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201207691 <br /> sentence,9 sh�l] not apply to the presance, usq or storagc on tlic Property oP sinall qiivitifies of Hazardous <br /> SuUstanee,s H�at 7rc goner�lly recoguized lo Ue nppropriete Co norinal residential uses and to maintenance of <br /> the Pro�erEy(inchxding, but noY limited to, I�azz�dows substaucas in oonsaner pcoducfs). <br /> Borrower shall promptly give Lender wi7tten notice of(a) any uivestigation, claiin, demaud, law�uit or other <br /> action by any g�overmnantal or regulaCoiy agency or private party involving fl�e Property and any Hazazdous <br /> Substvice or Environmenkal Law of which Borrowcr has aeCiufl lmowledge, (bj any L+nviromnentnl <br /> �ondition, inol�iding but not limited to, eny spilling, le�king, dischflrge, release or threet of release of any <br /> Ha�ardoeGe Siibs���nce, and (c} any oondit�on caused by flie presence, use or release o�f� Hazardous Substancc <br /> which ndversely affecta the value o£tha Propei�ty. IF Borroxver leai�i�e, or i��noCified by any gnvcrmrrerital or <br /> regulatory authority, or �ny prlvate parry, tliat ainy rcmw2l or o'Cl�cr reinediaCion of any FIazerdous Sul�st�uee <br /> aFfecCing ehe Propexty ie iieoeasary, Borrower shall promptily take all necessary remedia1 actioils iu <br /> �ccordance with Bnvn'omnantal La�w. Notivng herein shxll crcate any oblig�tion on Lender fox an <br /> Environmeirtll Cleulup. <br /> Non-Uniform Covenants. Rorrower and Lc�nder eovenanC and ngree as follows: <br /> 22. Acceleration; Rerlledies. L,ender sh:dl gioe nntice Co 13orrower prim• to accelerntion following <br /> Bon•ower's bre�wh of any co�ennnt m� agreemenC in tliis Secm�ity Iustrnmcut (but not prior to <br /> uccelerxfinn under Sectioxi 18 miless Applicnule Lnw provides oYhcrwise). The uotice shall Specify: {a) <br /> the defaalC; (b) Che acLimi reqidretl to enre tho dofx�iltg(c) a date, nut less than 30 days fl•om Che dace <br /> the notice ie given to Borrowcr, by wl�ich the defxidE must be m�red; nnd (d) that failiu�e to cnre Clie <br /> dcYault ou or before tl�e date specified in Clie noiica may residf in acceleration of thc sums sccurcd b,y <br /> tNis Secm•ity InstrmnonC flnd sale of the Piroportq. Tho noticc shalI fm•Cher infbrm Rorrower�of the <br /> right to reinstnte tifter accelerntion xud Gl�e riglik to bring a eonrt nctlon la assert Che nmi-ea�sCence of a <br /> defanit or fmy othoa•defe�ise of Rorrower to aeceloraCion flnd snle. If ttie defa�dt is not cnrod on or <br /> bef'ure the date specified in fl�e notice,Lender at Its option may reqnirc immodinte paymeuf in f'idl uf <br /> all yuiuK securecl by Elds Secnrily Inatrnment withoat further dein;u�d :md n�ay involee bhe power oF eale <br /> rnd any otl�er remedics pm•mittod b,y A�plicable l,aw. Lender shall he enCitled i�o collecC nll expenses <br /> Incarred in pnrsau�g �l�c remedies provided in Ehis Secl9mi 22, inchxdu�g, 6uC not limitad to, rcasouable <br /> atkorneys' Yees :�nd costs of HUQ evidence. <br /> �[f the power nf sale is involced, Trnstee sltall reeortl a notice of delhull:in eacli cuimty in whieh any <br /> pnrt of tlte Property ie located and sli;dl muil co�ies of sucli uotice iri C}ie manner prescribed by <br /> rlpplicsible I,xw to 13m•rower i�nd Co C3re oCliei�pereone prescribed Uy Applicnble Imw. AFter tl�e time <br /> reqnired by Applic�ble�Law, Trnstec shall give pnblic notice of sale tu tlie persuns and in tl�e �nnnner <br /> pressribed by Applicnblc Lnw. Trnstee, witlmut dc�nand m�]3or�rower, ehall sell tlie Piroperty at public <br /> anetion to tlie hi�hest bidder at tt�e l9tr�e ancl pince and imder �lie terms deaignated in Clie nodoc of snle <br /> in one or more parcels and in any m�der Trnstpc dctci�nines. Trustee may postpone sale of all or any <br /> parcel of tlie Property by pirblic annom�cement at the time xnd place of any provionaly scLednled sale. <br /> Lendor or ite dcaigncc may pnrchxse the Property af�uy xiale. <br /> Upmi receipt of pnymm�C of U�c price bid, Trustce shull deliver to Che piirct�aser Trnstee's deed <br /> convcyi��g tl�e 1'ro�ert,y. T6N recital9 in the 'lS�iefee's deed shnll be prima facie evidmmo of tl�e trnth of <br /> the statemenis�nade Cher•eu�. Trnstee shall npply the procceds of tlic eale in thc f'ollowing order: (u) to <br /> nll costs and expenses of exerciei��g thc power o#'sale, and tl�e s�le, inclading the paymeuc of flie <br /> TrnsYoc's fecs nctainlly incurred and reasonable atCnrneys' fees ae permitted by Applicable Law; (b) Yo <br /> ��ll Sums secm•ed by llda Secm•ity v�etrumenC; and (c) any oxeess tu tlic person or pci�so�s legally <br /> enlifled to it. <br /> 24001254 <br /> NEdNASKA-Singla Famlly-Fennla MaelFreddlo Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMFNT Form 3028 11P1 <br /> VMP�y VMPo(NG,y(1106)' <br /> Wotlars Kluwer Finanolal 4e:vincs Pege 14 0117 <br />
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