<br /> iu thc Yroperty and righls under this Sectiuity Tnstrurnent; and(d)Yakes such action ne Lender may
<br /> seasonably require to essm�e that Lender's interest in tho Property anci righLs under this Security Instrnment,
<br /> and Boirower's oUligation to pay thc Gums secured by lhis Security Instrument, shall continue unohaxiged.
<br /> I.ender u�ay rcquirc flittt Borrower pay such reinetatement suuis and expenses in one or more of tl�e fo1lowing
<br /> fr�rme, as seleoCed by Lender: (a)cash; (b) money ordei; (c) certificd cl�eck, bank chcck, treasurer's check or
<br /> cashier's check, provided auy such checic is drawn upoi� an ine�itu6ion whose depoaits ate ivsured by a
<br /> federal agency, iiist�wnentality or entity; or (d)L+lecCronic Fuuda Transfer. U�on r�inetatemant by Borrowar,
<br /> this Security Ivsh�ument and obligation�sectu�ed hereby shall reinain f'ully effective as i�F no accelera�lion h�d
<br /> occurred. 13owever, this eight to reinscnCe shall not apply in the casa of aceeleration under Sec:Pion 18.
<br /> 20. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Servicer; Notice of Grievance. The Note or a pa��tial inte��est in thc
<br /> Note(together with thie Security Histruuient) car�hc sold one or more iimes without prior noYioe to
<br /> Borrower. A sA1e miglat result in a cl�ange in fl�ie entity(knowii es the "Loan Se�^i�icer") thaf collects Periodic
<br /> Payinauts due w�dcr thc NoCe�nd Chis Seourity Liistrmnaiit and perfonns other mortga�c Iaan cervioiug
<br /> obligatioe�s under the Note, this SecuiiCy Instrmuent, and Applicable L�w. There�lso n�ight be one or Anore
<br /> changes of the Loan Servicer um'e7ated to a ealo of lhe Note. I£tlrere is a change o£tihe Loan Seivicer,
<br /> Borrower wi11 be given writte��n�Nce oP�the chenge whicli will state the name rwd address of tl�o ncw Loan
<br /> Servicer, the address to �vhich payineiits should be made and any other irrfonnali<m RLSPA requires ui
<br /> connection with a notiae of ti.�msfer of servicing. If Uie Note is sold and Lhereafter Lhe Loen ie serviced by a.
<br /> Loan 3ervicer other than flie pw'chaser of t1�e Notq the mosfgage loan servicing obligttYions[o Borrower wi11
<br /> remttin with tha Loan Seivicer or Uc rt�ansferred to a suooessor Loan Servicer and are not assumcd Uy the
<br /> Note purchase��unlesa othcrwise provided by Yha Note purchase��,
<br /> Neither Borrower nor Lendcr may oommence, join, or be joined to any judicial ac�ion(a.4 ei[her an
<br /> individual litigant or the member oF a class) tliat arises from the okher pnrly's netions pursuant to this
<br /> Seeurity Instrumenti or that alleges that tl�cs othvr pu�ty hae breaohed any provision o£, or any dutq owcd by
<br /> reason ot; ihis Secw'iry Insb�mnerit, unfil such Borrower or Lender liue notified tl�e othcr par4y(with suoh
<br /> notice give�i in compliaiice with the requirements of SecTion 15) of sucl� allegeci brench�nd nfforded the
<br /> other party hereCo n reasonable period after the giviug c3f such notice Co t�ke corrective action. If Applicable
<br /> Law provides a time period which must elapse bcfore cerCnin ection oAn be taken, that time period will be
<br /> deemed to be reasonaUle for pm'posps oP 6liis parngreph. The noCice of'accelerakion and opporfunity to eLu�e
<br /> givcn to Borrower pursuant to Sectiton 22 tmd tlle ncafico of aceelerahion given to Borrower pucsuanti to
<br /> Seetion 18 shall ba deemed to satisfy tho notice and oppartunity to take correct�ive actian provisicjns of tbis
<br /> Section 20.
<br /> 21. Hazardous Substances. As used in tt�is Section 21: (a) °Hnaardous Sufistances" are lhose su6et�nees
<br /> dofincd zis toxic or h�zaxdous substiances, pollntants, or waktes by ISnvironnient�l Law tutd the following
<br /> aubstances: gasoline, kerosene, other flammahlc or Coxic peholeum piroducYs, toxic pasticides and herbicidcs,
<br /> volatile solvents, tnuterials coi�taining asbeslos 9r formaldehyde, and radioacHve materials; (b)
<br /> "Environmental Law"means federpl laws and laws of tl�e jurisdicYron w7�cre the Property is located that
<br /> rolate to heal[h, safety or environmenCal protection; (c) "L'nvdronmeratal Cleanup"includes any response
<br /> aotion, retnedial action, or removal ackion, as defined in Envirqnmental Law; and(d) an "F•ni+aronment�al
<br /> Conclitaork" means 2 condition thaC cnn cnusa, conU•ibttta to, or otl�erwise frigge� aii L�nviromnent2l Cleanup.
<br /> IIorrower shTll not cause or pennit Che presenoe, use, cliaposal, storage, or relcasc of auy F3n�ardous
<br /> �ubst�nocs, or Cln�enlen to release any Hazardous Substana;s, on or in the Propexty. IIorrower shall noC do,
<br /> nor nllo�u anyarie elsa to do, anytl�ing affecting tl�e Property(a) that is in violation o�f any Fnvivomnental
<br /> Law, (b)which cre�tes zn N,nviromnenfal Condition, or(c)whioh, due to tl�e prchoi7cq use, or reCe�se o£n
<br /> Hazardous SuUstancc, cre��Ces a oondition that adversely affecta the valuc of the Piroperly. The preceding two
<br /> ---' � ------'-- — — 24001254
<br /> NEeRASKA-&In9leFemlly-FannleM2e/FmtldleMucUNIFORM INSTRIIMHJT Gorn13020 Va1
<br /> yMp� VMP6�(NE)(7106)
<br /> Wollers Kluwer Finanalel 3crviooe PeAe 13 af 17
<br />