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201207691 <br /> for thc repairs and sestoration in a single payment or in a sericu of prc�gecss paymenCs aa lhe work is <br /> oon7pleted. Tf the insurazica or condemnation procecds are not suffioient to repair or restore the Property, <br /> Borrower is not relievad of 13orrower'� obligatiou for the coinplation of such repaie or restoralion, <br /> Lender or iYe agent may mak�rc:asonable entries upon and inspections oP the Property. If'rt has rca�onaUle <br /> cause, l.endcr may inepec;C ehe inEerior of the irnprovemenks on the Property. Lcncicr sh2ll give Borrower <br /> noticc at tihe time of or pxior to such an intierior inepection epecifying such renaonel�le cause. <br /> 8. Borrower's Loan Application. Borrower ahall ba in defanit if, c3uring tho Loan a�lication prooesa, <br /> I�orrowor or any persons or entities acting at the directio�T of Borrowar or with Borrower's knowledge or <br /> conscnt gave malerially Felae, misleading, or 'v�accurate information ar statements to Lender(or failed to <br /> provide Lender�+✓ith matcrial informaCion) in oomiection with tl�e T.oan. ,M�torial represe�iCatione include, buti <br /> ara not limited Yo, representntiona costceruing Borrower's oocupancy oP I:he Property as Borrower's principal <br /> residence. <br /> 9. Protection of L.ender's Interest in the Property and Rights Under this Security Instrwnent. If(a) <br /> Borrower fails to paitor�n the covcnants and agreements conCauied in Uiis Secui9ty B�sli�umenti, (b)there is n <br /> legel proceeding tl�at mighC signiflcnntly afPeck La�ider'e interest in thc Property and/or rights tmder tihis <br /> Securitq InslriunenC(such as a prooeeding iu baukruptcy,prob�te, for condemnation or forfeiture, for <br /> e��forccn�ent of a lien which may attain priority ovcr fhis Security Ins�t�ument or to enforce 1aws ur <br /> regulnLions), or(c) Rorrower hay abandoucd'Che Praperty, Yhen Lender may do and pag for whatever is <br /> reesonable ora�ppropriate to protecL Lender's niterest in U�e'Property ancl righCs under thia Security <br /> IlisCrument, including prolecting ancVor assaesing Che va1uc of the Pro1�erLy, and eecuring and/or repa.iring <br /> tl�c Property, Lender's actions can uiclude, but arc noC limitzd to: (n) paying uiy swns securai by a lien <br /> wluch has priority over tivs Se<urity Iiiehnunent; (b) appeacing in cotiut; a��d(c)paying renson�le�Ltorneys' <br /> fees Co protect its interc;st in Che ProperLy end/or rightis undcr this Secui'ity Inahvmant, ineluding iEs secured <br /> positinn in a bnnlaliptcy proeeeding. Securing the Property incfides, but is not lnnited to, entcring tl�e <br /> Ptroperty to mnke repairs, chan{;e 1oc1cs, repinee or boArd up doors tuid wtndows, dr�tin tvaier froixi pipes, <br /> eliminatie building or other code violations or d�uigerous conditions, and have uCiliCies firned on or off, <br /> Althougl� l.endcr may l�ilce�etion under tlus Sectiion 9, Lendcr does noti have to do so nnd is not nnder a�iy <br /> duty or obligation to do sa It is �greed t7�at I,e��der incnr�s no liflbility for not t�tking any or all actione <br /> authorized ander Chis Scction). <br /> fuiy au�otimte disbi�rsed by Lender undar th�s Seetion 9 61�a11 become addilionttl debt of Borrower sectu�ed by <br /> fhis Secnrity Inshument. These amowits shall boas intetest et the NoYe rate �Prom the date of disbGn'se�nenC <br /> and shall Ue payaUle, with suoh intrn�esf, upon notice Proin Lender to T�orrowcr requc:eting pn}nnent. <br /> I£this Security Instriwlent in on a Ica�sehold, Borrower shall coinply witli a17 tl�c provisiona of the lepse. If <br /> Bon�owe�' acquires fez Citle to khe Property, tihe leaseho1ci and d�e Cec �itle shall not merg�e unless Lender <br /> agt�ccs Co [he merger in writing. <br /> 10. M ortgage InsuranCe. If I,ender requircd 1Vlortgage Insm�tmoe as a conditioti of mal<ing Ihe Loaai, Borrower <br /> shAll pay the pre�niun�s rccluired fo in�intain the Mortiga��e lnsur�nce in cffect. IP, �Por any raason, the <br /> Mortgagc Insiu<uice cover�tge required by Lender ceases to be available from the mortigz�ge insurer Uiat <br /> previoiisly provided suoh insw�ance a�id Rorrower w2s teqliiced tq make sepacately desigi�atcd paymonts <br /> towtud Yhe prenvuins for Mortgage Insiunnoe, Bortower sha11 pay fhe premiLnns rcquired to obtain coverage <br /> stibstantia1ly eqiuv�lenC Co Lhe Mortgage Insurance previously in ofCcct, aC a cos[snbstautiTlly equivalent to <br /> the cosC to Borrower of tha Moitgage 7nuurancc prcviously in ef£ect, from ui alteruate mortgage inetiir�r <br /> selected by Lender. I,f substautially equivalent Martgege Insm�ance coveraga is not avail2ble, Borrower shell <br /> - —�—� --- ---- zaaotzsn <br /> NERRASKA-Singlo Famlly-Faimle Mae/Predtlie Mac UNIFONM INSTRUMENT Form 3098 1/ttt <br /> VP9 P OO Vbl Ps(N E)(1 105) <br /> lNoltere ICluwer financial SerNcea Pa9P����� <br />