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201207672 <br /> for the repairs aud restoration in a single payment or in a series of progrees paym�nts ah the work is <br /> com�letcd. IP[he insurance or condemnation proceetls ere noti sttfficient to repaix or restore tha Property, <br /> Bon•ower is not reliaved of Borrower`s oUligation for the w�npleLion of such repair or restoration. <br /> I�c,�ider or ita egent may mal<e rcaeonable etttr ies upon and inspcction� of the Property. II'it has rc�sonnble <br /> oaixee, Landar may inspect�lie niterior of Uie improvcmenCs on the Property. Lender shall give Borrower <br /> notice at the titne aP or prior to auch an intcrior inspection specllying such reasunable oause. <br /> 8. BoYYower's Loan Applieation. Borrower shall be in default if, dm'ing the Loan application process, <br /> Borrower or zury pecsons or entities acting at the direction of Borrower or wiCh Borrower'e knowledge or <br /> coi�,so��t gave mnterially f'alse, mislcading, or innccureta ii�formation or atatetnents Eo Lender(or fitiled to <br /> provid¢Le�ider with materinl informalion)iu connecCion with the Loan. Material reE�resenC�tions include, but <br /> are not limitcd tio, re�resentations concernit�g Borrower's occupancy of thn Property ps Borrower's principal <br /> residence. <br /> 9. Protection of Lender's Interest in the Property and Rights Under this Security Instrament IP(a) <br /> Bnrrowex fnile to perfbi�n tho covennnts and agreements conl��ined in this Secucitg Inshumrnit, (b) there is n. <br /> legnl proceeding tl�at might significanEly affect Londer's iuteresY iu t1�e Property and/or rights under this <br /> Seoucity Insh•uinent(such pa �t proceeding in bankruptcy, probate, fnr condeinnakion or f4rleitiu'e, for <br /> anforcemait of a lien which inay attain prioriry over 11iis Security Inslimnent or to enforce 1xwe or <br /> regulations), or(c)Borrower�has abandoned the Prope��ty, then Lender inay do aud pay Cor whnEever is <br /> reasonable or appropriatc to protect Lendex's interest in fhe Property end ribhts uuder chis Secwity <br /> Inahmnent, including proteeting uidFox assossing Che value of'tl�e ProperCy, and sernuing tuid/or rcpairing <br /> #he Propc�ty. Lencler's actions ceu� include, but tu•e not limited to; (a)paying any swns securcd by a lien <br /> wl�ich has pxiority over fi7�is Secuci[y InstrtunenY; (b) e�ppe,�riug in court; aud(c)paying reasouable tittorneys' <br /> Pees to proYect its intcre.sC in the Praperty and/or rights under this Security Iiisfrmnent, includiug it� securod <br /> posiUon in a bat�ln-uptcy proceedi�t�;. SccLuing the Property includc.s, but is not limited to, entcring lhe <br /> Properly Co ittake repavs, chauge locks, replaca or board u� dooxs nud windows, drain water fiom pipes, <br /> eliininate buildi�xg or othcr code violaCions or dan$eroue conditions, and have utiliti�s tut•ned on or off. <br /> Although Lendcr may tAke flction under tl�is Seotion 9, Landar doos noti hnve W do so and is not under any <br /> dufy or obligation to do so. It is agreed ehnC L,endar incm•s no liability for not talcing Nny or all actions <br /> �uthorizad under tl�is 5ecfion 9. <br /> Any amounts disbursed by Leuder nndcr thie Section 9 shall Uecon�e adclitional debt of I3orrower securecl by <br /> Uiis Sccurily Instrument. Theso aniotmts shall bear interest at uhe Note rate from tl�o ci�ltc of diebucsement <br /> and shall be payaUle, with euch interest, upon notic�fi om Lender to Borrowcr rec�uesring pa}nneut. <br /> If thia Security Instntment is on a leasahold, F3orrower shnll comply with a11 the provisions of tihe lexse. Lf <br /> Boirower aoquires fee litle to the Property, Lhe l�sehold aaid tl�e fen title sliall not merge unlesn Leucler <br /> agrees tn the mer�;er in v�riCing. <br /> 40. M ortgage InSWYance. If T,oudet required Mortgago Insut�2nce ne �t conditiion of malnug the Loan, Borrowor <br /> shall p�y the pre�niwns rcquired to maintain tho MorCgage Insm�auce in eftccC. If, for any reason, thc <br /> Mortgnge Hisurancc ooverage reqtured by Lender eeeses to be avail�Ule fronl tha mortgage inenrer 11int <br /> previously provided such Insma�lcc aud Borrower waa required fo niaize separately desigirated paymenYs <br /> toward[he premiums for MorCgfige Insurance, I3orrower s1in11 pfly the pre�niwns reqiured to obtiain covetago <br /> substiautially equivalcn6 to the MorCgage insurai�ice�reviously iu efFect, nC a cost substentially eqiuvalenf to <br /> the cost t�>Borrower of tha Mortgage Insurnnco previously in eLfeot, fi�otn an ttlternate mortgage insurer <br /> sciccCed by Lender. If yubstanLi�lly equivalent Mortgage uiaur�nce coverage is not availnble, Boxrower shall <br /> zaoo�rao <br /> NEBRASKA-Sin�lo Pamily-Fannie h1ae/f-reddie Mac UNIFORie7 INSTRUMENT Form 3028 1l01 <br /> VM P B VM PB(NG)�7103� <br /> W olters Kluw er Rnnncinl Bervlcos Papn ft af 7� <br />