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201207672 <br /> senCenoes sha11 not a,pply to the preaence, use, or storage on the 1'r�perty of�mall quantitiea of FInzArdous <br /> Subetances 4hat ara generally recognizeci to Uo appropriate to normal residantinl uses and to mn'rutena�ice of <br /> the Property(ir�cluding, bLitnoC IinvCed to, hazardous substauaes in consmner products). <br /> Borrower sliall promptly give Lender written noLice of(a) any nrvestigation, elaim, detnand, lawsuit or oflier <br /> action by any goveriunential ar regulatoiy ag�ancy or private party involving flie Property and any Hazardous <br /> Subsfance or EnvirotunenCal Law af which Rorrower has actual lcnowledge, (6) az1y L'�nvironinental <br /> Condition, including but not limited to, any spilling, Ieaking, disehaxge, relense or threet of relsase of aziy <br /> H2zardous SuUsta�ice, and(c) any condiCion caused by the presence, Lise or release of a Haza��dous SuU�tance <br /> whioh advaryely affects the value of the Pro�erty. If Borrower learns, or is notified Uy any bovc�'nmcntul or <br /> re�.il�tory nufliori6y, or any private party, that any re�nova1 or officr rcwneciiafion of any H�zardous Snbstenoe <br /> affecting tha Property is necessnry, Borrower eh�ll promptly take a11 necessary reinedial actions in <br /> accordance wxth N�lvironmenCal Law. Nothing herein shall create any obligation on Lcnder Por en <br /> farvirc>runenh�l Cleanup. <br /> Non-Uniform Covenants. Borrower znd Lender covenant and agree as follows: <br /> 22. Acceleratlon; Remedies. Lendcr shnll give notice to l3orrower prior to accelerAtion following <br /> Bonrower's biroach of auy covenmit or agreeinent u� tLie Securitq Tnab•nmcut(but not pi�or to <br /> acceleration ioider Section 18 nnless Applicable Law providcs otherwiae). Tl�e nutice sl�all epecify: (n) <br /> tl�o defsndf; (b) the action reqnired Co cm�c tlic dcfa�dC; (c) a d:�te, not]ess fLnn 30�days firom the date <br /> tlie uotice is g9van Co Borrower, Uy wl�ich the def�nit musf he curecl; and (d) ELat failurc to cnro fhe <br /> defaulu mi or before thc dntc specil'ied in t3�e notice mny resnit in acceleratimi of 1he smns secured by <br /> this Secm�ity Instcmnent antl sale of tF�e Property. The uotico shall farther ir�form Rorrower of the <br /> right to reinstxte afCer accelerlfimi and thc rigl�t to bring n com•t action to aesert the nou-exiatenco of n <br /> defi�ulC or any otlier defenao of Borrower ko :�cuelero�Uiou and sale. If tlie defnnit ie not cm�ed on ox• <br /> bofore CLe date spccified in El�e notice, Lender ut its optiom m�y reqnire iminedinte pxymenC iu full of <br /> all sume ecenrecl by Yhis Secnei6y Instrmneut withoat f'nrther de�nxnd and�rifly invoke tl�e powm•of enlc <br /> s�nd any other remedies perrnitYcd b,y Ap��lica�ble Ls�w. Leuder elinll Ue entiClod to colleet all ex�enses <br /> incarreci Lt p�u�sni�tg tlm rcmedies provided in ULiB Section 22, inchtdiug, but ilot lunite�l to, reasnnable <br /> aCCoivevs' foes and costs of title evidence. <br /> If tl�e powcr of sale ie i�rvolzed, Trnstee shall record n notice of defaidC in eacL cnmily in wliie6 any <br /> part of the Property is locflted and sliall ivail copies of yucl�notice In the mamior prescribed I�y <br /> ApplicaUle Law to Borrowor and to tl�e other persmis presciibed by ApplicaUle Lxw. Affer the fi�ne <br /> reqnired by Applicable I;xw, '1'ruelee sh�ll give pnblic notice uf Sa�le tu the peraous m�d vi tlie mnnner <br /> prcecriUed by Applical�le Lnw. Trusteq withoat demand on 13orrower, ehall sell kh�property nt pnblic <br /> auction to Che higltest Uiddor af.fhe tinie and place and tmder the terms desig�inted in C6e notice of sale <br /> in oue or moro parcels and in sny order Trneteo doformines, Tr�istee may posOpone sale of aD or nny <br /> parecl of the Property by pnblic �mionneement at the time and pince of nuy previously scheduled saile. <br /> Lender m�iCH designee may piu•chnae klie YropovCy aC flny sale. <br /> Upon receipt of payment of tlic pricc bid, 'IS�nstee�sLall cleliver to tlie pnrchnsor Trus'tce's deed <br /> cunveying Clie Rroparty. Tho recitals in the T'rnsCee's deed shall be prima f'acie evidence of Che CrnUlt af <br /> ltie statements mnde tl�ereu�. '1'rnstee sliall xpply Ylio proceeds o1'the sale 9n the following ordei: (n) to <br /> all casts nnd expenses of exercieing thc power o1's�de, and tl�e Kale, inchiding Hte paymnut of tlie <br /> Trnstee's foea actnally incnrrcd nnd reasunable aitCm�ieys' fees as poi�nitCed b,y A}�plicable Law; (t�) Co <br /> all smus secnred by fhis Secnrity Tn9triunent; ttnd (c) mty esce9S to the persot� or peram�s legally <br /> entitled to ic. <br /> 24002138 <br /> NEBRASKA-Singlo Famlly-Fannfe M aNFretltlle M w Wi IFORM INSTRUM MT Po�m 3028 110 i <br /> VM P� � VM P6(N2)(1106) <br /> Woltere I(luwer Pinancial Servloea Pay�e 14 of I7 <br />
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