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201207691 <br /> 23. Recorrveyance. Upxin payrnant of all sums sccurcd Uy this Sccurity instrument, Lrn�do�' sl�all requost <br /> Truslee fo reoonvey the Property and eliall surrender this Seourity InsCruu�enl and all notes evideneing deUt <br /> secured by tlus Sacurity TnsTiument to Tiustee. Tiustee shall raconvey Yhe Property without warrnnty to the <br /> person or pe��soi�s legnlly entitled to it. Such person or persons sl�a(1 pay any recordaHon costs. Lendei ma� <br /> charge such person or peisone a fce for reconveying Che Properly, but orily if the fee is paid to a third party <br /> (such as the Truatee) for services rendered and the chaa�ging of the fee is permitted under Applicable Law. <br /> 24. SubstituYe Trustoe. I,ender, aC iCa opLion, inay from time to tnne ren7ove Ttustee anci appoint Y2 suecessor <br /> 6ruatee to any 7'rustee nppointed hereunder by an inetrwnent recorded in the counry in which this Security <br /> Insu•uinent is recorded. WiUiout conveyance ol'the Property, tlie successor trustee shall succeed to all Uie <br /> titl�e, power and duties conferred upon Trustee hereiu and Uy ApplicaUle <br /> 25. Request for NotiCes. Rorrower reqtiicsts that copie,� of the notice ot defauTt�nd aale be sev�C Co Borrower's <br /> adckress whicL is Lhe Property Addtes. <br /> -- -- zaao�z,a <br /> NEBRA9KA-6ingle Family-Faonla MaolReddle Mau f1NIFORM INSTRUMENT Forin 3020 1/01 <br /> VMP� VMP6(NC)(1106) <br /> Woltere Kliiwer Financlal3ervbes Pepe ib of 17 <br />