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201207436 <br /> contiinie to pay to Lencler the nmount of the sepv'ataly designated payments th�t were due wl�cn tl�c <br /> insurauce coverage cetased to be in effect. l,e�ider will accept, uec aiid reLain uheso pnymonfs as n. <br /> non-refiuidaUle losy rese�ve in licu of Morfgage Insurance. Such loes reaeeve shall be non-refiuidable, <br /> notwit7�stanciing the facC lliat the Lo�n is ultimatelp paid in fi�ll, and Lender ehall not be required to pay <br /> Bon�ower any intierest or earninge on such loss reseive. l.euder can no longcr requ'rro loss roscrvc pxyrnen[s <br /> if Mortgage Inswauea conerage(in the amount and for Lhe perioci Chnt Lender requires)providecl by an <br /> insurer seleoted hy Lcncior again becomes availflble, is obtanied, and Lender reqttires separatiely designated <br /> paymnenL's Coward the premiums for A7ortgage Lisarance. If Leuder requircd Mortgagc Tnyurancti as a <br /> condition oPmaking tlie Loau and Borrowe���vas required to make separalely designated pnyments toward the <br /> pramiums for Mortgage In.sw��a�ce, Borrower shall pny the premiums required to maintain NIarYgage <br /> Insurance in ePPeot, ar to providea non-refundable los3 reserve, nntil Lei�dcr's rcquircmcnt for Mortgage <br /> Insurance ends in accordance witih auy written agreemcnt bctwoon Borrowe��and Lencler providing for such <br /> terminntion or unY�il termiiutition is reqtilired by Applicnble Law. Nothing in this Section 10 affeets <br /> Borrower'e obligalion to pay intotcsti at h1�e rate provided'ni the Note. <br /> Mortg�ge Instiu�aice reimUm�ses Lendor(or any entity thak purchnaes the NoYe) fror certain lossee it may incur <br /> if Rorrower doce not rc��ay the Lonn As agreecl. Borr�ower is not a party to tl�e Mortgage]neL�rance. <br /> Mortgage insurcrs cvttluate tlielr Cotal risk on ell such insurance in force from time Co time, and may cntcr <br /> intio agreeinenis with other pardies that shtua or modify their�is1c, or reducc losecs. Theae agreements are ort <br /> tei�rns aYid conditions that are saCistactory to tho martgagc insurer aud the other pertq(or pfu•ties) to fliese <br /> agreements. Thase agreements may requirc the inortgage inai�rer to make payments using �ny somce of ftuids <br /> � that Uie�nortgago insurcr may have av�il�ble(which may include fuuds obtauied fi�om Mortgage]nswaflcc <br /> prcti�iums). <br /> As a residC of Hiese agreemenfs,Lender, any purchasei aP the Note, another insurer, any reinsm�er, any other <br /> entity, or any affxlia�te of any of lhe�foregoing, inay recoive (dir•ectly or indireot�ly) an�ounCs thaf derive fiom <br /> (or might be char�oterized as) a(�ortion of Borro�ver'a p�ytnents for MorYgage Insurance, in exchange Por <br /> sharing or n�odifying the inartgnge iusurer's risk, or redttcing lossas. PF such agreement provides t6at an <br /> Af�iliate oP Lender Yakes a share ot'the insurer's riblc in cxch�r�gc for a share of the promimns�aid to'Lhe <br /> insurey flie eurzngeme��t is oftcn tcrnicd"capCive reinsurauce.° P'urther; <br /> (a) Any enc}i agceemente will noE affect Che amonnte tl�at Borrowcr hns agrced to pay f'or Mortg��ge <br /> Insm•ance, or nny other terms of tl�c Lonn, Snch i�gree�nents will nuE increase tlte ;imomif. <br /> Bot•rowcr will owe for MorCgnge Insurnnce, xnd tLey will not euHNe Bmrower to auy refand. <br /> (b) Any such agrecmenCe wiil not nffect the rights Borruwer has-if:my -witl�respect to the <br /> Mortgage Insnra��ce mider the Hmneowners Proteclion AeC of 1998 or auy oL7ier law. TLesa rigl�te <br /> may include Che rigLC Co receive certain dieclosnres, to request snd obtain cancollation of thc <br /> Mortgage Iueiu�ance, to liavc thc Mortgagc Insm•ance terminated tnitumatic:ills, and/or to receive <br /> n refmid of any Mortgage Iusucauice preminms Chxt were itnearned at.the lime of sricli <br /> caneellatlon or Ccrnunnliou, <br /> 11. Assignment of M iscellaneous Proceeds; Forfeiture. All Miscell�uieous Proceeds nre hereby nssigned to <br /> and shall Uc paid Lo Lcnder. <br /> Lf tlie Proparty is da�»aged, such Misccllaneous Proceeds shall be appliecl tio restorntion or repair of the <br /> Prope�•ty, if t�he restoi�2tion or xepair is economically feasible azid Lender's securiky is not lessened. Durin� <br /> such repair and restor��dion period, Lender sluilllia�ve the rigl�t to holcl such Miscellaneous Proc2eds until <br /> Lender l�as had an opportuni[y to ins��cct such Property Co ensiue Che work has l�een compleCed Co Lender's <br /> — — ------- ---- zaooza�i <br /> NENRA9KA-9ingle Femlly-Fqnnle MaelFreddle Meo UMPORM IN9TRUM ENT Farm 3028 110'I <br /> vMPp vmi=s�Ne���to5� <br /> W niters Klmv er Finannlal Sr:rvinnx Paye B of 1] <br />