<br /> A11 insurance policies required by I,cnder aud renewals of such policies shall be suU,ject to l�c;nder'a right to
<br /> clisapprove such policies, sliall iuclude a staudard mortgage clluse, tard shall naine Lcnder as mortgagee
<br /> and/or as ui additit�nal loss pAyee. Lender shall have�the riglit ko hold the pa�licies and renewal certificatos, If
<br /> Lender rcqttires, Borrower sliEall promptly give to Lender �tll reccipts ofpaid prelniums and renewa1 notices.
<br /> If Borrower obtains vry form of insuxance coverage, not otherwise required by I,endcr, f��r da��aga to, or
<br /> destruction of, tha Yrnperly, such policy s1ie11 inolude a standu•d inortgage clause and shell nnme Lender as
<br /> mortgagee and/or as an additiont�llws payce.
<br /> In the event of 7oss, Borrower sha11 give prompC notice to the insuranec carrier nnd Lendar. Lendee may
<br /> maka proof of loas if not made promptly by Borrower. Uiiless],endcr and IIoxrowar oEherwise agree in
<br /> wriCing, any insurAnce proceeds, whcther or not Ylie miderlying insnrance wes required by Lcnder, ahall be
<br /> applied to rastaation or repair oPYhe Property, if che restoration or ropair is economic�lly f'easiUle aiid
<br /> Lender's seciirity is not lessened. During si.�ch repair and restoiafion pexiod, Lender shall havc the right to
<br /> hold such iusi�r�nce proceecls Lintil Le�ider has Yu�d an opportuniiy to inspecC such 1'roperty to ensure tl�e
<br /> w�rk has been coinpleted to Lender's satisiackion, proaided th2t such inspeodnn ahall be undertiaken
<br /> pxomptly. I�ender may disburae proceede for 11ie repnirs and restoration in a single payment or iit a aenies of
<br /> progress paymenCe na the worlc is cotvpleCed. Unless an abrccn�enC is tnnde in writing or Applicable Law
<br /> requires inferest Co be paid on such insui�vice proceeds, Lender ehall not be required to p�y Borrower any
<br /> interesS or earninga on sucl�proceeds. Fees for puUlic adjustere, or otlie��third pu ties, reCanied by Rorrower
<br /> shall not be paid out of the nzsuranca proceeds and shatll Ue the solc obligalion of Borrower. lf tl�c restocation
<br /> or repeir is not eoonoinically feasiUle or Lencler'e security�vou1d he lesaened, the insutai�co proceeds sliall Ue
<br /> applied to thc sun�s secured by this Seciixity Histrmnent, whcCher or not tilien due, wilh lhe exoess, if any,
<br /> paid to Barrower. Such insurance proceeds shall Uc applied in Ehe order provideci for in SeeYion 2.
<br /> If Rorrowex ab�ndona tlie Pro�>crly, Lender may filq negoCiaYe and settle any available instuauce claim and
<br /> relai�ed nTattecs. T£13orrower does not respoud wilhin 30 days fo a nodce firoin Lencler Chat the ins�rince
<br /> carrier has offoreci to aettle z claim, then Lender may negoYiatc and seLtle the claim. "1'hc 30-ciay period will
<br /> begiu when the uotice is given. Hi either event, or if Le;nder acquiras the Pinperty under Section 22 or
<br /> othcrwise, Bon�owen c�reby assigns to Lende�-(a) Bon�ower's riglits to r�ny insurenoe proceeds.in an tunoimt
<br /> not to exeeed thc an�oimta unpaid twder the Note or this Sectiitity Iiisfrnment, aud(b) any o$�cr of
<br /> Borrower's rig�hts (other tlu�u tl�e righC Co any reiuncl of unezrned premituns paift Uy E3otrower)under all
<br /> iivsurance t>olicies covcring the Property, insofar as such rights�'e applicable to the coverege of the
<br /> Property. Lendcr may use the insLu'anc;c prooeeds either to ropttir or restiore the Property or to p�y amowits
<br /> wip�tid tiuider Che Note or tliis Scctu'iCy Snshwnenf, whcllier or not then due.
<br /> 8. OCeupancy. Boxrower shall occupy, establisU, and uso tha Property as Borrowoi°c principal residence
<br /> within 60 days after tl�e esccuLion of this Secnrity Iristrument and sha11 continue to oeeupy the Properly as
<br /> Borrower's�prilicipal residence for at lea�:t on�year after the d�tia of ocoupnncy, uiilesy Lcndcr otheiwiae
<br /> agrees in vn'iting, which�consent sl�all not be�uvreaso»ahly wilhheld, or unless extcniu2ting circuuistauces
<br /> exist which are beyond Rorrower's control.
<br /> 7. Preservation, Maintenance and Protection of the Property; Inspections. Borrower shall not dcsu�oy,
<br /> drunage or impuir tihe Yr operly, ellow tiha Prnperty to deterioratie or commit waete on tihe ProperEy. Whether
<br /> or not Borrower is rceiding in the Property, Borrower sha11 ii».intain fhe Property tn ordor to prevent Yha
<br /> Property fi om deterioreting or decrcasing in value dna to its conciitiion. Unless it is dctermined pursuaArt to
<br /> Section 5 Chat repair or restora6ion is not econoanically f�sible, Borrower shall promptly repair the ProperLy
<br /> if dameged to auoid fiu'4her deterioratio�� or dan�age. If iusurance or condeirmatiou proceeds are paid in
<br /> cotmactiion wiHi dtunage Co, or the ta1<ing o� the Property, Borro�ver shall Ue responsihlc for repairing or
<br /> resEoring the Pxo�erty only if Lu�ider has released proccseda Lar such purposes. Lender may disburse prooccds
<br /> zaoaz�3e
<br /> NE6RASKA�SIn91e Famlly�Fannle Mae/Fredtlie Wac UNIFORA7 INSTRUh1ENl' Form 302d 1707
<br /> v i��P m vrn�s��ve�;��o��
<br /> Wollere Kluw a�Flnanolel3ervlcos PaBe of 1'!
<br />