout thac Bonower's consen�
<br /> 13. Not�oes. Any notice to Boaower provided for in this Secudty Jnsuument shall be gIven by delivering it or �
<br /> �, by mailing it by fust class muil ualess applIpble law requlres use of another method. The notice shall be directed to -_
<br /> the Property Address or any other address Bonower designates by noUoe to Lender.Any notice to L.ender shall be =-
<br /> given by first class mail to Lender's address stated hereia or any address Lender designates by notice to Boaower.Any ��:
<br /> ,�s � notice provided for in this Security Iasuument shall be deemed to have been given to Bonower or Lender when glven =
<br /> � : , `_ � as provlded in this paragraph. -
<br /> . 14. CiaMernieb Lnv;Sav�er�bllity. This Securiry Insuument shall bc govemed by federal law and the law of the
<br /> jurisdiction in whic�the Properiy is locatecl. In the event that any provlsion or clause of this Secnrity Insuument or
<br /> the Note conflicts wlth appllcable law,such conflict shall aot affect ot6er provisions of this SecurIty Instrument or the
<br /> • Note which can be givea effr,ct wlthaut the confUcting provision. To this end the provisions of this Secudty Instrument
<br /> . ' and the Note are dectared to be asverable.
<br />- . . 15. Bortio�e�z Copy. Bormwer shall be glvan one conformed copy of the Note aad of this Securlry Instrumen�
<br /> 16� Haacdoas 8ubsqnoea. Bonower shall not cause or permit the presence,use,disposal.storage,or release of
<br /> � any Huzardous Sui�stanoes on or ia We Propeny. Borrower shaU nat do, nor allow anyoae else to do� anything
<br /> ' atTectiag the Properry that is in vlolatton of any Environmental Law. 'I�e preceding two senteaces shall not apply to
<br /> .. the presence,use,or storage on the Property of small quantities of Haz�rdous Substances that are generelly teoogaized
<br />�_ ''" �_ to be appropriate to normal residential u.�es and to maintenance of the Property.
<br />_--._-„t�.�•,�. � Banower shall promptly give 1.,eader written noUce of any invesdgation,ctaim�demand,lawsuit or other action
<br /> ��-,i---• �;�•� by aay governmeatal or regulatory agency or privato pany involving t6o Propetty aad any Hazatdous Substanoe or
<br /> �'•���� � Environmental Law of which Borrower 6as actual knowledge. If Borrower learns,or is notiHed by any governmental
<br />�•:
<br /> .;•,., •r:�`
<br />= or regulatory auWorlry, tdat any removal or other remediatton of any Ha�rdous Substanoes aff'ecting the Property Ls
<br /> -��,.�.;�.w. necessary,Borrower ahall promptly take aU necessary remedial actions in accordanoe with Envitronmentsil Iaw.
<br /> � ' As used in thts paragraph 16,'Hezardaus Substances"are Wose substances deHned as tox[c or hazardous substances
<br />'.°'}� � ' by Env[ronmeatal Law and the following substances: gasoline�kerosene,other flammable or toxtc pevoleum products�
<br />�--. .,�•~.,..::.
<br /> aL�r�;w. � toxle pestIcides aad herblcides,volatile solveats. materIals wntaiaing asbestos or formaldehyde. and radioactive
<br />_'����4'������� materials. As a5ed in tbis paragraph 16,"Environmentat Law"means federal laws and laws of the jurlsdictton where �
<br />�J��...:.,,
<br /> r :..�,�}., che Property is locxsted that reiate to health.safety or environmental protectioa
<br /> ria:.:' ._
<br /> � NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bortower and Lender fiuther covenaat and agree as follows: _
<br />- .�;�<, 17. Aasianment of Reats. Barrower unconditionally assigns and uansfers to Lender all the rents and revenues
<br />�. i; � of the Properiy. Bonower suthor[zes Lender or Lender's agents to oollect the rents and reveaues and b.ereby directs
<br /> each tenant of the Properry to pay the rents to Lender or L.ender's agents. HowevEr,prior to Lender's nadoe to
<br />_ � Borrower of Bormwer's breach of an y cov e n a n t n r a g r e e m e n t i n t h e S o�u r E ry t o s t r u men t,B ortower s t t a l l oo llec t an d =
<br /> receive all rcnts aad ravenues of We Properiy as tnutee for tho bene6t of Lender and Bomower. This assigameat of �-- _ .
<br />�• �; � reats wnstitutes aa absolute aeslgnment and not an assignment for ad�itional security only. _
<br />-� , { If Lender gives notice of bre�ch to Borrower: (a)aU rents received by Horrower s�all be held by Borrower as �
<br />' , � trostee for bene8t of Lender only,to be applied to the sums secured by tlne Security Insuumenr(b)Lender shall be
<br />- � entitled to cotlect and reoeive all of the rents of the Property;and(c)each tenant of the Property shall pay all rcnts --
<br /> � due and unpaid to Lender or Lender's agent on Lender's written demand to the tenan� _
<br /> sorrower has not executed aay prior assignment of tho rents and ha�not and wIll not perform any act that would =��-
<br /> revent Lender from exercisin lts ri ts under this ara h 17. ��'"� '
<br /> , P 8 8h P 8�P c.�._
<br /> Lender shall not be required to cater upon,take oonuol of or maintain the Properry before or afcer giving notice ��::-
<br />_ , of breach to Borrower. However, Lender or a judiclaUy appointed receiver may do so at any time Were is a breach. !�:.-
<br /> �
<br /> :�':'
<br />— � � NBBRASKA-PNA DBEA OPTRlJ3f � •---
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