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201207542 <br /> BOl2ROWElt COVSNANTS Hiat Borrower is ln�ufully seisecl of the estnte hereUy convoyed and has tha right to <br /> gr�nC nnd oonvey the Property aud that the Properdy is unencwnUered, excapt for enoumbrences of record. <br /> Barrower warrautis�uid will defend genarally tUo titlo Go the Properfy againet all clliv�a u�d demnnda, subject to <br /> auy enotinnbretnooe of rccord. <br /> THIS S�CLIRITY fNS"CKOMtiN'1' cn�nbines uniPorm covennuts £or national use�nd nou-uniform coveuants cvith <br /> limited vaxiations by jurisdiclion[o cons6itute a uniform security inatrument covering real propeity. <br /> UnifoYm Covenants. Borrower an$Lendcn'covenza�L and agree as Tollows: <br /> 1. Payment of principal, Interest, Escrow Items, F�repayment Charges, and Late Charges. Borrower <br /> ehall pay wheu dne the principal of, and intcrest on, ehe debt evidenoed by the Nota and any prepa}nnent <br /> charges and late ch�rges due undae tihe�Nnte. l3oi��ower ahall alsi�pay fuuds for L��crow I6en�s pursuanf to <br /> Seetion 3. Pay�nents dtite nuder tl�e Notc and fhis Seciuity Inst�ument shall be made in U.S. currency. � <br /> However, if any check or o[her instivment received by Lendar as payment uucier the Note or this Security <br /> Hletniment is returned to Lendai unpaid, Lender may requ�rc fl�at any or�t11 subseq�ient paymente due tmder <br /> the Note and{liis Sec�arity Insb'tiuuent bc�nado in one ot inore of the following Porme, ns selected by Le�ider: <br /> (a) cash; (U) monoy ordc:r; (c) cerhiCied clieck, bnnk ctieck, treasurer's etiecic or cashier's checic, provided any <br /> siich checic is diawn u��on an ias6tution tivhoee deposits are insured by a federal agency, inshumentality, or <br /> entity; or(d)L+leotronio Funds Tranafer. <br /> Pn}�me��ts aro dcemed reoeived by Lender wtlen rece'ived at the looa�tioii designated in the Note or at suah <br /> other locaCian ae may be designated by Lender iu accordanca with thc noticc�rovision� in See;lion 15. <br /> Leuder may rettiun uiy payment or partia1 payment if the payment or pertial payinents are insufficienf to <br /> Uein�;thc Loan currcnt. Lencler n�y 2coept aary p�ymenf or ptu�tial payment insuPFicienC�Co Uriug the Loan <br /> curren(�, witl�out wniver oP nuy righCs hareunder or prejudice to ity eights to refuse sucl�i pa�m7ent or pprii�l <br /> paynients in tha f'uture, bttt Iznd�'is not obligaticd to apply such payn�ients al Che time snch pa�yments nre <br /> acoepted. If euch Pcriociic Yayment is applied as o£its scheduled due date, then Lender need not pay interest <br /> on unapplied funds. Lender n��y hold such tuiapplied innde mitil Borrower malces paymenfs to Uring the <br /> Loau ourrent. If Borrower does not do so witkin a reasouaUle period of time, l,e��dar sl�all cither apply such <br /> &mda or rehun tihein to Borrowes. If not applied earlicr, such funds will he applied Co Che oufslanding <br /> principal balance�uider the�Note immcciiatcly prior Co foreclosure. No offset or olaim which Borrower might <br /> have now or in the futur�£tgninst Lander s'1�11 relieve Borrower from malcing payments d�ie under thc Nate <br /> wd Yhis Security Instrument or perPonning thc covcnruite and agreements secured by Chis Securily <br /> h�strumont. <br /> 2. Anplicatiori of Payments or Proceeds. �xcept ns otlierwise clescriUed in tliis Section 2, a11 paynxeuts <br /> aocepted and upplied by Lender sha11 be applied in tl�e folTowii�g order of priority: (a) inu%rest due�mdcr the <br /> Notie; (b)principal due unde�'the Notc; (c) avio�uita c{ne mider SecCion�. Suoh pn3nnentis shall be applied to <br /> oxc1�Pcrioclic PaymenC ii�lhe order in whioh it l�ecnme due. Any rem�ining nmounYs shall be applied first Yo <br /> late oharges, second Yo nny other tunounts due under this Security Iust�umenC, aud tlien to reduce fhe <br /> princip�l balence of Yhe Note. <br /> PP Lender reeeives a pp}nnent from Borrowar f`or a dalinquenC Periodic PaymenT which inclLides a suf'ficient <br /> amount tio pay any la�te charge dua, the}�a�nlent inay bo applied to tlic delinqucnC paymenl and tho late <br /> charge. If n�ote Nian one Periodic Payv�enC is outstandiug Lender may apply any p�yment received from <br /> Borrower to the re,payment of the Periodio Payments iP, and to the extient tUat, eaeh payment caai Ue paid in <br /> full. To flie extient fliat any excess exists aftcr tho paymont ie applic�W the full pz�ymenC oP une or more <br /> Periodio Payincnts, sucli exces�may Ue applied Co eny late charges due. Vohmtn�y prep�ymenta shall Ue <br /> applied 1"irst to any prepayment charges and then as descriUed in Che Note. <br /> � zqoozo�s <br /> NE9fdASKA-Single Fainily-Fannie Mae/Reclells M ac UNIPORM INSTRtlh1 ENT Form 3028 1/01 <br /> VM P� VM P3(NE)(1106) <br /> Wnita�s Kluwer Finenclal Se�Nces f n9e 4 of 17 <br />