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201207691 <br /> rcquircd by KL:SPA, and Borrower shall pay to T,ender t7ie pu�omiti necessary to make up the deficiency iu <br /> accordanoe with I2ESPA, but in no inore thun 12 monChly paymonts. <br /> Upon paymenC in full of all suxns securcd by this SecuriCy In�trmnent, 1,ender shall promptly rafund to <br /> Borxower any I+unds held by Lender. <br /> 4. Charges; Liens. Boxrower shall pay all tnxes, nasessments, charges, fines, and impc�iNons attributable Ro <br /> the Property whieh czn attain priority over this �ecwity Tneh•ument, leasehnld�ay�nenks or �,n�o�md rents on <br /> the Property, if ury, aud Coixuuunity�lssociation Duas, Fees, and AssessmenYs, if any. To the exfenc Chat <br /> Uiese items are N�scrot�ltems, ]3orrower sha11 pay them in the mamier provided in Seetion 3. <br /> Rocrower shall.pinmpl9y dischar�e any lien which has prior'rty over this Security Inst��umenk unless <br /> Borrower: (ti) agrees in wiiCing lo Lhe p�ymenl oP the obligal ion secured by thc licu in a manncr accept2ble <br /> to Lender, but onlq so long as Borrower is performing such agreexnent; (b) coutests the lien in good faifh by, <br /> or defends abainst enforcement of the lien in, legal proceedings which in Le�ider's opuiion operate fo prevent <br /> thc cnforceinent of Che lien while those prooeedings are pending, but only witil vuoh proccaiii�gs are <br /> ooncluded; or (c) secures from the holder of the lien nn agreement satis£nctory to Leuder aul�orciin�uing the <br /> lien to this Secmity IueUwnent. If Lander determiues that any paat of Che Pro�erty ie subjecC to a lien which <br /> can attain priority ovcr thie Sec�uity fnshu�ncnt, Lc��der may givc Borrowe�'a notice idenHfying the lieu. <br /> Within 10 days of tl�e date ou wl�icl� h1�aC noCice is given, Borinwer shall satisfy Yhc licn or talm one or more <br /> of Uio acCions set forth above in this Section 4, <br /> Le��der may rcquire 13oi�ro�ver Co pay a onc-time charge for a real esCale lax verifioaCion andfor reporting <br /> service used by Lender in connection with this Loan. <br /> 5. Property Insurance. Borrower sh�ll keep fhe improvesnents now existiu�or herea£ter erected osz the <br /> Piroperty inaured against losa Uy fire, liaztu'ds included within The terin"extended coverage," vid aaiy other <br /> haaards inoluding, but noE limited to, earthqualms and loods, for which Lcndcr rcyture.s insuranco. 'Chie <br /> irisurancc�shal]bc man�tained in Che�moturta(inchiding deduotible levets) and for Lhe periods that Lender <br /> requires. Whnt Lender xequires pursuant Yo the preceding sentances can ahznge during the tarm of the Loan. <br /> The insurance oazrier providing the insurance shall Ue chosan by Borrower snbject to Levder'e right Co <br /> disapprove Borrower's choice, whioh right sha71 not be excrciscd unrcaaonably. Lcndcr may rcquirc <br /> Bon�ower to pay, in coimection wiYh this Lonn, eifhet: (a) a one-6iine chatge for flood zona deteniunalion, <br /> certification and haoking� seivices; or (b) a one-time charge fo� flood zone determi�tation and certification <br /> services end suUeequent cl�arges e�tcl� time rcm�ppiugA or eiinilar changes occtrr which reason�bly mighk <br /> affcct sueh cictermination or ce��tificatiou. Borrower shall also be responsible for the�ayment of ariy feee <br /> imposed by the Pederal Em�rgency Manage�nenC Agency in conuection witll tbe review of any flood zone <br /> detiermination resulking from an objcction by Borrower. <br /> If Borrower fails to maix�kaii� any of tho covcrages deseribed above, Lender may ol�k�in insm��noe coverago, <br /> at Loudcr's opHoi�aud Borrower's expe�ise. Lender is under no obligation to purchnee any particulnr type ar <br /> amount of coverage. Therefore, such coverage sl�all cover Lender, but mighC or might not proCect Borrower, <br /> Borrower's equity ui Uie ProperCy, or tihe coiitents of tl�e Yroperly, eigainst any risk, l�azard or liability and <br /> might provide��eater a�1esser coveragc tl�an w�e proviously in offecG Bonrower aclmowledges ChaC ilie cosC <br /> of the irisurancc covcrage so obclined might aigni&oantly exceed flie ooat aF insurnnce that Borrower eould <br /> hlve oUf�ained. Auq nmounts diabursed by Lender mider tliis Seotion 5 ehall Uecome addiCional deUC of' <br /> T3orrower seow•adby t1�is Sectiu'ity Instcument. These amozu�ts ehall bcar intic�rest at t1�eNotc rato froir� thc <br /> date of disbtiu�semcnt and shall bc payable, with such i�iterest, npon notice fi�om Lezider to Borrower <br /> rcqnceCing pa}nnent. <br /> — —�------ � --- � zaaotzsa <br /> NG6RA51<A-Single family-Fannle Mae/Fretltlle Mac UNIFOkM WS'IRUMEiVT Po�m 3D28 1l01 <br /> VMP(ry VMPs(NE�(Y7051 <br /> Wollara Klw�er Rnnndxl Servlcea Page B of 17 <br />