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201207691 <br /> BORROV��LR COVLNANT3 ftiat Borrower is lawlully setsed of Y1ie estake hereby conveyeci and has the right to <br /> ��ant and convey the Property�nd Chat Lhe ProperCy is unciiuumbered, except for encuinbrances of reoord. <br /> Borrowcr warr�nts and will de�feud generally the title to the ProperCy ag�insC all claims and elemands, subject to <br /> any encLrmbrances of rer ord, <br /> TIIIS SL�CiJRITY iNS'I'IZUMNN7 comUines tmiiorm covenauCs for national usa and non-uniform covenauts with <br /> limited vnria�ions by juriediotiou to condfitutc a miiform secm�ity inst��mnent covering r�l property, <br /> Uniform Covenants. Borrower najd I,ender covenant aud agree as follows: <br /> 1. Payment of Frincipal, Interest, Escrow IYems, Prepayment Charges, and Late Charges. Borro�ver <br /> ahall pay when due 11ie princilaa] of, and interest on, Y1�e deUt evidenced by the Note nncl zny prepaymc��t <br /> cHarges and late charges due under flie Noke. Borrower ehall also pay funcie Por Nsorow Items pwsuant to <br /> SeoEion 3. PuyinonGs due midor the Note and tl�is Seetu'tty Instiumenti sliell Ue n�ade in U.S, cLu•rcncy. <br /> However, if any checic or o4her ins6rument rcccivcd hy Lender as payment under the Note or thie Securily <br /> Instrwnent is returned to Lencler unpaid, Lender may reqnire that any ur all subsequent payments due under <br /> the Note anci this Security InstrmuenC Ue m2de in one or more of che following forms, xn velected by Lender: <br /> (a) casl�; (h)snoney ordet; (c) certified clieolc, bai�lc check, Y�eaeurer's cheek or cashier's choal<, provided any <br /> such check is dra�vn upou zn iilstitution wltose deposits az�e insured by a federal agency, inah•umenfali�y, or <br /> entity; or(d)P3lectronic runds Transfer. <br /> Payu�enes are deeixied received by I.oncicr w11en received at the locaCion desiguated in Hie Note or at suoh <br /> other locatiott Ts iiiay be designated by Lender in ascordance witl�thc noticeprovisions 3n Section 15. <br /> Lende��may retum aiiy payment or partial paytnent if the payment ox partial payn�enCe are insufficicnt to <br /> bring Lhe Loan currenti. Lcndcr may accept any payment or parUal pa�yinent insuffieient to bring the Loan <br /> em•rent, without waiver of any rights hereunder or prejudico to ite rights to refuse such payment or parual <br /> peyments in Uie luture, Uut Lender is not obligated to apply such pa}m�ents 1C tiUe trme such pa�nenEs ea a <br /> acocptcd. if each I'c�riadic 7'a}nnent is applied as of iCs scheciuled due dntie, then Lender need noC pay in(erest <br /> on imflpplled funds. Lendcr may hold such unapplied funds unti] Borrower inakes payinents @o biitT�the <br /> Loan current. If Borrower does not do so wiLhin a reason�iblo perie3d of ffinc, T,ender sliall eithex apply such <br /> funds or reCtu'n fhem to Borrower. IP noE�pplied ecu lier, euch fituds will be applied Co the outetandin�; <br /> princi}�al balai�ce under t1�e Note immediatelp prior ta foreclosure. No o£'fset ar clatim which Borrower mighC <br /> have now or in the future agatinaY Leiider shall relieve Boirower from making pagnients d�io under the Notc <br /> and thin Sccurity Instrument ar performuig the covenants and agreemenPs seeured by this Security <br /> InsltnmenC. <br /> 2. Application of PaymenYs or Proceeds. Excc��t as c�thcrwisc descriUed in this Secfion 2, all payments <br /> acceptad and epplied by Lender sh�ll be npplied in the following order oPpri�rity: (a) intcrest dne zmder the <br /> Note; (b)principal due imder�tl�e Note; (c)ainounts due widar Section 3. 6uofi pay�ments ahall be applicd ta <br /> oach Fcriodic Paymcnt in flte otder iii wliich it became due. A�iy remaining a�mounts shatll be applied first to <br /> IaCe ohu'ges, second w any ofher ainomits duo imder tl�is Sccuiity lnstrmnent, and tl�en to reduce the <br /> princip�l bal�uice of the Note. <br /> If Lender reeeives a payment&om Borrower Por a delinquenC Periodic Paymcnt which inchldes a suf'ficient <br /> a�nomit To pay any late charga dus, tlie papment itkly be applied to the delisiquenC paymenC and tho lato <br /> charge. If n�orc Chan one Periodio Payme�it is outstviding, I,encier inay apply viy payment teceived from <br /> Borxower to ttie repayment of the Periodic Pa}nnenCs if, and Co thc eztont that, each payinent cen be paid in <br /> full. To Che extent Chat uiy axcess exists After the pflyment is applied to the full paymenC of onc or+nore <br /> Ycriodio Payu�cnts, sucii excess may Uo aplilied to any late ch�rges due. Volunt�uy prep�yments shall be <br /> applieci�Grsh 6o any prepayment ol�argas and thcn as described in tl�e Note. <br /> — "— —_----- 24007254 <br /> N[oRA51(A-Sin�lo Family-FamdoMeo7Ra�Alo Mnc UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Ponn 3020 7101. <br /> VIA P(�u VM PG(NF)(17 OS) <br /> 'lJolters I(luwer Plnanclal5ervices Pn9e 4 nf 1! <br />
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