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201207672 <br /> BORROWRR COVliN�NTS that Borrower is 1�wfially scised of Ihe esCnte hexeby conveyed azid 1�as kl�o right to <br /> grant and oonvey the Property and Uiat the Pro�crty is nnencumbered, excepC for encwnbrances of record. <br /> Borrower warrants vid wi11 defend gencrally the title to the Property against all claime nnd demands, subject Yo <br /> any encumbrances of rccord. <br /> TIIIS SECURTTY INS"CKZ7M�NT combinee unifonn cove��ants for nalional use nnd non-wuform covenants with <br /> limiYed variations by j�reisdiclion to oonstitute a nnif�rm sccurity insh�ument covering real properry. <br /> Uniform CoVenants. Rorcowor nncl Lender covenant and agroc as follows: <br /> 1. PaymenY of Principal, Interest, Escrow Items, Prepayment Charges, and Late Charges. liorrowcr <br /> shall pay�when duo the priucipal of, and interes4 ott, fl�c debC ovidenced by tha Note and�tiry preplymen[ <br /> chnrges And laYe charges due undcr the Note. Borrower shall also pay fnnds for Escrow Ifems pursuti�t to <br /> Section 3. Pa�yments dt�e imc�er the Note and tMs Security Inslrument shall be inade in U.S. ctiu'rency. <br /> Howaver, if any cheolc or other uistrume��t rcceived by Lender as pa�yme��t under fhe NoCe or this Security <br /> lnnheimenC is reduined to Lencler ni�paid, Lender may require�U��f any or all subsequent paymenCs due unde�� <br /> Che Nate and this Secarity instruu7enC Ue mode in one or tnorc oP Che following f'orins, as selectcd by Lender: <br /> (a) cAsh; (U)money order; (c) certified chec]<, Ua��lc check, ireasurer's check or cashicr's check, provided any <br /> such olieck is drawn upnn an iustitution whonc deposits are insw•ed by a PecSeral agency, instrumentnlity, or <br /> entity; or(d)�leclronic Funds Transfc��. � <br /> Payinents arc dceil2ed reeeived by Lender whcn received at tlie looation designated in the Note or at sttch <br /> other loealion As may be desiguateci Uy Lender in accordance with the noCice provisions in Seotion 15. <br /> Lender may return any paymonU or partial pa�ymeut if thc paymei�it or pu•Yial payinents arc inFiSficient to <br /> Uring the I.oan currcnC. Lender inay accept any p�yinent or pm•tiel payinent inaufficient to bring the Loan <br /> current, without waiver of any rights hcrcundex or prajudica to its rights to refiise such payuient or��arfial <br /> payinents in the future, Uut Lender ia not obligaYed to apply such payments at tha time such payinenta are <br /> accEpted. IP each Periodic Payment is applied Eis oF its scheduled due datie, then Lcnder need not pay interest <br /> on miapplicd funds. Leuder may hold such unapylieci fimds unYil Bon owcr n��lzes paysnents ku Uring the <br /> Loan current. If Boerower does not do so williin a reasonable periud of time, Lender sha11 eithar ap��ly snoh <br /> fimds or return thetn to Borrowcr. If not applied earlier, sLioh funds will be applied to tho oufstanding <br /> principal balance tuidei tho Note imuiediatiely prior to foreolosure. No offset or claim whioh Borrower miglrt <br /> have now or in the fiiture against Lender ahall reliova Borrowcr fi�oin inaking pa�}nnenfs due m�der Lhe Note <br /> and this Seourity Ivet��urneut or performing the oovenanta nnd agreements secured by this Seonrity <br /> InsCruinent. <br /> 2. Application of Paymen4s or Proceeds. Except as otliarwise de.ccriUccl in this Section 2, all paymonts <br /> acceptod and applied by Lender sUall be applied in Uie fo11owing order of prioriCy: (a) inPcrost dL[e imdex the <br /> Nole; (b}principal dL�o undcr ihe Note; (c) aanounts due m�der Section 3. Such payn�enCa shall be applied to <br /> eaoh Periodic Paymcnt in the order iu wl�ich it Uecame due. Any remaining amoimts ahall Ue al�plied first to <br /> 1nY��e charges, .ar;cond Co any other amotiint�s due nnder this Securit�InFtrumenC, aud then to reduce tho <br /> principal bal�nce of the Note. <br /> If L,endor receives a p¢yinent fi•om Qorrower for e delinque��t Ycriodic Payment wluch ivcludc.s<1 suffioieut <br /> amount to pay auy late chargc due, the payinenti may be applied Co Yhe dalinquent payn�en6'and the lnta <br /> oh�rge. If inore t1�an one Periodic Payinant is outstanding, Lender may apply any payme�it received fi�o�n <br /> Borrowar to ihe repaymeut of the Pcriodic PaymenYs i�t; a��d Eo Yhc cxtent thnt, each pa�nne��t cnn l�e paid in <br /> fii1L To the extent lliat any exccse exists after the payinent is apylied Yo tlxa iull�aymeric of one or more <br /> Periodic Paymeirts, euch exoes�m1y be applied to any late charges due. VoluriCary prepayments shall be <br /> applied fu st to aily prep�}nnent charges anci lhen t�a desoribed in the Note. <br /> 24002138 <br /> NEBfiASKA-3lnple Family-Fannla MuelFretldle Mac ONIFORM IN&TRUMf_NT Form 30?.01101 <br /> vMa� vMi�e�Ne�(��os� <br /> Wolters Kluwer Flnanalol So�oloea Page A o(17 <br />