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201207672 <br /> 12. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extension of'the Ume for pnNnent or <br /> modification of amoiti7ation of the eixins aecnred by this Secw'ity Insh'wnent bn�antc;d by Lcuder Co Borrower <br /> or �ry Suc;coesoc in Inlerest of Borrowar shall not operate to rolcasc tl�e liabilily of Boxrower or auy <br /> 9uccessors in Interest of Borrower, f,e��der shall noC be required to commence proceedings against any <br /> Successor in Intereet of Rorrowcr or to refuse W�extend tiine for pa5nnent or otltcrwiec�nodify ainordi�ltion <br /> of Yhe suu�s socurcd by Chis Security Instrutnent by reasou ofany dem�nd made by the original Borrower or <br /> airy 5nccesaore in Interest of Borrower, riny foriscarance 6y Le��der in exeroising nny right or remedy <br /> uiolnding, without limitatiion, Lender's acceptanoe of pnyments fi•om tllird persons, entities or Succcssore in <br /> Interest of Borrower or in amomrts lces fhan the aniounY Yhen due, sha11 not be�waivcr of or preolucle fhe <br /> exercise oP any right or rcmcdy. <br /> 13. Joint and Several Liability; Co-signers; Successors and Assigns Bound. Borrower coven�nts and <br /> agrees U1at Borrow€r's obligetiona and liaUility sha11 hojoinC and several. IIowever, any Borrower wlio <br /> co-signs this Security In5trwnent Uut doos noE exeouCe the Note(a"co-signer"): (a) is co-fii�zing lhis <br /> Seeurity Instr�unent on1y to marCgage, grant and convey the co-ytgncr's interesL in the Property under the <br /> temis of thi5 Sectu�ity Instrument, (b) is not�ersona1ly obligafed to pay the sums aecw•ed by tlris Security <br /> Insdxlunetit; and(c) �tgreas that Lende�' and any oCher Borrov✓er caai agree to extei�d, modify, forl�ear or make <br /> nny nccommodatiions with ragard to the Cerms of this Secw�ity Iusfrumc�it or the Notie withont the co-eigner's <br /> consent. <br /> Subject to the provisions of Section 18, nny Successor in Interest of Borrower who asaumes Borrower's <br /> obligadions under this Scem-iCy Insh•ument ui writing, and ie a��proved by Lender, shall obtiain a11 of <br /> Bon�ower's rights and l�eneflts under this Secm�ity]nsLrnmenC. IIorrowet shall not be released from <br /> Bon�ower'a obligntions and liability under this Security Tnstruinent miless].endor agrces Cu suoh release in <br /> writing. Tha coven�nts aud agreeineuls of this Security InstrLiment sl�zll bind(exoept as provided Li Seetion <br /> 20) aixd beucfil the successors and assigns of J,ender. <br /> 14. Loan Charges. Lender may charge Bonow�r fees for servioes per£ormed in coimeetion with I3orrowcr'� <br /> defuulC, for the ptiirpose of protecting Lcnder's interesf in the Property aaid rightd andcr tliis Security <br /> I��strument, including, but not limiCed to, �ttornays' �Fees, property inspcetion ai2d valuation fees. In regard to <br /> nny ofliar fees, the abscnce oP exprese authority in tlus Sccurity InsLrtuxient to chaage a specific fee to <br /> Bprrower shall not be const�'ueci as a prohibitinn on the chFuging of such fee. T cndcr inay not chnrge fees <br /> fhat are expressly prohibited by tltis Sect�rity Insh•ument or b}+Applic.ablc Law. <br /> If the Loan is subject to a law whicl� sets inaximlim loAn charges, and that law is finally interpreted so thit <br /> the interesti or other 1oan charges�ooRected or to be oollectcd in com�ecCioi�i witih the Loan exceed Uie <br /> peuuitted]imits, 11ien: (a) eny auch loan cl�argc shall 6e reduoed by the unoLuit necessary to rcduce the <br /> chtix�e fo the pennitted limit; a�id(b) tu2y sui�ns nlready collected fi�om I3on ower whieh exceedecl permitted <br /> limits will Ue refunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to make Chis refund by reducing Uie principal owed <br /> under fhc Notc ox by meldng a directi paylneiit Yo Borro�er, If a refiuid reduces princi�al, thc s•cduc�ion will <br /> hc tre.�ted as a partial prepaymeilt wifl�out auy prepn}nnent chacge(whether or noC a prepa}nnent ch�rge ie <br /> provided for uudar tlie Note). Borrower's aocepYance of any such rcfui7li inade by direet pa}nnent Co <br /> Borrowar will constituto a wvver of tuiy right of ac6on Borrower might have�u�ising out of suah overehargc. <br /> 15. NotlCes, All notices givcn Uy Boxrower or Lender in coiv�ecNon wiCh lhis Seaurlty Inatrtunenti musE be in <br /> writing. An}�notice to Borrower in comiection with this Secarity Insh•nment shall be cleemed to l�avc bcen <br /> given to Borrower when inailad by first class n�ail or when actually delivered to Borrower's noCice addreas if <br /> aenC'by other meaus. Nbticc{o any one Borrower shall cottAtitute notice to all Borrowere ttnless tlpplicable <br /> Law expresely req�ures otherwiae. The notice address ehall be the Property Address Lmlesa Roirowcr has <br /> 24002130 <br /> NE6fea6KR-3ingle Famity-Fannfe MaelFreddie Mnc UMFORM IN6TRUM EN7 Form 3�26 1101 <br /> ��p� VM P0(NEI(17 O51 <br /> Wollers Kluwor Financlol 9arvioos Pngn 4t nf 17 <br />