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201207672 <br /> dasignated a suUstitute notice address by notica to Lender. Borrowoe ah111 promptly notify Lender of <br /> Borrowce's chnnge of addrese. If Lender specific�s a procedure for reporting Borrower's change af�ddress, <br /> Chen Borrower shall only report a change of�ddress tluough Uiaf specitied procedure. <br /> There may be only one designated noticc address under Uiis Seow•ity Iustrmnent at any ono time. Any notice <br /> to Lendei shall be biven by delivering it or by zntiiling it by first claa4li�ail to Lender's �ddrees etated herein <br /> unless I.ender]�as designated another address Uy notico to Borrower. Any notice in comiection with t1�Ps <br /> Sccurity Instnunent shzll noti be deemed to l�ave beeti given to Lender unY�il actually receivcci by Lender. I£ <br /> any nolice requiced by this Security Ins�i�mnent is also required mider Applicable Luw, ihe Applicable La�w <br /> require�nent wIll satisfy thc corresponding requireinent wider fl�is Secnrity Instrument. <br /> 18. C3overning Law; Severability; ftules of ConsCruetion. 'Chis Secm�i�y Instrnment shall be govenied Uy <br /> lederaL 1aw and flic 1aw of the jurisdiction in which tho Property ie loceted. All riglrts and obligations <br /> containcd in hhis Security Instirmnent ar�c subjecC Io any requireinants aaid limitation5 of Applioable Law. <br /> Applioable Law inight exp1icifly or implioitly nllow the parties to agrccby conLrncC ar it mightbe silent, but <br /> such siienca sllall not bc consLrued es fl prohibitiion against agx eemenE by contraot. In the event that uny <br /> provi�sion or clnuse of tihis 9eourity Iustrument or the NoCe conAiots witli Applicable Law, suoh eonflict shall <br /> not affecf other provisions of This Security Instrument or tlie Note which can bc given effect without ihe <br /> conPlicting provision. <br /> As usecl in this Sectu'ity Tnst�umcnti: (a)words of the masculine gc�ldcr shall mean and includa co�responding <br /> neuter worda or worde of fl�c fcininine gender; (b) words in flie singular ehall mean and include thc pinral <br /> nnd vice vetea; and(c) 17ae word "rn�y" gives solo diScreCion withouE eny obligation to talcc any aotion. <br /> 17. Borrower's Copy, Borrower sh�ll be givan oneoopy of the Note and oP this Secmity Inst�umenC. <br /> 1II. Transfer of the Property or a Beneficial Interest in Borrower. As used in this Section iR, "Incerest in <br /> Y1ie Property" uionns any leg[�l or bene�Ficial intcrast in the Property, uicluding, but not linvted to, those <br /> 6cnc,ficinl interests transf'erred in a b�ud Por eleed, cont�'act for deed, installmen6 saiea contraot or escrow <br /> agxeement, the intent of which is the h�tuisfer o'F title by k3orro�ver at a fuhue date to a ptimchascr. <br /> IP a11 or any parY oP Uie Yroperty or any Interest in the Property ie aold or h nnsferred(or if Borrower is not a <br /> nahual person and a beneGoial interest in Borrower is sold or trAvsferred)withont I,cnder'a prior�n itten <br /> conscniC, Lender may cequire immcdiate�ayment in full of all stnna secured by this 6ectuity Inst���unent. <br /> However, tliis option s1�all noC be exercised by Lender if such exercise is prohibited by Applioable Law, <br /> PL Lei�ider exercises tlus optinn, Lender shall give Borrower notice of nooeleration. The notico shall provide a <br /> period of not le� th2n 30 days from the date the notice is given in necordance�vith Scction 15 within wh'tch <br /> Rorrower n�ua[png all stuns secLued by Ehis Security Snst�'tunent. if Rorrowar feils to pay these swns prior to <br /> the expiration oF(1fly period, Lender may invoke any remnclic;e peruutted by this Seeucity Inst��unent wiHiout <br /> fiuthar noCice or dem�nd on Borrower, <br /> 19. Borrower's Right Co Refnstate After Aceeleration. If Borrower meets certEun oondiCioiis, Boxrower <br /> shall Uavc fhe right ro heve enioroement cif thie Security TnsCrument disconNuued at any time prior to Uie <br /> e�rliest oC; (a)five days befote sxl�of the Property ptu'suaut to any power oF sAle oonYanied in tl�is Security <br /> Inefntment; (b) suclx other poriod�s Applicable Law migl�t specify for the te��mina�tion of Borrower's right to <br /> reinstate; or(c) e��t�y oE a judg�nent enforcing tl�is Secucity Hishnment. Thosa couditii�ns are Chat Borrowar: <br /> (a)pays Lendcr all s�rms which then would bc due under this Sectu ity lnsh umcnc arncl the Note as if no <br /> acccleraCion hed ocotu'red; (U) cLn cs az�y default oF any other oovonazits or agreemenCa; (c)paye all ex�eniees <br /> iuenrred in enForcing H�is Security Instrumant, includ'rng, buC not liinited to, reasonablc atCorneys` fees, <br /> property inspcction and valuation fees, and other Pees incurred�For thepnrp�se ofprot�cHn�Lendar's interesf <br /> 1.4002130 <br /> NEBNASKA-Single Famlly-F�nnie bl aelPredtlie Mac UNIFOWvI INSTROM F.NT Form 3028 7101 <br /> V M P VM P&jN E1(7105) <br /> Wollnr+l<luw ar financisl8ervices PaBo 42 of 19 <br />
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