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201207542 <br /> required by RESPA, anci Borrowee sha11 pay fo l.ender tlie amotwt necessary to inake up tlie deficiency in <br /> a4eardance with RLSPA, but in no more lhen 12 monthly payn�cnts. <br /> Upari payment in full of 111 snn�s securecl hy this Security I�ietrtunenf, Lender 51i�11 promptly rafwid to <br /> Borrower any Funds held by Lender. <br /> 4. Charges; Liens. Sorrower shall pay a11 taxes, aseessmenta, olilrges, flnea, and intF�oeitinns attrihutaUle to <br /> the Properry wl�ieh e�w attftin pciority over Yhis Sectuity Instrument, leesehold pay�neuts or groimd r€nls on <br /> thc Property, if Euzy, and CommLuiity Association Dues, Fees, and Assassinents, if any. 'Po tlie extent that <br /> Chese itcros arc Escrow Ttams, Borrowcr sl�all }1ay tha�n in the�nanuer provided 'ni SecCio�� 3. <br /> 13orrnwer�1ra11 prnmptly discharge any lien which has prirn•ity over this Recw'�ity lnskrmnent anleae <br /> Borrower: (a) ngrees in wti6ng to the payinent of the obligation seonred by the lien n�a m�mar aeoeptab7c <br /> fo Lender, but oiily so loug as Borrower is parForming such agreement; (b) con¢eats the]ien in good faifh by, <br /> or deferrds against enforce�nent of the lien in, legal proeeedin�wlucl� ui 7�ender`s opinion o�exate to preveixt <br /> the enforcenienl oP Che lien�vhile 1lioae proceedings are pending, hitC only mitil sucl�procccdings a��e <br /> concludecl; or(c) secures from the holder of the lien an ngreement satisfaotary to Lender suborciinaling the <br /> Hen to tlus SecwiCy Instrument. If Lender deteiixunes that any�art of the ProperGy is eiibject to a lien whioh <br /> cari attain priority over fhis Security Inst�•umcnf, ]snd��r tnay give Rarrower a ilotice ideiitifying the lien. <br /> WiChin 10 daye of Cl�e d�1le on which 11�aC notiee is given, Borrower shall saYisfy thc Jicn br t2lcc one or more <br /> o£the Actious aet forilt a6ove in tihis Section 4. <br /> Lender may require Borrower to p�y n one-time oli�rge 1'or a real esk�Ce kax verii`icatioi� and/or rcporting <br /> service used by Lender in cosuaection with this Lonn. <br /> 5, Property InsurancB. Borrower shall lceep tlie unprovementn now exietrng or here�fter erwfed on the <br /> Property insured against loss by fire, I�azards included witliin Che ferm "extended coverage," aud any other <br /> Lazarde inaludiug, l�id not lii�iled iq er�rthqiiakes and Ploode, for which L,e,Kider rcc(uires insurance. "fl�is <br /> insurance shell be mt�intoined in tha emounts (including deductible levels) and for the perioda thnL Lender <br /> requires. Wh�t Lender requires pursuaut to tlie prececlin�sentiences can cl�auge during the term of the Loan. <br /> 'Cho insurance carrier providing fhe insurence shall be ci�ose�i liy Borrower subject to l.ender's right to <br /> disapprove Bnrrower's el�oiec, whinh righf sh�ll not be exa�-cised uru'easonably. Lcndor may rcc�uir¢ <br /> Boi�rower to 1�ay, in coimection wiUi tliis Loan, aitha�: (a)a one-time charge for flood zoue determina�6ion, <br /> certification and h�acldng services; or (b) n oi��tiine cl�argc for flood zone detennination and certifcation <br /> services nnd eixUsequent charges eaoh L'une reu�appings or sii7ular change,g occ�u'wl�ich rcason�bly migUC <br /> af'fect such determination or cartification. Borrower she11 �lso be responsible for the payment of any £ees <br /> iinposed by tl�e Cederal Pmergency Mana�e��ient Agency in comiection with the review of ai�y flood aone <br /> determinaLion resulGng fron�v�ohjeoCion by Borrower. <br /> If Borrower ftiils So maintain zmy nP the cuverages dceoriUed aUove, Lender may oUtain insurance coverage, <br /> at Lender's option end Borrower'e expense. Lender is under no obligation to purchase auy p�rticul�r Lype or <br /> amowit oF coverage. Therefore, such oov�raga shall covar Lender, but might or might not protect 13orrower, <br /> Borrower's eqtiity in the Property, ar Yhe eontents of the ProperCy, against any risk, hazaa'd or liebilitiy end <br /> mighti provic4e grcatcn�or Icssor•cover�.go th�n was previously in cffc�,-t. ]3on�ower aclrnowledges that the eost <br /> of the insurnnce coverage so obtctined might eigniflc¢ntly excaec{the cost of izisurance L9�aC Borrowor could <br /> 1'iave ohtained. Any ainouuYs disbursed Uy Lei2der under this SeoEion 5 shall become additional debt of <br /> Borrower sec�ired by tliis Sectiu•ity lnstrun�ot�t, "Chcse a�nour�ts al�all bear interest a�t the Not�e rata Si'om Y1ie <br /> clnte of diebursemenk n�id sha11 be payable, with such intuest, upon no[ice from Levder to Bon�owcr <br /> requestiiig pa�yinenC. <br /> �— . ` � 2400209�G <br /> NG6RASIfk-SIn9�e Femlly-Fonnle M eolFrodtlle M ac UNIFORM IN9TRUM F.NT Form 9028 1701 <br /> VMP[� VMPO(NGj(1106) <br /> W ollers Kluwer Ylnanclal5srvices Page 6 of 1'/ <br />
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