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201207691 <br /> eontinue ko pay to Lender the amoimt of the eeperetely designnted payments that were due whan the <br /> insw�uice covere�ge ceased to be�in affect. Lender will accept, use and reYain tliese pa�yments as a <br /> non-refundable loss reserve in 1ieu of Mort�abe Insurance. S�ich loss rescrve shall bo non-refwtdable, <br /> notwithsC�nding the PaeC thaC the Loa��is �ilfiv�nCely paid in full, and Lender shall not be raqtured to pay <br /> Borrower�ny interest or earnings on such lose reserva. Lander caai no longer requi�•e loss reserve payments <br /> if Mortgage Insurance cove�'a�e(in tl�e a�nomiY end for thc period tl�at Lender cequires)provided by�an <br /> insurcr scloetad by Lcndcr again becomcs �ivailablc, is o6fairted, and Iznder reqitires separ�tclq dceignated <br /> payn�e�itQ towa�-cl the premiuma far Mortgage Inscu•auce. If Lender required Morlgage Insur�uice as n <br /> condition of mnking the Loan and Borrower wes required to make separutely deaignnteci pa�ymenYs toward tha <br /> premituns for Mortgage Iustuance, Borrower shnll pay the premiums required to maintain Mortgage <br /> lns�u•aisce in eFFect, or�o provide a nou-ref�ndable loss reserve, until Lender's requirement fox Mortgage <br /> Ivsurnnce ends 'vi nccor�lnnce with any written agreement Uetween Borrower And Lender providing f'or such <br /> tiennination oc uutil tennina�tion is required by Applicab]e I,aw. Nothing in tlris Section 10 affects <br /> }3orrower's obligation fo pay intcrest ati tihc rdtc provided in Che NoCe, <br /> Mortgage fnsurance i•eimbtiirses Lendcr (or any enri4y Shalpurchases lhe Note) Por certain losses iC may inour <br /> if Borrower cloea noi repay che Loan as agceed. Borrower is not a p�ury to the Moxtgage T�ism�nnce. <br /> Mortgag�insurers cvaluaCc their t�otal risk on all such insurance in foxee fi•om time to tiine, And may enter <br /> inCo agreemenls with other pnrties that share or modify their rislc, or reduce losses. These agreemeuts aze on <br /> terms and conditions that aze satisfaaCoiy Yo the morCgage insu�er and Uie other paety(or paaties)to thesa <br /> agreeinants. These agreements ma�y reqnire tlie mortg�go iiisurcr to rnakc pa}nncttfs using any so�ircc of funds <br /> that the mortgage insurer inay havo nv�ilable(which inny inolnde fimcls obtained from Moxtgage I�isurance <br /> piemiinx�s). <br /> As a resull of thesc agreeinents, Lender, azry purchaser of the Note, aiiother insurec, nny reinsurer, uiy other <br /> entity, or any�affiliate oF any of the foregoing�, may receive(directly or indirectly) amomits that derive from <br /> (or nvghti Ue characterized as) a portion o�F Borrower's paymante for MorCgage H2sur�noe, in exchange for <br /> eharing or n�odifyin�tl�e mor�gage insnrer's risk, or reducing lo5ses. If suc11 agreemeuY provides that an <br /> aPflliaCe of Lender talces n share of the ineurer's riak in excl�ange for a sl�aa'e of'Uie premiuins paid Yo tl�e <br /> nism•er, the arrtuigemenE is o�ften Yermed"captive reinstivance." I�tiukher; <br /> (a) Any sucli agreemeiits will not affect the xmotmt8 thnt Borrower lins agreecl to pny for D'Iorignge <br /> Insurnnce; or auy oCl�er Certrre of the Loan. 5nch agrecm¢nts will not iucroaec Ihc arnonnt <br /> Borrower will owe for MorCgage Insurnncc, nvd they will not enkitle Rurruwer to xny refund, <br /> (b) Any such agreements wlll not nffeet thc rights Borz•ower has -if any- rvith respect tu the <br /> Mortgaec Inam•ance mider the Hmneownecs Yroteclim�AcC rvF 1998 or any oll�er Inw. 'I7iese rigl�ts <br /> inny iiiclade the riglit Co receive cef�[niu disclosures, to reqnest aud obtain canecilation of tlic <br /> Mortgo-ig¢Hianrance, to Ylte Mortgnge Inaur:�nce terininated ��nt�om.�kicnlly, and/ur to �-2ceive <br /> a rcfund of nuy Mortgnge Lism•ance premiums fhat were onearued aC ll�e fi�ue of sncli <br /> csu�cellafion ur kerminxGon. <br /> 71. Assignment of M iSCellAneous Proceeds; ForFeiture. All Miscellaneous Proceeds nre hereUy 2ssigned to <br /> and eliall be paid to I.ender. <br /> If'the 1'ro�etly is ck�maged, sLid1 Miswllancous Proceeds shall be applied to i�estor�ttion or repaix oPt1�e <br /> R'ope��ty, if thc ractor�tion or repair is ecouomicttlly feasible and Lender's securiCy is noC lessened. Durin�; <br /> auch xepair and restiora�tion period, Le,��der sha11 have the iight to hold such Misccllancous Procecds �mtil <br /> Lendar has had an opportunify to inspcct such Properfy Co ensnre the work has been con�leted to Lender's <br /> f znooizsn <br /> NE6RA51(�-Single Famlly-Fnnnis MaelFredtlle Mao UMIFORM WSl'RUM tN'I' Form 3020 7(07 <br /> vMP� v�nPe(Ne��t�on� <br /> Wolters IUuwar f-inanclal Servlcea Page 9 of 1'! <br />