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<br /> BORROWER COVENANTS c�at Boreower is lawfully ar.ised ot the estate dereby conveyc.�l und hes the tight to
<br /> grunt end convey the Properry and tbat the Property is wtencumbered,uccept for encum�br�nccs of rcwrd. Harr�wer
<br /> wanants and wlll dcfend gencrally the title to the Properry against all clalms and demunds,subJccc ta uny encumbrances
<br /> oP rcoord. -
<br /> THI5 SECURIT1t 1NS'I'RUMENT wmbiaes uniform covcnan�s far national use and non•unifotm u�vcnunis with
<br /> llntited var�adons by JurLsdicilon to cansdtute a uniform security ins�n►ment wvedng rwl propeny. �
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bonowcr and L,cndcr covenaat and agrcc es tollows: � �
<br /> 1. ��t o�p������Lte(�rEe, Borrowor shaU pay when due the principnl of,aad interest � .
<br /> ..� oa�the debt evidenced by We Nate and late char�es due und�r the Note. ent, �-''
<br /> ._... -^* 2. Mc�nthly Pryment of'11�.Im�nsauoe.and aher C�SS� Borrower shall includc in each monthlY PaYm .-
<br /> togeWer with the princllfal and Interest as set fonh ia the Note and any late charges.a sum for(a) texes and spcctal
<br /> asscssments levied or to be levied against the Property.(b)leasehold payments or ground rents on the Property,and
<br /> (c) premiums for Insurance requlred under paragraph 4. Ia any year in WhI�h �e �nder mu5t pay a monguge
<br /> insurance premium to the Secretary oP Housing and Urban D�welopment("Secre:ary")�or in any year L►which such y
<br /> premium would have been required if Lender still held the Securiry Instrument,each monthly payment shall also �-
<br /> include either:(i)a sum for the annuel mongage iasurana premium to be paid by Lender to the Secretary,or (ii)a =
<br /> �� monthly charga instead of a mortgage insurance premium 1P thls Security Insuument is held by the 5ectetary,in a
<br /> �• reasonable amount to be detern�ined by the 5ecretary. Fxcept for the monchly charge by the Secretary,these items
<br /> ure called"Escrow Items"sud the sums paid to L.ender are called 'Escrow Funds" � _
<br /> � Lender may,at any time,coAect and hold amounts for Esaow Items in aa aggregate amount not to exceed the _
<br /> me�dmum amount that may be required for Borcower's esaow accouat uncer the Real Fstate Settlement Procedures
<br /> Act of 1974,12 U.S.C.2601 et seg.and implementing regulations,lA CFK Part 3500,as they maY be amended from e
<br /> time to tlme("RFSPA"),except that the cushion or resern pennitted by RESPA for unanticipated disbu�ments or
<br />_ .��, disbursements before the$orrower's payments are available in the account may not be based on amouats due for the C._
<br /> mongage insurance ptemlum. :,:.-
<br /> If the amounts held by Lender for Fscrow Items eaccexd the amawits Parm�tted to be held by RESPA,Lender shall
<br /> account tu Borrower for the cxcess funds as reQuired by RFSPA. If the amounts of func�s he�by Lender at aay Wne _
<br /> are not sufBcient to pay the Escraw Items when due, Lender may notify the Borrowsr and require Borrower to mnke
<br /> up the shortage as permitted by RESPA.
<br /> -----=— Tnc E;r:r��F'uitds�gtaclge:!ns ad�i!i�na��e.curity for all sums secured by this Securlry Instrumen� If Borrower
<br /> tenders to Lender the fuU payment of all such sums, Borcower's acaount sball be crediced with the baiance rem�'°�°!�
<br /> for all instaUment items(a),(b),and(c)and aay mortgage Insurance premium installntent that I.ender has aot become
<br />: obligated to pay to the Secretary�and Lender shall promptly refund any excess funds to Borrower. Icamediauly prior
<br />=�••� � '�'-� to a foteclosure sale of the Property or its acquLsition by Leader,Borrower's account shaU be credited with ai►y balance
<br />;;y..•� . . remainin�for all instaUments for iteans(a),(b),and(c).
