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201207542 <br /> Any application o't'payments, insuranee proeeeds, or Miecellaneous Procec;tlF to principal due under flia Note <br /> nhall not extet�d or postpone the due date, or cliange Yhe amomit, oP tlie Periodic Paynnenfs. <br /> 3. 1�nnds for H,scrow ltems. Ron�ower shall pay to Lender on Y1ia day Periodic PPyt�ents are due ui�idcr tho <br /> Note, un[il the NoCe is pnid�in full, n euin(tl�e"Funds") ta provide for payment of unonnte dne for: (e) tnxes <br /> a�id assessinante and other itema which cnn fltFnin priority ovar llv�Securify Ineh ument as a lien or <br /> encwnbr�aaice on flie Property; (b) leasehold pa�yments or grouncl reats on the ProperCy, if any; (c)prcmiuivs <br /> for any�ncl�11 insurance reqtiiireci by Lender under Section 5; aud(d)Moitgage InsurAnoe pren�iums, if any, <br /> or any�same payable by Borr��wer to Lcndcr in licu oF the�iaymenf of Mortgage Insurance premiume in <br /> acwrdanoe wiCh ttie provisio�labf Sectiun 10. These itc.Kns are calicci"Nscrow ltems." Ac origivation or ati <br /> �ny time during the tetm of the Loan, Lendex mny require thnt Cominunity Aesociatio�Y Dues, Peeti, and <br /> Asscssmei�fs, if any, l�c cscrowocl by Borrowcr, and sucl� dnea, fees and assessments ehall be an Escrow <br /> Item Bormwer sh�ll promptly fvri��ish Co Lenfter all nohieea of�mounts to be paid m�de��fhis Section. <br /> Borrower shall pay Lender the Funds for Escrow IYama tmless Lender weives IIoxrower's oUligation ro pay <br /> the Cunds for any or all Recrow ltems. l�auder may waive Rorrower's ol�ligation to pay tio Lender Funde fot <br /> any or nll L+scrow Reins at anq�Ciine. Aiiy fiuch waiver�nay only be in�vrit4ng. ]n 8�e�evenY of such waivei, <br /> Borrower shell pay directly, when tmd where pay�Ule, the amoimis due for any L+scrow Itoms£or which <br /> paymenY oP Funds has been waived by Lender and, if Lender requires, shall furnish to Leuder receipts <br /> evidencing suoh p�yment wiUiui such tune period as Lendeir inay require. Boirower's obligetion to malce <br /> suc11 payments and to provlde rcceipts sha11 for hll putposes Ue deemed to be a covenant and agreament <br /> contain�d in this Sectu�ity H�strwnent, ��thc�ln�ase°wv���aut aud agrcoment" is used in Sectio�l9, [f <br /> T3orrower is obligaCed to pny Escrow Items dixeotly, pursuant to a waiver, and Borrower faile Lo�ay thc <br /> amount due fm an P�scirow Ieem, Lender may exercise ifs rights uuder Section 9 and pay such nmount aud <br /> ]3on'owcr vh�ll fl�cn bc obligated undcr Scctirn� 9 to rcpay to Lcndcr any stiicti amount. Lender inay revolce <br /> the waiver as to any or all�scrow Items ak any rime by a notice given in�coorciance o✓iCh Sc:c:tion 1$ ai7d, <br /> upon suah revocation, Borrower shnll�ay Yo Lender all FLwds, aud in such azi�ounts, thaY are thett requned <br /> w�der this Section 3. <br /> 1 znder ixtay, at airy time, �oollect xnd l�old Funds in an amount(a) suffi'cient ko permit Lender tio apply fhe <br /> Funds aC the time speci�tiad imd�r RL+SPA, �nd(b)noC t� excecd fhe�maxiu�um amount a lei�der can require <br /> under RESPA. Lendex sha11 eetimate the sunotint of Punds dlie on the basis of oiirrenC dnCa avd reasonablc <br /> estimaEes of exponditures of futurc Lsc�'o�v iterns or otiherwisc in accordAnoe with Applicable Law. <br /> 9'ho I+unds s}utll ho hcld 'rn an institutiirn� whono deposits zFre inaured by a federal ageney, instrmnentality, or <br /> ettlity(inclnding Lender, if Lendei is nn instihi[ion whose deposifs are so 'visurcd) or in an� Feileral Home <br /> Loan Banit Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the Escrow Items no laYe�•th�n the tiu�e specified mide� <br /> RNSPA. Lender sha11.nof charge 73orrower for holdin�;.and app1ying the Fnuds, aimually analyzing the <br /> escrow accounC, or vecifying Che L+sorow If€ms, unlesa I,endec pnys Borrower interest on the Funds and <br /> Appliceble Law permits Lender to melce auch a charge. Unless ui egi�eement is made in wriCiixg or <br /> Ap�licaUle Law requires inferest to be paid on the Fwids, Lender sliall vok Ue required io pay Borrower nny <br /> interest or eamings on t91e Funds. Bon�owe�'and],eud�r can ab��ee in writing, however, That intarest shEtll be <br /> paid on lhe Ftuids. Lender sha11 give to Borro�ver, wiChout charge, an ai�nual accomtting of The Punds as <br /> requirul by ItESPA. <br /> If there ia a surplus oP Punde lield in esorow, as defined under ItLSPA, Lender ehall account to Rorrower for <br /> the excess iiuids in accordance with RESPA. If there is a shortage of Punds tield in escrow, as defuied uneier <br /> RESPA, Lencler�hall norifq Borrowor ay rcqurrcd by KESPA, and Bon�ower sl�all pay to Leiidar the tunounC <br /> necessary to make i� the ehortage in aocoxdaiice with RESPA, bi�t in no inore Ihan ]2 inonthly p2yinents. If <br /> there is a deficiency oP Ftiuids hald in escro�v, as defined under RESPA, Lender sl�nll uotify Borinwer ae <br /> ----J — -- -- znoozoss <br /> NEBHASKA-Single Famlly-Fannlo M aelRetldle M ac UMFONM MSTRUM EN f Forni 3020 1107 <br /> VNiP� VMP6�NE)f1105I � <br /> Waltera Kluw er Flnenelel 9ervlr,es Paqe 8 af 1 Y <br />