<br /> Any�7�lication uf��aym�nts, insurauee proeeecls, or Miscellaneous Proeeecls fo principal due under Ihe NoCe
<br /> shn11 nnt e�tend or postpone ktie due date, ar ehange Yhe amount, oP the Periodic Payments.
<br /> 3. lluids for�ecirow Items. Boirower shall pay to Lender on the day Periodic Payments are due under the
<br /> Note, unYil tl�e Note is paid in full, a smn((he "Fuuds")to provide for payinent of'ainomits due ibr: (a)taxes
<br /> and assessinents and other items whieh oan attain pri�rity nvor tihis Security Tnstnunont as a]icn�or
<br /> enoumbraucc on thc Property; (b)]easehold payments or ground rents on the Property, if any; (c)pxenuums
<br /> for any and all iveurance reqlured by Lender under Section 5; and (d) MarCgAge Insurnnce prerniums, if nny,
<br /> or any sums payable by Bonrower to Lender in lieix of'tha payinanE of MorCgage Insur�uica premiiuns in
<br /> nccardanoe with the provisioas of Sectio�n 10. These iteme are culled "P,sorow Items." At originakron or at
<br /> any time during tl�e term of flie Loui, Lender may rcquire ThaP�Con�miunity Associat�ion Dues, Fees, uul
<br /> Assessmeucs, if�uiy, be esorowed by Borrower, and sucli dues, fees azid assessmenta shn11 Ue 4n F.scrow
<br /> Item. Borrower ahall prompEly furnish to T.ender a71 noticos of am��urt4ti fu bo pai�i undcr this Section.
<br /> I3orrower shall pay l.endcr thc N'utids for Lscrow Ifems iuileas Lender waives Borrower's obli��tion to pay
<br /> the A'unde for eny or all�scrow Iten�s. Lender may waive Borrower's obligation to pay to Lencler Fwids For
<br /> nny or nll 8scrow Itetns at any time. Any snch waiver may only be in writing. ln the eveut of sud�waivcr,
<br /> Borrower sh<�ll pay directily, wlxen aaid wl�ere payable, tl�o amounts diu:foe any�scrow Itcros �Por wtuch
<br /> payment o1'Fuaids h�.s been waived Uy Lencicr tu�cl, if Leucier reqnires, shall furuish to Lender receipts
<br /> evidencing sLich payincnt wiChin euch tiv�e period es Leuder may require. Barrower's obligaYion to malce
<br /> sucl�paymenle and to provide receipts shell for all purposes be deemed ta Ue�covenant aAid�gta�qtc��t
<br /> conttiined in this Security Histrutncnti, as tihe pin�a�e "covenant and ngrcenTcnt" is uscd ii�i Scclron 9. If
<br /> Aorxower is oUligated to pay HFcrow ltcros eiireotly, pursLulnt tio n wniver, and Borrower faile to pay the
<br /> amnunt d�te for an L+scrow Itiem, Lender map exeroise its rights under Section 9 and pay sudi amoLmt and
<br /> I3orrower shall Hien be obliga�ted under SecCion�J fo repay to Lender any sucl� amounti, Londun'inay revolce
<br /> tlie waiver as to a�ry m�all NscroW ltoms aC any tin2e by ti notioe given in flecorclance with Section 15 and,
<br /> upon such rovoca�ion, Borrowex ah211 pny to Lendet•All Funds, aaid in suoh ainounts, Ehat are til�eu rec�uired
<br /> under Chis Seerion 3.
<br /> Lender niay, nC any tin2e, collect nnd hold Pnnds in an ainounti(a) sufficient to pennit 1 snde��to apply tl�c
<br /> Punds at the Hme specified tuider 12�SPA, and(b)uot to�exceed the tnauimum amount a lcnder can requixe
<br /> undar R�SPA. Lender shall estimate tl�e umount nC Ftmcis due on the Uasis of enxrent da[a and reasonable
<br /> eaCimahes of expenditures of future Escrow Ikems or otlierwise in accordEtnce tvith Applic;aUlo Law.
<br /> The P'imds s1u211 be held in an inet4tution whose deposits are insnred by a federal age�icy, instr nmciiYality, or
<br /> entity(including Lender, i£Lender is an instihdion whose deposiL'a are so insm�eci) or in any Federnl IIon�e
<br /> i,oan Rnnk. I.ender shall apply the Funds to pay [Iie Escrow Items no later than Yhe time specified undar
<br /> RI3SPA. Le�idec sha11 not char�e Borrower Por holding and applying the Fmids, umually analyzing tl�e
<br /> escrow eceotin�rt, or vecifying Yhe P,socow Items, timless Lcnder pays B�rrower intcrest on khn Funds �ticl
<br /> ApplicaUle Lnw pennits l,ender to malce suel� a charge. Unless an agreement ia ntecie in v✓riting or
<br /> ApplicaUle T aw requires intcresC to be paid on the Pmids, Lender ehnll not be required to pay Borrower aary
<br /> infc;rest or c<�rnings on �lie I'uncis. Borrowet aud Lender cau agree in writiing, howevar, Y1iat iuTarest sha11 be
<br /> paid on the Puncls. Lender shall give to Borrower, wifhout chatge, an annual aoeounting of the Pimcis as
<br /> cequired Uy It�SPA.
<br /> IP thera is a smplus of runds held in c,;crow, as de6ned xmder KLSPA, Lender ehall acoount to Borrower for
<br /> the cxcass fmids in accordanoe with RESPA, If there is a shortage of Fwids held in escrow, �ts defined under
<br /> RESPA, LenAer ehall notiiy Barrower as required by RF,SPA, and Borr�wcr shall pay to Londcr Che ainounf
<br /> necessarq to make up the Yhortaigc in accordance with RLSPA, 6tiiC in no more than 12 montkily payments. If
<br /> tY�or e is�dcficiency oP Funcis helcl in escrow, �a defined under RE,SPA, Lender shall notif'y Borrower as
<br /> 24001284
<br /> NE[iR A�SKA-Single Famlly-Fannle Mea7Froddle Muo UNIFORM INSTRUMGNT VMP�(N2)(1106a
<br /> Woltaro Kluwar Flnanclal Sorvioes Pegs5 of 1�
<br />