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201207436 <br /> satisfa�ction, provided that sucl� inspection shall be undartaken promptly. Lender may pay for the repairs <br /> and rautoration in a snigle diabursement or in a series af progress pa�ymeuts as tlie work is completed <br /> Unless an ngreemeut is rnade in writing or Applicable Law r•eqttires intcrest to ba paid on nuch <br /> ?VIiscella�iaous Proceeds, T.euder shall not hc required Co pay Boxrowex any interest or enrnings on such <br /> Miscell��co��s Proec;eds. If Che restaration or repair is not economically feasible or Lander's seciuity wonld <br /> bc lessenetl, the Miscellaneoue Proceeds slutll be applied to the sums secured by this Sccurity fnshument, <br /> whether or not Yhen due, with the excess, if nny, �aid to Borrower. Such Miscellaneaus Proceecls shall be <br /> npplied in the order provided for in Scction 2. <br /> In Che event of a total Yaking, destruction, or loss in valt�c oP�Ihe Proper�y, lhe Miacellnneous Prooeuls ahflll <br /> ve applied to Yhe suins aec�.u�ed by tl�ih Sa;urity Ine�nunenC, whether or not then clue, with theexcess, it'auy, <br /> paid to Borrower. <br /> ln the ovont of 2parfial tnlring, destcuction, or loss in value of the Prope��ty in which the fair rnarlcet v�lue af <br /> Lhe Property immediaP�ely before 11ie partial ta1ring, d�ntrucHo�z, or loss in value is etlual Co or grenter than tlie <br /> amount af tlie suins secived by thiF Sccurity H�stnunent immeciiately befoze the ptutial teking, destrttction, or <br /> loss i�valuc, unlese Bori�ower and Lender otherwise agree in writing, tl�e stuns securecl by this Secw'i�y <br /> Inekrument shall be reduced by lhe aiiiount�of the Miscellanoous Yroceeds m[ilCiplied by �he fo(lowing <br /> fraction: (a)tha total aanoLuit of tlie sums securcd immedi�Cely bafore the pertiel teking, deshuotion, or loss <br /> in value divided by(b) tlie fxxir markct value af the Property inunedieYely before the partial Calting, <br /> desttuction, or loss in valuc. Ati�balanoe shall be paid to Borrower, <br /> Sn tha avent of a parCial talring, destrucCion, or]osa in v�lue of the Property in which flie f'air inarkeC valne of <br /> tlie Proporty immediately befora tihe pnr6inl tekiixg, destrnetion, or loes in value is less t1�an tihe amounC of t71e <br /> awn.s secuted immecliakely bef'ore the paa'tial taking, destruction, or loss in valuq unluss Borrower and <br /> Leuder otil�erwise�a��ee i,n w�iting, thc Misccllaneous Proceecls shn11 be appliezl to the snms aecured by Yhis <br /> Secuiity 1nsh�un�anC whether or not the aums �u•e�tien due. <br /> If Uie Yroperty is abancioned by Borrower, ar if, a'fter notice Uy Lendar ko Borrower tihati the Opposin�Party <br /> (aF de�Cined in the next sentence) offers to inake au award to settle a claiin for dainages, Bon�ower faile to <br /> respond co Leuder witlun 30 days after Uie dette tl�e noticc is givcn, Lender is authoriLed tn eollect and apply <br /> the Miscallaueous Proceeds either to restoratiou or repair oP 4he Property or Co Che aiuns secured 6y this <br /> Sceurity InsLrLiment, whether ox not then dne. "Oppasing Party" means the tl�ird party t1�at owes l3orrowcr <br /> Miscellaneous Proceeds or fhe�arty against whom Rorrower has a rigl�t of action in ecgard to Mi�cellaneous <br /> Proceeds. <br /> Borirower sl�all be in default i£airy actioit or proceeding, �vheCl�er oivil ot criminal, is bea n that, in Lender's <br /> judginenC, could result in PorFeihire of the Property or other material impaicuient of Lander's iuEexest iix t7�e <br /> E'roperty or rightis aider tihis Sectuity Inst�ument. J3orrower can cure such a dcfaLilt ctnd, if aoccloration has <br /> occun�ed, reins�tatc an�providezi iii Sec6ion 19, uy enusing[he�otion�or proceeding to be disntissed with a. <br /> raling thae, in Lender's judgment, preclucles forfeihue of'the Piroperry or oYher matari�l impairment of <br /> Lendex's uiterest in the ProperCy or rights under Uiis Security Instrument. The proceeds of e»ry award or <br /> claim Por d�mages Uiat are attributable to the i�npxirtnent of T,o��der's intcrest in tl�c Property arc hcreby <br /> assi�gned and sha11 be paid to i,cndor. <br /> All Miseellaneous Proceeds that� are not applied#e�rentoration�>r rcpair of Hi�Propor6y ehall bo lpplied in fhe <br /> ord�r Urbvidcd for in Section 2. <br /> - — znoo2a�rt <br /> NFARASKA-Single Family-F�nnle h7aelFretltlie Mac UNIf-ORP.q IN5TRl1M[RT Porm 3029 1I01 <br /> VM P(9i ViN P6(NCl(1105� <br /> Woltere Kluwar Flnenclal Se�vlces f age f0 of 1' <br />