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201207436 <br /> required by ItESPA, and Borrower s1ia11 pay to Lender the ainount necessary to m�ke up the deftciaucy iu <br /> accordauce with RFSPA, btit in no more than 12 monthly paymcnta. <br /> Upon payment in full of a71 swns secw�ed by this Secmity Instrumc��t, Le�idc� sh211 promptly reftu�d to <br /> Borrowcr any Funds l�old by Lender. <br /> d. Charges, Liens. B�rrower shall p�y ell ttvYes, assessu2enCa, charges, fines, anci impositions a[tribufable Co <br /> Che ProperCy wluch cen attain priority ovez tlais Seow•ity Instruu�ent, leasehold paynaente or ground xents on <br /> the Property, if�ny, azid Conimaiity Association Duos, Fees�, and Assessments, if any. To t6e exGent that <br /> these items aa�e Eec��ow Ite�1�s, Borrowcr sh2ll pay Chcin in Che mamier provided in Section 3. <br /> Borrower ahall prompt:ly di.scherge any 1ien which has priority over this Socm-ity IntiNuu�ent uitilcss <br /> Borrowcr: (aj agrees in wriling to the payment of Yha obligation seowed by the llen in a mannar acceptahle <br /> to Lender, buC only so long as Borrower is perfornung such agreement; (b) conte9te Uia lieu in good faith Uy, <br /> ot�dafends againet ei�f'orcement af the lien in, legal prooccdings which in Lcndcr's opinion operatc to provont <br /> the enforceinent of tl�a lie��whil�those procecdings ere�ending, but only until such proceedings are <br /> conc1udcd; c�r(c) secures frou�[he holder of fhe lien an agreement eatisfactoiy to Lender suUordinaking the <br /> lien Io lhis SecuriLy Insh�nmenE. If Lender datei'inines tl�at any part af the Property is sub,ject to a lieu which <br /> ca�i attain priority over tlris Security]nstiume��t, Lcndcr��iay give 13m'rower a no6icc icientifying tlie lian. <br /> Within 10 days of the dato on which that nolice is given, Borrower shall seliafy the lien or talce�one or more <br /> of Yl�c acflons set forlli nl�ove in this Section 4. <br /> Lender may requrre Sorrowcr to�ay a one-time chnrge fox a renl esYnEe tex verification nnd/or roporting <br /> ncrvice used by Lender in eoi�meetion with Yhis Loan. <br /> 5. ProperEy Insuranee. Borrower shall keep the improvemeute now existing or hereafter erected on the <br /> Propetty insi�red against lasa by fire, hazards included wifliin tlie term"extencled coverage," and any ot1�er <br /> kiazu�ds including, but not limited to, earthqnakcs and flooda, for wl�ich Lei'ider requires insurance. Thia <br /> visurance s17e�11 be maivtained in Ihe unounts (including dednctible levels) and for tkie perioda thnt Lender <br /> rec�uires. Whnt Lendex requires pursu2nt to the preceding sentiences can change dnriii�;tlie tenu of the Loan. <br /> The insuraace cairier providing tl�e insurance sha]] bc chosen by Borrower subjecl Co�Lender's righf to <br /> disappr ovc Bon ower'a choice, which righe shell not be exeroised umeasonably. Lender may require <br /> Borrower to pa�y, in connect9on with this T,oan, cither, {a) a one-timo chargo for tlood zone detovninitiou, <br /> cartificn�tion euid trz�cking scrvicos; or(b) a one-Cime oharge for flood zone determination nnd oertification <br /> sorviccs and eubsequeut chniges eaoh 6ime remAppings or similar chuiges occur which reasonably might <br /> �ffect euch determinntion or certificaGion. Borrower aha11 also Ua res�onsiUle for the payment af aziy fees <br /> imposed by the Faderal Emergency Management Agency in oom�eciion with khc revicw oP auy�flood zonc <br /> deCennviation resulfing from an objection by Boxtower. <br /> If$orrower fails to maintain any of the wverages deseribed above, Lender inay obtain insm�ance ooverage, <br /> �t Lender's oplion and Boirower's expense. Lender is mider no obligation to pwchase any particular type or <br /> amottnf of coverage. Therefore, such coverage sliall cover l.endet, Uut might or mi6ht not proteat 13orrowcr, <br /> Borrower's eq�aity in the Yroperty, oe tl�o contenGs oP Che Properfq, againal any risk, liwnrd or liability and <br /> might providc grcaCer or lesser covexage than was previously in effect. Borrower aclrnowledges thet the cost <br /> oP the insuranoe oovexage eo obttuued nughY significently exceed Uie cost of insLuance Uint Borrower could <br /> h�ve obtnined. .Sny unomitis disbw'sed by Lendex mider this Sectio»5 ehal1 bccome additi�nal debt of <br /> Borrower secm'ed by this Sectuity'Instrw1��nt. "l7�csc amounCe shall bear interesf at thc NaCe rate finm the <br /> date of disburscmcnt and shall be payable, wiGh suoh interest, upon notice fi•om Lender w Borrower <br /> requesting payment. <br /> -- — . � � z400so�i <br /> NEBNASKA-SingleFamily-FannleMae/FreddieMacllNIFORM INSTRUMF.NT Form30201/07 <br /> VM P�� VM PB(NE)(1705 <br /> Wolters Kluwcr Fin�nclal Services Page 6 ot 1 <br />