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201207672 <br /> satisfaction, provided that such inspectioii shall be undertaken promptly. I,enAer may pay For the rcpairs <br /> and rescoration in a single disl�urseinent or in a series of pnsnnents as the work is coinpleted. <br /> Unleas an agreeme�it is made in wriCing or Applicable Lflw requires interest k�Ue peid on such <br /> Misce1lancous Proceeds, Lender ahnll noC be required to pay 13orrowor nny interest or earnings on sueh <br /> Miscellaneous Proeeeds, ff thc restoratioxi or repair is noC economically feasiUle or Londer's security would <br /> Ue lessened, 11ie Miscc�llaneous Proceecls shall Ue applied to Y1ie smns seoured by Chis Security Instirument, <br /> whether or nct thon due, with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. 3udi Miscelleneous Proceeds sl�all be <br /> applied in tl�o orcier provided for in Scction 2, <br /> In the event of a Eotal trildng, destruction, or loec in vt�lue oi'the ProUerty, Ihe Miscellaneous Prococc9e shall <br /> be applied Yo thc sume secured by this Sccw�ily fiistrument, whcfhcr or not then due, with thc, if eny, <br /> p�ud Co Borrower, <br /> In Lhe event of a partia1 talcing, destraetion, or 1oss ii�value of die Prope�ty in which the fttir marlcet valuc of <br /> tFie Properly nnincdiatelg beFore tlie parHal talcing destrucfion, or loss in value is equal to m��roaEer then Hie <br /> ainow�t of ihe sinns secw'ed by this SecuriCy Insfeumant iiwilediately befora the partia] l�ilciYig, deahuction, or <br /> loss in vnhie, unless Borrower and Lender otiherwise agtee in writing, tl�e smns secured by thig Security <br /> Insfxument slia11 Ue reduced 6y the auiowrt of tl�e Miscellaneous Procccd�inultiplied by Uie following <br /> frnction: (a)the total amonnt of the sums secured innnedlately before Che parYial taking, desh�uction, or loss <br /> in value divided Uy(b) tha Pair market value of the Property in�n�ediately bef'ore tUe partial halring <br /> desU'uction, or losa in vTlua. Any balance shall be paid to Borrower. <br /> In Yha avent of a parli�l taldng, dest�ucLion, or loss in value of lhe Property in which the L�ir market value of <br /> Y1ie Property immediately beforc the pArtial talting, dcsiruotion, or loss in value ia less than fhe amouvt oP Che <br /> tiuma secured iinmediatclybefore tha pu'tial k�lting, desttuctiion, or loss in valua, tuiless k3orrower and <br /> Lender otl�erwiso agree in wxitin�, the Miscellaneous Prnceeds shA11 be applied to Uie sums secured Uy this <br /> Securitq Instrumenti whefher or not the swns are then due. <br /> If tha Property ie abandoncd by Boxxower, or if, after notice by Lender to Borrower that the Oppr�sivg Pexty <br /> (as defined in the next senkence) off'e��5 to make an awaa'd tia setG1e a claim for dunages, Borrower£ails to <br /> respond to Lender wifhin 3d days after ths date the noUce is givcn, Lender is authorized Co collect and ai�ply <br /> the Miscellancous Proceecls either to realoratiou or repair of She Property or to thc eLuns sectu•ed by this <br /> Socuri[y Instrumant, whother or not the�i due. "Opposing P.�rty" mcans [he third party fhat owea Borrower <br /> Miscellaneous Proceeds or the party agaivst whom Borrowor has a right of a�ction in regard to Miscallaneous� <br /> Proceede. <br /> Borrower shall be in daf'anit it tttty aettion or pxoceeding, whether civil or criininnl, is begtui that, iu Lencler's <br /> ju$gment, oould re�ult in forfeiliire of the Pr•operLy or other inaterial unpairment o�f Lendcr's inCereat iu the <br /> Property or rights ui�der Ehis Seom'ity lnst�lunent. Boirower cari cure such a default zuid, if acceleratiion has <br /> oecttrred, i'oinsCate ss provided in�ection 19, Uy causing the nction or procecding to be disinissed with a <br /> ruling thaC, iii Lendac's judgn�ent, precludes forfoitm'e of theProperty or olher matef�ial impairmont of <br /> Lcnder'e interest in t71e Property or rights undcr Ihis Sectu'ity Instrem�enG The proceeds of any award or <br /> claim for da�na�ges that are ath•ibutable to tha in�p�irment of l�nder's interest in t�lie ProperCy nre heraby <br /> assigiled �nd shall be paid to Lender. <br /> All Miscelluxeone Proceeds that are not�pplied to reat�oratioii or repair of U�e Proper6y ehnll be applied in tl�e <br /> order provideci£or in Section 2. <br /> 2h002136 <br /> NEBRASI(A-Sin91e FamilS`FannleMaelFreddiePrlac UNIFORht INSTRUWENT Form 302t1 1107 <br /> VN P�) VM PO(NEl(1106) <br /> WalFevv Kluwar Finanolal9arvlces PeBe f 0 of 17 <br />