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201207672 <br /> 23. Reconveyanee. Upon pnyment of'all smns secured by thie Securihy Instnunent, Lender shall request <br /> frusCee fo teconvey the Propertiy and sha11 surrcti7der�Chis Securit�Insu•tuneirt and till notes evidencing dcht <br /> securul by this SecuriCy Inshamont to 'Truslee. Trustee shall ceconvey fhe R�operty wifl�out wv'i�lnty to Che <br /> person or persons logally eutitled to ik Such persan or persons s11a11 pay any recordaCion costs. Lender may <br /> chnrgc such person or persons a f'ee 1'or recon�eying fl�e PropeiCy, but only if the fee is paid to a third party <br /> (su¢h ae the Trustae) lor servicas rcndered and Che ctiarging of the fee is permitted under App1icahle Lt�w. <br /> 24. SubsCitute TYustee. Lendet, �t irs nption, mny from time to kime reinove Trustee and appc�inta successor <br /> trustiee to any Trustee apptaintcd hereunder by an inst�uinent recorded in tho a�unty iii which tlus Secnrity <br /> Instrwnent is rec�rded. VJiChout conveyance oP the Properry, tl�e successor Cruatee shall succeed to all the <br /> title, powcr and duties conferred upon Tru,stee hercin ancl by A�licable Law. <br /> 25. Request for NotiCes. Borrower requestv that copiae oP the notiee oP de'FaulY and sala be seut to Borrowcr's <br /> �dd�ess which ie the Property Addrey�. <br /> - — eaoaeiao <br /> Nf-PRASKA�Single Pamlly-Fannle MaelFreddie Mac ONIFORM Ik5TRl1MENT Fofm 3020 1101 <br /> VM P U UM P0(NE1(71�51 . <br /> Wollars I(Ww e�Flnenclel Services Pa9a 15 af 7 Y <br />