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201207436 <br /> for tlxe repairs and restoration it� tt Fingla�ayment or in a series of progrese paymc��ts as Che work is <br /> complet�ed. If thc innurnnce or oondemu�.tion proceeds �u'e noC sufficiont to repair or resCore tha ProperYy, <br /> Borrowec is not relieved of Borrowei's obligation Por tihe wn�pletion of such repair ox xestocatiion. <br /> l.ender or its agent may mnlce re�sonabla antries upon and iiiapections af the Property. SP it has reasonable <br /> canse, Lender mey nisl�ect the interior of the improveinents on the Property. Leudex shall give Borrnwe�' <br /> notice at the iiine of or piior tio auch an interior inspection specifynig such r�;nsonable canse. <br /> 8. Borrower's I.oan Applieation. Borrower ahnll be in default if, dur�ng tho Loak�applio�ttion pxocese, <br /> Boirower or any pcesons or entities ncting at the direction of Borrower or with IInrrower's latowledga or <br /> consent gave u7nteri�lly false, misleading, or inaccurato inPorn�ltiou ox etatements to Lender(or failed to <br /> provide Leuder with material inforn�alion) in oomiecYion with the Loa�i. Material rcprc�entaiions include, but <br /> ere not limited to, represcntatiions conoerning Borrower's occLipancy of tlie Property as Borrower's prinoipal <br /> residence. <br /> 9. Protection of Lender's Interest in the Property and Rights Under this Security Instrument. If(a) <br /> Borrower �Pails to perfonn tl�e covenants and agrcements contained in this Security Instrwnenf, (b)fhero is n <br /> 1eg21 proceeding thati inight si��ifioaiitily afPect Lender's interesC i�i theProperty antVor rights imder this <br /> SecwiYy Instruanent(sueh as a proceeding in baaflcruptcy, probafq for condei�mation rn forfCitw�e, for <br /> e��force��icn{of 11ien wluch may attain priority over thie Secari[y Insh��mlent or�Co anforce laws or <br /> regcflations), or(c) Borrower has abandoned N�e Property, then Lender may do a.nd pay for whafever is <br /> reasonable or appropriaCe Co I3rotect Lcnder'a interest in the Properly and rights und¢r tihia Secm•ity <br /> Instnunerrt, including protccding and/ox Assessing the value of the Properry, and securing nnd/ar repniring <br /> khe)'ro}�orty. Leuder's aotions ean inolude, but ace not]imited to: (a)paying any sums secured by a lien <br /> which hns pxiority over this Secm'ity Instrument; (U) appearing in court; And (c)paying reasonaUle attorncye' <br /> £ees to protecC its interest in t1�e Pro�jc��ty and/or rights under fliis Secw�ity LisU'uanent, inclnding its eecured <br /> position in a bai11<rup4cy prooeedi�ig. Securing Yhe Property incltiides, bnt is not lir2�iCed I,o, et�Cering the <br /> Property Co make repairs, chauge locks, replace or Uoard up doors and windows, drain k�eter from pipes, <br /> eliminate b�iilding or otl�er code violaHons or daugeroiis concfitions, and have ndllties t�u��ed on or off. <br /> Although Landcr may take aofiou under this Section 9, Lender does nof havc to do so aild is not under any <br /> duty ox oblig�uon tn do so, It is egreed tliat Lender incurs no liahility Por not talting nuy or all actions <br /> autharized tmder this Section 9. <br /> Any ai�lounte disbursecl by Lender tmcler this Sectioi�9 sha71 l�econto addition�l cleb��of Borrowec secmed by <br /> fhis Security Insh•ument. Thesa ainouirts shall bear intcrest at Lhe Note rate from the dete of disbucsement <br /> and shall Ue payable, wiU� such intarest, u��on nocice fi•om Lender co Borrower requesUng payment.. <br /> If tltis Seourify Instirument is on e�lc�scl�old, Borrower shAll comply with all tha provisions of t�he lease. If <br /> Borrowe� accµura5 fce LiCle ��o Che Property, the leasehold aud t7ie fee title sha11 ��ot met�;o imlees Lender <br /> agrces to the merger in writi�2g. <br /> 10. M oPtgage IltsUl'tfnce. If Leudar requircd Mort�,age Insurt�nce es a condition af making tihe Loan, Borrower <br /> shall pay t1�e premimns required C�ma�intain the Mortgnge Tneurance in effecC, It, Por any reaeon, thc <br /> Mortgagc Tnsnrance covernge required by Lendar ceases to be auailable from tho mortgage insiu�er lhat <br /> prcvio�isly provided such inaurnnca znd Borcower was requircd to n�akc ecparahely designn[ed pa5mienta <br /> toward the premiwns for Mortgage lnsm�ncc, Boi�rower shzll pay the pien�iums xequired to obtain coverage <br /> stibstanCia.lty eqniva1ent to tl�o Mortgage Hzsln�ance previously in efFect, at e cost substantially equivalent to <br /> the cost to Borrower of the Mortgage Insut.vice praviously in effect, fron2 ai� alternate mortgage i��aurer <br /> selecCed l�y Lender. If substentially aquivale�at Mortgage Lnsurance coverage is nof�v�ilable, Borrower shall <br /> znooso�t <br /> NE6RASKA-SingleFamlly-Fannfe MaeJFreddis Mac IINIfORro1 INSTRU�NENT Fonn 3020 1101 <br /> VM P OO VM P6(NE)(110G) <br /> Woltara I(luwer Financlal3ervlcee PaOe 8 of 19 <br />