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201207691 <br /> snCisfaclion, provided LhaC suol�i inspeelion shall be undertakei�i promplly. Lencior may��tty for the repaire <br /> and restoration in a shigle disbwsement or in a series oFprogress pzyinents as the work is completed. <br /> Unless an agreement i5 made in writing or ApplicaUle Law requires interest to be paid on such <br /> n2iscellaneous Proceecis, Lendex shall not 6e required to pay Borrower 1ny intere.sC or eai7�ings on such <br /> Miscellaneous Pt•oceerls. If the restarakion or repair is noY economictilly feaeible ox 1 euder`s security would <br /> be lesaeiied, fhe Miseellaneous Proceeds shall be applied to the sans secured by tlns SecuriEy Instrmnent, <br /> whethar or not thev due, with the excese, if any, paid to Rorrower. Snch Miscellaneous Proceeds sha11 be <br /> applied in the oider providcd for in Section 2. <br /> In Uie event of a total taking, destruction, or ]oss in vahie of the Property, tbe Miscellaneou5 Proceeds shall <br /> be appliod t�tho sums seeural by this Sa;urity BisfrumenC, whefher or noC tlien diie, with the exoes, iP nny, <br /> pvd to Borrower. <br /> In the event of a partial taknig, desf�uction, or loss in value of the Property iix which the Fair market velue of <br /> Uie Peoperty iimnediately beforo tl�e par�tia1 faldng, dest��iu;tion, or loes in valuo is equal ko or grca.fcr than fhc <br /> amowit of the smns securecl6y This Securi6y Inshument immedietely before the paxfial taldng, destruction, ox <br /> loss in value, unless Boxxower and Lender otherwise agree in writii2g, the swns sectued by this Sscurity <br /> Zttstrument sha11 be reduced by Yhe amouut of the Miscellaneons Proceeds Anultiplied Uy flie followin� <br /> $�action: (a) the total ainowif of the sums sectiued iunnediatcly bcForc tl�e partial taking d��str uotion, or ]oss <br /> in value�c1ivided by(b}the fair markct value of thc Proper�y imn�ediately 6efore lhe parCial talring, <br /> dcsh uction, ox loas in val�ie. Any balanoe shall be paid to Borrower. <br /> in tho euent of a partial t�king, cie.gtruction, or loss in vnlue of the Proper[y in whioh the fttir markat valua of <br /> the Propexty inunedintely before the pu'tial tialcing, destructlon, or loss in value is less fl�an the vnount of the <br /> swns seaured fmmecliately liefoxe the partial taking, dcsiruction, or loss in value, unless Borrower and <br /> Lciidcr c�thcrwise agrec in wrilirig, the Miscellaneous Proeeeda eha11 be applied fo ttie sums secw ed Uy this <br /> Security Snatrnment whether or not the smns are flien due. <br /> IP�he Pro�er6y is abandoned by Borrower, or if, a8er notiee Uy Lender to Borrower Uiat the Opposing Parry <br /> (ns elefined in the next senYonce) oflars to inake an award to settic a claim for damagos, Borrowcr faile tio <br /> respond to Lendar wiEhin 30 daye after the dato th�nG>fice is given, I,ender is auChori�ed Co colleot and npply <br /> the Miscellaneous Prc�cceclv cithor to restorn�iou or repair of the Property or to the eums secured by tUis <br /> Security Snstrument, whefher or noti then due. °Oppbsing Yttrty" inoaun thc tltird�aarty tl��t owcs Borrower <br /> &Iiscellaneotiis Proceeds or tl�c party against whoin Borrower has a right of acPiou in regeid to Miscellaneous <br /> Yrocecds. <br /> Borrower shall I�e in defnulC if any action or prooeecling, whether civil or criininal, is begtw that, in l,ender'a <br /> judgment, conld result in forf'eiture of Yhe Property a�other mhtcria1 impairmcnt of Lcndc�'s inteeest in fhe <br /> Pro�erty ox riglrts wider tl�is Security [nstrumalt. 13oxrower e�n oure auch a deFault and, if nceeleratiou hes <br /> occurred, reu�state as provide,d in Secfion 19, by causing the action or proceeding to be dismissed with a <br /> rul'rng that, in Lender'�jucigment, precludes forFeit�o oP the Property or oUier matexial impairment of <br /> Lender's interest in the Propert,y or rig�htis under this Security Jnsn'tunent. "L1�e proceeds �f any award or <br /> elaim for daznages t1i�ti aae attriUutable to the impairn�ont of Lendsr's inCeresC in the Properly are hereby <br /> assigned mnd s1�all l�o puid to Leiider. <br /> All Miscell�tnco�u Yroceccls ChaC are not applied to restorallon or rep�ir oF the Property slinll be nppfled in the <br /> ordec provided for in Seotion 2. <br /> �—J 24001254 <br /> NEBRASICASingle Femily-Fennle MaelFreddle Mac uNIFORM IN3TRl1MENT Form 3�28 1107 <br /> VM P� VM PA(NEI(1105� <br /> Wollers Kluwer Plnandal 6ervicee Puga f0 of 1 <br />