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201207691 <br /> des'rgnatcd a suUeritutic notice address by notice to Lender. I3orrower shnll promptly notify Lender of <br /> Borrower's change oP�ddress. If Lender speciFies a procedtu'e for reporciug Borrower's change of address, <br /> then Borrower sha11 only report a chaizge of adflress throubh th�t specifird�arooedure. <br /> There maq l�e onl'y ona designated notice address undor this Scctn'ity Lned urnent at nny oue tin�e. Airy notice <br /> t�o l,ender shall be givcn by delivering iC or b}�mailing it by first clnes m�il to Lender's address stated heraiu <br /> unless Lender hns designated nnother addrese by notice tio Borrower. Any notice in coimzctiou witli this <br /> Seci�rity Inat�vment shalt not Ue deemed to have been give�� to l,endcr �mtil actually reoeivod by Lender. If <br /> any notice required by Clus SecuriCy Instrwue�jt is also required undex Applicable Law, Hie Applicable Lnw <br /> reqturament will satiafy the correspoi�ding require�nenl imder tilus Security Histrumenf. <br /> 1 G. Governing Law; Severability; Rules of Construction. '1'his Security Instrument shzll be governed Uy <br /> federal law and the l�w of Lhejurisdiction in which tha Propacty is loca�Ced. All rights and obligations <br /> contzuied 'v�i lhis 9eciuity Instrument are subject to any recpiirc�ne��ta �nd limitations of Applicable Law. <br /> Applicabie La�w inight explicitly or implicitly allow ilie par6ies Co ngree by conh ect or it migAt be sIlent, buti <br /> euch silence s1�a11 not bo construed as a prohibition against agreement by contra�ct. In the event that any <br /> provision or clai�e oP ttris Security Instrument or tl�e Nofe conflicts witl� Applicable Law, such ooi�iflicl shall <br /> not ftffect other provisions of tlus Sectu�ty lnsf�•wnci�t or tho NoCe wluoh oan be given effect without the <br /> conflicting provision. <br /> As used in this Sec�ity Instruinent: (a) wore1s af tl�o inaeculine gendex shall mean and inclucle oorreapond'mg <br /> neuter words or words af tl�e feminine gc7idor; (b) worde in che singulnr ehall meau A�id inolude t1�e plmal <br /> and vice versa; a�id(c) the word"may" gives sole disoretion wiYhout any oUligation to take any�ction. <br /> 17. E3oYY0w eY'8 Copy. Borrower sha11 bc givcn one copy of the Note and of this Sectuity I�istrmnent. <br /> 18. Transfer of the Property or a Berieficial Interest in Borrower. As used in this Section 18, "Intcrest in <br /> Uie Property" meane any legal or beneficipl intereaY in the Property, including, but not liii�ite;d to, thoae <br /> bcneficial interesis Lransferred in a bond�For deed, contract for deed, inslalhnei�il sales conh•not or escrow <br /> agreement, th�inteiit of wl�ich is the tr�nn;fer oP ti�le by Boxxowe� nt a firtw�e date to a pw�chaser. <br /> If 211 or arty perf of the Proparty or any.[nterost in the Property is sold or hanef'errad(or iP Borrower is not a <br /> natuial person and a beneficial ii�forosti in Bonnwer is sold or G�ansfcrred)witliottt Lender's prior wriEten <br /> oonscxiit, Lendar mny require invnedinte payment in full of all eums eecured by 11iis Security InsYrument. <br /> However, tYus option shz11 not Ua exercised by Lnvcier if such exercise is prohibited by AppltoaUla Law, <br /> IP Lender exexcises this optiou, Lender shall givc�Borrower noCice of aoeeleration. TYie notica shall provide a <br /> period of noC lass T1�nn 30 days froin the clale the notice is givau in accordance�vitU Scction l5 within wluch <br /> Boirower muvt pay all sun�s seotired by this Sectu'ity Instrun�ent. lf Borrower F�ils Co pay theae sums prior to <br /> the oxpiration of'this period, Lender may involcc�aiiy remedies permitted by this Seouritiy Instrwnent without <br /> Eurther notice or demEuid on Tiorrowcr. <br /> 19. Borrower's Right to Reinstate After AcceleraYion. If Borrower meets cartain condiCions, }3orrower <br /> ehall hava the riglrt to he�ve cnforcement of this Security Instnuneait discontinued at�tny tiine prior to Che <br /> eat'liest of: (a) five days Ucfore t�ale of the Pxoperty ptu'�uant to any powcr of sale containecl in thie Security <br /> fi�sn�mncnt; (b) si�ch otl�ier period �s Applica�ble Law might speeil'y Por the terminnlion of Borrower's riglrt to <br /> rcinsfale; or{E) enkiy of�.judgment enforcing this SeouriCy Inslrument. Those condiYions are that l3orrower: <br /> (a)pays Lender a11 sums whioh then wonld be due under this Security InshLtment�nd t1io Noto ae iP no <br /> accele,ration had occurred; (6) cures any defanit oF any ot1�er covcnanle or agneemenCa; (o)peys ell expenses <br /> inci�rreci in enPorcing this SecuriCy Iiistrument, including, but not limited to, reasonable aCtorneys' fees, <br /> properdy inspection and vahiation fecs, vicl other feee incurred for the purpose of proEcating Lciicier's iuteresl <br /> — ---�-- 2A00125A <br /> NE6RASKASingfeFamlly-�nnnleMeelFreddleMacUNIFORM INSTRUMENT PorIn30261/01 <br /> VMP� VPdPG(NE)(110G) <br /> Wollera Kluwer Flnenalal Services Pege 12 0�7'! <br />
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