<br /> Any applicatimi of paymenSs, insurance proceeds, or Miscellaueous Proceeds tio privcipal duo under 6he Note
<br /> shall not cxtend or poatpono the due date, or ch�nge the sunount, of the Petiodic PaymenCe.
<br /> 3. P�mds for Lscrow Items. Borrower shall pay Eo Lender on tha day Periodic Paym�nls tue due under the
<br /> Nols, rintil the I�ota ie paid in full, a snm(the "Fmide") to ptovido for payment of amouuts dne for: (�)taxos
<br /> nnd aesessments aud othex iYems which c��i a�titiain pri�rity ovu�' hlris Security Instruinent us a licn or
<br /> enotunUxance ou the Propexty; (b) laasehold payments or ground rents on Uie Property, if any; (c)prerniums
<br /> for any and ali insuxence required by Lender imder SecYion 5; and (d) Mortgage Insurancepretniums, if aaiy,
<br /> or any Fums pnyable Uy Borrower to Lender in lieu of the paymcnt of Mortgage Insuranca premiums in
<br /> accoxdance with tiha pcovisione of Seotion 10. These items arc called"Esocow Items." At originati�n or at
<br /> any time during the tcrm oP the LoAn, Iziider in�y reqiiire thet Community �9snciatiGm Dues, Fees, end
<br /> Aysesainents, if any, be escrowed by Bon ower, and such dues, fcex and assessments sha11 Ue an Rscrow
<br /> Item. Borrower shall��rotnptly fiu�nish to Lender a11 noticc� of amouuts to be paid under this Section.
<br /> Borrower shall pay Lender tlie Funds i'or Escrow Iten�a unlesa Lender waives Borrower's obligation to pay
<br /> tha Puuds for zny or nll Eecrow Items. Lcnder may waava Borrower'n obligntion to pay Co Lender Cw�ds for
<br /> any or all Escrow Ite�ns at ea�y ti�ve. A1�y such waiver�may only be in wrifing. In Uie eve�lt o,f c,uch waiver,
<br /> Borrower eha11 pay directly, when and where payablq the amounte dixe for any Escrow Ife�ns for which
<br /> payment of Ftiuxis ltas been waived by Lender and, if Lender requires, shwll furnish to Lender receipts
<br /> ovidencing such payment within such timo��criod na Lender may requires. Borrower's obligation to mal<c
<br /> such payinen�'s and to provide teeeipts sh�ll for nll purposes bc dccmed to be a covenant and agreeinent
<br /> coiiYained in this SeeuriCy Iustrurnent, as the phrase"covcnanC and agceenienC" is Lised in Section 9. If
<br /> Borrower ia obligated to pay L+scrow Items direcEly, pursuaut to a waiver, and Borrower fails to pay TJie
<br /> �mounti due for au L+scrow Item, Lender may exerciae iCs rights undcr Scctioii 9 and pay such amounf�nd
<br /> Bon'oi�or shall then be obligated uuder Seotion 9 tio repay to Lcudex nny such amount. ,Lcnder inay revoke
<br /> iTie waiver es to auy or all Lscrow Items at any timc by a nntice given in accejedance with Section 1 S aud,
<br /> upon su¢h revocation, Borrower shall pay fo L�nder all Ftuids, and in suoh amounts, t1�aC are fl�cn rcq�iited
<br /> undcr this Section 3.
<br /> Lendcr insry, nC�ny time, collect und hold Punds in an amount(a) anfficient Eo permit I,cnder Co ap�ly the
<br /> FuncLg ae the time s�ecified vuder ItLSPA, and (b)not to exoeed the m�imuin amounC ailender eFui raquire
<br /> under RESPA. L,endcr shall estimate the amount af Funds due on Uie Uasis of current data and reasonable
<br /> esti�nate�e of expenditwes of fixfure�scrow Items or otT�cr wiee in locor�lauce wifli Applicable Law.
<br /> The �unds ahall ba held in an insritution whose deposiGs are insured by a federal age��cy, insfnunentality, or
<br /> cntlCy(includiug Lender, if Lender is an iiisCitution whose deposits are so insurcd) or in any Pederal Home
<br /> L,oan Benlc Le��dcr ehall �pply the Funds t��paq Che Esarow Items no]aie�r Ch�n the time specified ut�der
<br /> RF?SPA. Lender shall not cl�arge Borrower f4r holding and applying lhe Tunds, annually analyzing the
<br /> cscrow aocount, or verifyit�g the Eecrow Stiems, unletis Lender peys Bon•ower inte.K'esC on[he L'unds and
<br /> ApplicaUle I3aw pcnnits Lender to inalce such u ch�rge. Unless an agreemenl is made in writing or
<br /> Applicable Law requirea n�tarest to Ue paid on the Punds, Lender shall nat be required to pay BorroWer nny
<br /> interest or eamniga on the Funds. Borrower and Lencler can ag�ee in writing, however, tl�aC interest slinll be
<br /> paid oii the Punds. Lzuder shall give to Borrov✓er, withouC ohar�e, an a[untal accounfing of the Funds as
<br /> required by It�SPA.
<br /> IP fliere is �suiplue of N'�uids held in oscrow, as dc�fined under R�SPA, 7,endcr ahnll�ccouut fo Borrower for
<br /> the axcess ftmds in accordanca with R'ESPA. If there ia a ghorEago of Ftuids held in escrow, as dcfincd uuder
<br /> R�SPA, Lender shnll notify Borrower ps rujttired Uy R}?SPA, nnd Borrower shal1 pcty to Lender the tunounC
<br /> necessary to malce up thc shottage in accoirda�ica wiCh RESPA, buf in no morc Uinn 12 montlily payinents. If
<br /> there is a daficicnoy.o£Pmida held in cscrow, �a defined wide�' RESYA, Lender shall notify E3c�nro�ver:aa
<br /> z,�ooz�ae
<br /> NEBRl��51(A-Single Family�Fannie h1zelfre�tlle h1ac UNIFORf+i INSTFUMMT Porm 3028 1107
<br /> vmiP o vm�Ps�Ne���ia��
<br /> Woltors Kluwer Finondal Servlcas PagaS of'17
<br />