<br /> Atiy applicntion of payruents, insurance proceeds, or Miscelleneous Proceeds to princip�l due under the NoCa
<br /> shall not extend ot•posPpone t1�a due date, or change the amount, of the Periodia Payments.
<br /> 3, Timds far�scrow Iteme. Borrower shall pay fo Lender on the day Periodic Payments are due under the
<br /> NoPe, turtil tihe Note is pai$in fitll, a sum(thc"b'tuxds") Co provide for payii�nnG of amounte due for; (a)tiaxes
<br /> and�ssessments and otlw-�'iC��ti�s w�hich cen attain priority ovet this Securi6y Histrnment es a lieu ox
<br /> e��cumUrance on the Property; (b) leasehold pa}nnents or ground renYs on the Property, iF auy; (c)preinituns
<br /> Por any and all insLuazice required by Lender undar Section 5; and(d)Mortgage lnsnrance pre�nimns, if any,
<br /> or �ny swns payable by Borrower to T,e��dcr in lieu of U�e��aymenY of MorCgage Glsurance prenuun�a in
<br /> accordznce with the provisions oC Section 10. These itema are oplled "Escrow Items." Af origination or ati
<br /> any ti�nc cluring tl�e tcnn oC the Loaix, Lender may i equire thaE Couununity Association Dues, Fees, and
<br /> Assessmetits, if any, ba eacrowed by 13orrowe�', and suc7� ducs, Pecs and aesessments ehal] be an L+scrow
<br /> Item Bomower ehall prom}�Ny furnish Co Lu��cier n11 notices of anlounts to be paid imder this Sectiou,
<br /> Borrowor shall paq Lender lhe I unds for Eecrow IYems ailass Lender waives Borrower's oUligation Co pay
<br /> the Ftmds for any or all Escrow Iteins. Lender inay waive Rorrowcr's �bligafion to pay to Lender I'unds Por
<br /> any or all L�scrow Iteins aY anq timc. Any such waiver m1y only be in writing. In the eventi of snch waiver,
<br /> I�orrower shall pay direetly, when mid where pay�Ule, fhe amounta due for nny Esorow Iteixvs for which
<br /> paymenf oP Funds hns been weived by Lender aud, if Lender requires, s11ell fm�i�i51� to I,ender rcccipts
<br /> evidencing such paymanti wifliin such time period as Lcndor may xcquire. Bor�rotver's oUlig�tCion to m�ke
<br /> such payinents and to provide rcccipte nliall for all purposes be deenled to be a covenattt and agreement
<br /> contained in t7�is Sec�nity In�l��uinent, as the phrase "covenant and agreement" is used in�eeCion 9. If
<br /> 13orrower is obligated to pay.Escrow Stems directly, ptu•suaait to a waiver, avd Rorrower fails to pay the
<br /> �mount due fox an Escrow ICem, Lender may exe��cise its rigl�ts under Scction 9 and pay such ainonuC and
<br /> Borrower sl�all fhen be ob1ibakcd undcr SecLion 9 Co repay Co Lender fluy suoh amount. Lenclex mny revoke
<br /> the wa.ivci as to any or all �scrow Ieems at any time by a uoYice given it�accordance with 9action 15 and,
<br /> itpon such revocakon, Borrower shall p��y to Lender all T zwds, and in sucli amounts, that are thcn rcquircd
<br /> under this Section 3.
<br /> Lendex inay, at anq time, collect and 1�old Funds 'rn an a�mount (a) sufficic�it to permit Le�ider Co apply tihe
<br /> Fmids at the time spccificd under ItCSPA, �u�d(b)not to axceed the meaimun�amount a lender can requira
<br /> undor ItESPA, Lencier shall estimnte the aruount of Funds dtiie on the basis of euri•ent datt�and reasonable
<br /> estimates of'e�:penditures of firtLue F.scrow Items or otherwi�o in accoedance wiCl� Applioable L�w.
<br /> The P'unds shall be held in an inatitution w6o3e deposits are ineured by a fcd¢ral agency, inshumcmlality, or
<br /> enCity(iiicludingJ-.ender, if Lcndex is zn ins[itution wl�ioae deposits are so insuredj or in any Pederel IIome
<br /> Loazi&�nic, Lencler sha11 npply the Funds to pay tha Escrow Items no later thaai the tline spacified under
<br /> RESPA. Lendar sha1T not charge Borrower for liolding and applying the Fw�ds, annually analyzing tho
<br /> escrow acooemt, or verify,ing Chc lsscrow ICems, unless Lender pnys Borrower interest on Lhe Punds tancf
<br /> Applicable I,<�w pertnits Lender to make such a clku•ge. Unless au agreeinanf is inade iu writing or
<br /> Ap�licuble Law rec�tures intarest to Ue paid on the Fm�ds, Lender shall not Ue reqnired to pay Borrowar atry
<br /> inl'erest or earni�lgs on the Fmtids. Borrower and Lender can agree in wriCing, however, H�iaC inlereat sball l�e
<br /> paicl on fl�c Funds. Le�ider ehall give to Boxxower, without charge, 2n�mival nccounEiug of the Punds ae
<br /> req�tired by KPsSPA.
<br /> [f tl�cro is u e�nphis of l+unds held in esorow, ns defined under RESPA, Lender shall account to Borrower for
<br /> Ihe excess funds in accordance with RESPA. If there is a shortage of Funds held ai escrow, as defined wider
<br /> RBSPA, Lender shqll notify Borrowcr as rcquireti by 1LL+SPA, and Boirower shnll pay to Londer the aniotu�t
<br /> necessary to rnake ap tl�ie shorCage in accordnnoe with RESPA, birt in no more than 12 montLly paymente. If
<br /> there ia a deficiency of Funde held in esorow, as detined uuder RESl'A, Lencier sha11 noti£y Bon ower as
<br /> — — — ----znoozo�i
<br /> N6[iR�SKA-SInB�A Family-Pannle M ae7f-retldle Mao UNIFORM IN&THUMEN7 Form 3026 1101
<br /> VMP� VhiP6(NE)(1105)
<br /> Woliers Kluw er Rnznolel 6ervlaea Pe�e d nf 7]
<br />