<br /> in 11ie Pmperty and rights under tlus Security Instatment, and(d) talca sttch actfon as I,ender n�ay
<br /> reasonably require to assure that Lcnder's iiiterest in ihe Properly nnd righis under this Security Histrmnent,
<br /> and 13on o1vc�'s o6figa6ion fo pay the auma securecl by thia Sectuity Instrument, sl�all conYintte uuohanged.
<br /> Lcnder mey reqnire that Borrower pay such reinstate�ne��t stiune and cxpcns�s in ono c�r inore of the following
<br /> foxms, as selecEed by Lender: (a) cxah; (U) �noi�oy order; (c) cerlified check, bank check, heAsurex's check or
<br /> cashier's check, providcd any sucli check is drflwn upon an instituYion whose deposits ara insw ed by a.
<br /> federal agcncy, iustrumentalily or entity; or (d) Elechronia Funds Tra�isfer. Upon reinstatetne�if by Rorrowcr,
<br /> this 5cc��riCy Ineh�ument nnd obligations secured hereby shall remain fixlly effect�ve as if�o acceleraiion had
<br /> oocarred. IIowever, this right to reinstate s1ia11 not apply in lhc c ase of acceleraCion urider Seotion 18.
<br /> 20. Sale of Note, Change of Loan 5ervicer; Notice of Grievance, 'fhc Noto or a parhiel inferest in the
<br /> Note (Cogefher witl� fl�is Sccuritiy Inslrnment) ean be sold one or more tiinea withouC prior notice to
<br /> I3orrowor. A sale xnight resiilt in�t change in fhe entity(known as flie "I.oan�Servicer") t1�aC callccte Peiiociio
<br /> Parymentia due uxider the Note aaid this SecLu�ity Instrumont and�acrfornLs other mortgage loan servicing
<br /> obligaEions under Che Note, this Security Inshlui�enf, and Applionble Law. There also inighC be ona oc more
<br /> clianges of the Loan Sorvicer unrelnted to n sale of Yhe Note. If'tliere is a change o.f t1�e I.oaii Servicer,
<br /> Rorrower will be given written notice of'fha chavge whicU will state thc namo and address of Ehe new Loait
<br /> Servicer, the �ddress fo which payments should bc mado aud any other inPori�ation RESPA requires in
<br /> ootmection with a notice of tt��tisfer of scrvioing. IP Che Note is sold end there�fter tlie Loan is serviced Uy a
<br /> Loan Servicer other tl�an Yl�e purcliaFer of the Note, the mortgage loaa2 seivichig obligatimis to 13orrowcr will
<br /> remain witl� thc Loaz�Servicer or be t�aasferred to a successor Loan Servicer and arc t�ot assiu��ed by Ihe
<br /> Notc purohaser unlese oHierwise provided Uy the Note purcUaser.
<br /> Neithcr Bon�ower nor Lender may coimnence, join, or bc j�incd to v�yjuclicial aotion(as either an
<br /> indiviclual litigant or the member of a cluss) that�riaes ftom the other perty's actions pw�euant to tl�is
<br /> Secw'ity Histrwnenti or that alleges Chat the other paa�ty has breached any provision of, i�r at7y dutq owed by
<br /> reason of, this Security Inst�nment, unk�il such Iiorrower or Lcnd� has noCified the other pnrty(with such
<br /> noCice given in complianca wiUi the requirerncnts aP Section IS) of such alleged brench nnd a{fbrded the
<br /> other parry herato a reasonable perioei aScer the giving oP sueh notice to taka corrective action. If Applienble
<br /> Law provides a time period tvhich must elapse before cerCain action can be te�1cen, that tin�e period will be
<br /> deemed to Uc rc�sonable for purposes of this paragraph. "I'l�e noticc of acceleration and opporhmity to cure
<br /> given to Borrowar pnrauant to Soction 22 and the notice of acceleratiion given to I3orrawor�purs�iant to ,
<br /> SecCion 18 shall bc dcemed to antisFy the notice and oppartunity ko tzikc corrcctivo acCion provisiova of this
<br /> Scction 20.
<br /> 21. Hazardous Subxtances. As used in thls Secfio�i 2l; (a) "Ilazardous SvbsCanees" sre tUose substances
<br /> defined as Yoxic or hazardous suUstanccs, pollulants, ox wAskes Uy Envirorunental l,etw and the fo1lowing
<br /> subsfavices: gasoliric, kerosene, oCher flammable or toxic petrolenm pmduets, toxic pea6icicies and hexbicides,
<br /> volati7c�olvei�Cs, m�tei9nls containing� asbestos oi�formaldehyde, az�d radionctive rnaterials; {b')
<br /> "Lnvtronmeratal Law"meails federal laws a��d lawfi of the jurisdiction where the Pi�operty is located tl�at
<br /> relnCe to health, safety ox environtncntal prolection; (c) "Srrvb^onmerttnd Cleanat�" includes�my response
<br /> ection, reii�edial action, or rcmoval nclion, as clefined iii Enviromnental I,aw; and(d) an "L'nvi�roni�tienlal
<br /> Coru�ation"mcanE n condition that cnn cause, con}��ibnte to, or oth��wise trigger an�nvironmental Cleanup.
<br /> Borrower shall noL cauae or permit the presence, nse, disposal, btorage, or relense of nny IIaztu•doue
<br /> SubsL�noes, or thi�eaten Yo release any Hazarclous Subslnnces, on or in Yhe Property. Boxrower sl�all not do,
<br /> nor allow anyone elee to do, anylhing affecting t1�e ProperCy(a�)tha�t is in vio1ation of auy L�nviromi�ental
<br /> Law, (U) wltich creales eu EnvironmeuYal Condition, or(c)wl�ich, due to the presence, use,or releesa af'a
<br /> Ha2ardous Subatance, crea�tes a condiHon thaC�dversely affects ihe value of the Proparty. The preceding two
<br /> zaaoztao
<br /> NEBRASKA-Single Fam Ily-fannle M ea7Fretldle M ec UN IPORW INSTRUM ENT Form 3028 1/01
<br /> Vbl P O VAq PBiNE1(91057
<br /> Wolters I(luwer�Innnclnl 9ervlaas PaBe f3 af 1Y
<br />