<br /> All insiunnoe policies required by Lender and re,Kicwnla of such policies sl�all be subject to I,endcr's right Co
<br /> disapprove such policies, sha11 includo a�sCuidard inortg�age clattse, and s1�a11 name Lcndcr ae mortgagee
<br /> and/ar as au additional losa payee. Lender shall ha�e tl�e right to hold Che policies and renewal certificaiea If
<br /> Londcr rccptire.s, Borrowez�shall promptly give fo Lcnder all receipts ofpnid premiwns and renewal noticcs.
<br /> If IIorrower obtains Any form of insurancc coverage, not otl�erwise required by I,ei�dor, for dan�age fo, or
<br /> deatruction of, Ll�e I'roperty, such policy shall include a standard mortgage clause �nd shall name Lender as
<br /> mortgaboc aiid/or as an additional loss payee.
<br /> In the event of loss, Borrower shall �ive prompt notice w thc insire�noe cnrrier aud Leuder. Lender may
<br /> make proof of loes if not made promptly Uy Boi�ower. Unless Lenc{er end}3oxrowes oYherwise agree in
<br /> v,niting, auy insurnnoe proceecls, whether or not thc underlying insurAnce wTs lequired Uy l,e��dcr, shnll he
<br /> lpplied to rosCoration or repair of Yha Property, if the restioration or ncpair iF cconoinieally fensibla and
<br /> Lender's secw�ity is rlot lessened. During sucli repair and rasioration peiiod, Lender shall I�ave the righ{(�
<br /> hold sucl� ii�eurance pxoceeds ttntIl Lender has had an opporlimity to inspeot euoh Properry to cnsura Che
<br /> work hns 6een completed tio I,ander's yaHsfncCion, provided tha�t such inspection shall be ui�idertnken
<br /> promptly. Leuder inay disbm�se piroceeds far the repatrs and reetorafion in a singlepayment or in a series �rf
<br /> prog-�ss payinenSs as tihe woxk is coinpleted. Unlcns an agreement is mo<la in writing or Applicable Law
<br /> requires interest to ba paid on such insurance prooeeda, Lender s1�a11 not Ue requircd to pay Boi•rower any
<br /> ii�iteresY or ea�'nings on such proceeds. Pees for public adjtiistets, or otiher Chird parries, reEained by Borro�uer
<br /> shall not be paid out of Che inaurance pioceeds and sliall bc thc sole obligarion of Borrower. If the restor�lion
<br /> or repair ie not economicelly feasible or Lender's accurity would Ue le.asened, tl�e insurance procceds shall be
<br /> applied Co Che sums secured by Cl�is Secixrity inslnu�ient, whether or noC fhen due, with H�e ozcess, iP any,
<br /> paid to IIorrower. Such insm anco prooeeds shall be applied in the order providcd for in Section 2.
<br /> If Bon•ower abtwidons the Property, Lcxider ixiay file, negotiete aaid settle any availablo insurance eleim nnd
<br /> related matters. ]f Borrower doea not iespond witl�in 30 days to a noHoe fi�om Lender that the insura�ice
<br /> earricr ha� ol'fered to settle ti claiin, then I,ender may negoliate and settle the clTini. The 30-day,period will
<br /> begin when tha nolice is given. In eithcn evenc, or if Lender acquires tl�e Froperty undcr See;6ion 22 or
<br /> otherwise, Bomowcn c�reby aasigie to Lender(a) Borrower's rigl�ts to any insnrence prooeeds in�u amount
<br /> not to cxc��ccl the amounts tmpaid under 4�1�e Note or this Securily Instrument, �nd(b) eny other of
<br /> Borrower's rights (other tihan tlie right to tu�y rcfunci of unearned premiums paid by Borrower)under all
<br /> hisurance p�olieics covoring Che Piroperty, insofar as such rlglits are applicaUle to ihe eoverage of the
<br /> 1'r<�perty. Lcnder may use the insurauce proceeds either tio rc;pair or resLore the Property ot to�ay amounGv
<br /> ur�aid imde� theNote or tlus Sectiuity Instrumcnt, whe[her or not then due.
<br /> 6. Oeowpancy. Borrower sha11 occupy, establisl�, anci use the Property as Borrot��er's princil3al residenco
<br /> wiYhin 60 days A?ter the exccution of Chis Security Instrtunent and sl�all�oontintte Co�occupy�lte Properly ns
<br /> 13on owor's peinoipal residence for aY least one yeaa' afEer tl�e d�fc of occapancy, miless Leneler otheswise
<br /> agxees in wxi6ng, whioh consent shall not be unr�casonably wiblilield, or unless exteimating circumstances
<br /> existi which are Ueyond Rorrowor's wii6rol.
<br /> 7. Preservation, Maintenance and Protection of the Property; lnspections� ]3o�rower sl,all noC descroy,
<br /> dama{;e or impair fl�<�ProperLy, �l1ow the Property to detieriorate or cominit wastc on the Property. Whather
<br /> or not Borrower is residiug in the Property, Boxrowei� shall maintain ilie Piroperry in ocder to prevent the
<br /> Pxoperty fi�om deteriorating or decreasing in valuo due Ca iCs condition. Uuless it is deCermined pursuant to
<br /> Section 5 til�ak repair or rostorarti,on ie not economically Feasib,le, Borrower sl�all prompt1y repair tho Yr��orly
<br /> if damaged to avoid fm�lher deteriaretion or dainage. If ineitrance or o�ndeiv�vation proceede�repaid in
<br /> connec6ion with damage to, or the tiaking of, the Property, Borrower shnll Ue respousibls Por repalring or
<br /> rest�oring tha Property only if l..ender hzs released�iroceeds for such purposes. Lender may disbursc procecds
<br /> znaozo7�
<br /> NE6RASKA-SinglaFamlly-Fennlel:4ee7FretldleblacUNIFORId MSTRUM[NT Form30201701
<br /> VMP� VMI'8(NE)11106)
<br /> Wolisrs Kluwsr Flnaneiel9ervicea Page 1 of 19
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