<br />� :�i_. ; � g, q�plkatbn of prymeatt. All payments under pazagtaPl�s 1 and 2 shall be applied by Lender as foUows:
<br />_�.., ,.,:i:;� FIRST,to the mortgage insurance premium to be paid by Lender ta the Secretary or to tha monthly charge by the
<br /> T_,�,.,�.�,h S e c retary i n s tea d o f t h e m o n t W y m o rt g a g e i n s u r a n c e p r e m i u m;
<br /> '' •�-�� �� SECOND.to any taxes.speciul assessments,leasehold payments or ground rents,and flre,flood and otlter hewcd
<br />"�;,_:,'; `"�:M' insuraaoe premiums�as required;
<br /> _ ..r_<,.
<br /> --._:,��-�:�•• HI D to interest due under the Note;
<br />_, _ .o-lti...
<br /> --_;:-��_.i�; . �OURTH,to amorHzation of the princlpal of the Note;end
<br />�'�%?�'"itt'� FIFI'H'to late chatges due under We Note.
<br />�_���A,��� ,�, p�i�oo�i and ptLer Haard Intuianoo„ Borrower shall insure aU improvements on the Propetty�whether
<br /> ��"-`F now in eadstenoe or subsequeatly erected,against anY hamrcls�cas�altles+and contingenc[es,including&e�for whir,h
<br /> y.'a!:�
<br />�,•���Y I.ender requires insurai►ce. 'li�s insurance shall be md°tai°ed in the amaunts and for the pedods that Leader
<br />�. � ,. r�q��s, Bornnyer sha11 also insure all improvements oa the Property�whether aow in eudsunce or subsequently
<br /> ==��=`����� . erected,against loss by floods to the extent reqoired by the Secrewry. All insurance sha111,e carded v"ith aompanies
<br /> �"'��-�L=_,=.--�� approved by Lender. 'I'he insurance po l i c les an d any re a e w a l s s l i a ll b e h e l d b y L ender and shall include loss payable
<br />_;�,���� clauses in favor of�and in a form aoceptable to,Lender.
<br /> _ -__:,,,, In the event of loss,Borrower shall g[ve Leuder lmmediate notioo by ma�l. Lender may make proof of loss if not
<br />�.��.r�:� .
<br /> .--, �-r_: made promptly by Borrower. Each insurance oompaay aoncerned is hereby sutharized and directed to make puyment
<br />:.v:�.l::..;?•;�; for such loss directly to Lender, instead of to Borrower and to Lender jointly. All or any par�of tha insurance
<br />_=''"""' " prooeafs may be applied by Lender,at its opHon,either(a)to the reductIon of the indebtednes�under tho Note and
<br />__��� � -� this Security Instrument,Srst to any delinquent amounts applled in the order in pataBra�p�on of�e n to�to the
<br />- of princtpal� �r(b)to the restoration or repair of the damaged Property. Any app P
<br />_ principal shaU not extend or postpone the due date of the monthly payments which are refened to in parag[aph 2,or
<br /> :; change the amount of such gayments. Aay excess insurance prooeecls rn'er an amount requtred to pay all outstanding
<br />-- ; ' indebtedness under the Note and this Security Insuumeut shall be paid to the eadty legally entitlai thereto.
<br />__ € In the event of foreclosure of this Sec.vrlry insuument or other transfer of tide ta the Properry d►at e,xtinguishes
<br />=. the indebtedness. all dghb tiug end interest of Borrower in and to insurance policies in force shell pass to tha
<br /> . . purchaser. _
<br />- :....:
<br /> �� ..,o�'"•" � _5. Oocapa�.y. Pr�ae.�v=tto4 Maint�eaanoe and Protection ot the Propa'tSr Borro�rer's I�aa APp�d'�+
<br /> - *- --�._� o...�.....e.ef.ett tivn�nv acfnfil�ch ana uce tne Pronertv as Borrower's priucipal residenoe within sixry days
<br /> . �-—°------- , — yG�Gwsw�e. arvas.ivv.o..w...�..PJr------"'-- - -
<br />' after the execudon of this Secudry Instrument(or witLin sixry days of a later sale or transfer of the Propeny)and shau _
<br /> - . continue to occupy the Property as Bottower's principal residence for at least one year after the date of oocupanry.
<br /> � ; uNess L.endcr deterniines that requirement wiU cause undue hardship for Borrower, or unless oxtenuating __
<br /> circumstances ex(st which are beyond Borrower's control. Borrower shall notify Lender of any extenuating
<br />� NHSRASKA-b7iA DHBD OF 1Ri1Sl' � _
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