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201207672 <br /> required by RF?Sl'A, and Borrower atlall pay to Lender f7ie a�noLmt nea;ssaiy fo make up the deficiency in <br /> accordancc with R�SPA, hut in no inore than ]2 monthly payments. <br /> Upon paymcnt in full of a11 stmis secm'ed Uy tUis Security Insl�cunent, Lender shall promptly refwid to <br /> B�rrower any Funds held by Lender. <br /> 4. Charges; Liens. Borrower shall pay all taxcs, aesessments, charges, fines, and impositione attributaUlc to <br /> Che Property whieh ctui attain priority over lhis Security Il�st�lunent, leasehold paymcnts or groimd rents on <br /> the ProparCy, if any, a�hd Conui�rmi[y AssociAtion Dties, Fees, and Asscssmenes, if any. To the extent tha�t <br /> thesa items are Escrow Ite�ns, Borrower shaR pay flxe��� in the mannec pcovided in Section 3. <br /> Borrower shall proinptly diaohnrge nny lien whinU has priority ovor this Securily Instrurnent unless <br /> Rorrowcr: (a) agrees in wriking to tlie p¢5nncnt of the obligetion securecl by�1ie lien in a manner accepfable <br /> Yo Lender, but only so long as Borrowcr is perforuung aueh agreeiuent; (U) contc;stti Che lien in good faith Uy, <br /> or defends against enforcemcnt oF fhe lieu in, legal proceedinga whidi in Lender's opinion operatie tio p�'evcn�t <br /> the e�orcement of the lien while tliose proceedings are pcnding, bnt only ttntil such proceedings are <br /> oonc1udcd; or(o) secures from the l�olde��of the lien nn agreen�ent satisfaotory to l.cndcr eu6ordinating the <br /> lien to this Seaw'ity Inst�ument. If Lencier deYermines tha�t any paz�t of the 1'ropecty is subjecf Yo a lien whicl� <br /> ctui attain prioritq ovcr Sltis Security Inetrmnent, I.ender may give Borrower a notica identifying the lien. <br /> Witl�in 10 days of the date on which t7iat noticc is given, Botrower eha11 satisfy P1ie li��� or take one or n�ore <br /> of the aotioxis set forth above in t1�is Section 4. <br /> Lender may require Borirower to pay a one-rirnc chprge for a real esCate tax verific�tion anNor reporring <br /> ecrvioe used by Lender iu conneclion with Shis Lonn. <br /> 5. PropeYty InsuranCe. Borrower shall kccp the improvements now exist'v�g on c�rcafCer exected on tha <br /> Properdy insw•ed against loss Uy fire, h�z�rds included within tl�o tcrm"exlended coveraga," and auy other <br /> hAzards including, but noC lin�ited to, eaa�thquakes and floods, for which Le�ider requires insurance. This <br /> iueuxancc shall be mt�intained in the aznounte (including deductible levels) and for tl�e periods that Lender <br /> roquires. Whak Lender requu�es pursuant lo the preceding seiltences can chrmge duxiug t1�e term of tha Loau. <br /> The insmance carrier providing the insuranca shall be chosen by Borrower sulrject to Lender's rigl�t Co <br /> disapprove Borrowcr's ohaice, which rlglrt sha11 i�oti be exei cised um�easonTbly. Lender inay require <br /> Borrowex to pay, in conuectioi�v✓ith khis Loan, eithar: (a) a ono-trn�c cherge for flood zone detennint�tion, <br /> oertiffcation aaid tracking scrvices; ox (b)a one-Gme charge for flood zone determination and certilication <br /> servicas end sLibsequen0 charges eaol�time remappit�gs or similar changes oocnr which reasoiinl�ly might <br /> affeck such determination or certification. ]3�n�ower ehell elso be responsible for the payment oP auy fees <br /> imposed by the Faderal Fmergcncy Manngement Agency in connvction with tlxe reviaw of any flood zone <br /> deCerminakion resu7ting froin an objection Uy Borro�wcr. <br /> If Borrower Caila to maint��in�iiy of the coverages dcscribed above, Lendar may oUtain insuranne ooverage, <br /> at Lende�'s optiun and Borrower's expense. Lcndet ie under no obligation to purchase atiy particulaa•type or <br /> amouut oP coverage. Therefore, such covernge shnll cover Le��dc�, hut might or mighC not protect k3orrower, <br /> Borrower's equitiy in tl�e Proper�y, ar the contents of tl�o Pro�erLy, against any risk, hazard or liability and <br /> mig4iY provide greater or leaser coverage tha�i was previoualy in eff'eoC. Borrower aclaiowledges Yhnt the cost <br /> o£tlie insurancc ooverage so obfained migliti significantly exceed the cost oP insuranoe that Borrower could <br /> havc obtained. Any�rinomrts d,isbarscd by Lender uuder T1�i� Scctirn2 5 shnll become addi4ional dobt of <br /> Borrower sac�ued by thin Securily Ineu•tunent. Tlieso aii�onnCs shall benr i�nterest at tl�c Nota rate fi�om Yhe <br /> dAta of disUnrscmcnt and ahall be payaUle, with euoh intereat, upon notice from Lendec to Borrower <br /> requesting�nyment. <br /> eaaoa�ao <br /> N�PR0.5KA-Sinyle Pamlly-Fnnnie IdnelFreddic bl ac UNIPOGM INSTRl1M EN"I Poi'm 3028 11�1 <br /> VM P(u7 VM PB(Nf_)(11051 <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financial Services Po�c 6 oi 17 <br />
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