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201207436 <br /> BORROW I3lz COVLrNAN"CS fhat Borrower is lawfully seised of[he est��te hereby conveyed and h�s the right to <br /> grant ani{convey the Property and that the Properry is unencmnbered, except for encumhrFuicas of record <br /> Borrower tivarruiYs and wil1 dafend generally the title Co the Property against all claims and demands, subjccti to <br /> auy encwnbrances of record. <br /> TT3SS S�GURITY INSTROMEN"f combinas an'rform covenanta Por nsi[ional tiue and non-uniform covenanCa wiCh <br /> liinited vatiafions by jurisdicfion fo oonstihite� unifonn security insh•mnent covexing real properEy. <br /> U11ifo1'm Covenants. 13otrowcr and LenQer covenant�nd agree ns follows: <br /> 1. Payment of Principal, Interest, Escrow Items, Prepayment Charges, and Late Charges. Borrowc,� <br /> shalI pay when due the princiy�tl of, and intcrest nn, Che debt evidenced l�y Cl�ie NoCe and nny prepnyment <br /> cl�argea ancl late ch�rges due imder the Note. Borrower sl�ll aleo pay fiuids for Bscrow]teine pursLtant to <br /> S�clion 3. Payu�ents dao undet tihe Note a�id fliis Security Insh m��cnt shall bc ii�adc in U.5. currcncy. <br /> However, if tury ci�eck or ott�er instr•umcnt rcoeived by Lencier as payment nnder the Note or this Securitp <br /> Insh�tiuuent is returncd to Lender nnppid, Lender m�g require that auy or a11 subsequent payine�its due wider <br /> thc NoCe atid lliis Security Instrurnent be made in one or more of the followinb forms, as sc1cctcd by Lendcr: <br /> (a) ceah; (U) money ordei; (c}cerEified cUeck, Ua�dc chcck, Lreaeuror's cl�e�k or cashier's ol�eok, provided nny <br /> suoh check is drawn upnn a+� institutinn who�e cleposits �re ii�sured by a federel agency, iilstrumentaliYy, or <br /> entity; or(d)Elco�-onic Funda Transfer. <br /> Payrne�itg aa�e de�mcd reocivcd by Lencier when received at the location designated in the Note or at�such <br /> othcr ]ocation as inay be designated Uy Lender iu Etecordance witih tlie nottce provisions in Seofion 15. <br /> Lender rnay return any p�.ymenY or partial paymeilt if the paymont or paft9al payme�tts are inFirfflcierif to <br /> bring Y1ie Low cmrent. I,ender mxy accept airy paymcnt or parlial payment insiiffioieut Ca bring the Lonn <br /> curre�rt, without wfliver of any righCs hereunder or prejudice to ite rights Yo refuse such paymenY or partial <br /> paymenta in Che future, but Lender is not obliga�ted to apply such payinents at the tivie yuch payme��ts 1rc <br /> accepPed. If each Periodic Payme��t iy appliod as nf iCe scheduled due ftflCe, fhen Lender need not pay interest <br /> on unayplicd fuiids. Leuder nnay hold such nnapplied funde until Borrower makea payments to bring the <br /> Loaii currenG If Borxower does noC do so witUin a reasonaUla period of time, Lender el�all either apply sneh <br /> fimds or return them to Botrowar. If not lpplied earlier, eucl� fimds will bc a�plicd to the outstanding <br /> principal balvice wider the Note imincdiatc1y prior tio foreclosure. No oPPsei or claiin which Borrowex tnight <br /> haue now or in the future againat Lender shall raliava Borrowar from makin�PaymenCs due tuider the Note <br /> and this Security InsY��wnent or perfarming Uie covenants and abrcc���onts secured by this Sccurity <br /> Instrmnent. <br /> 2. Application of Payments or Proceeds. Excopt �s otherwise ciescribed in this 5ection 2, all pnymente <br /> acoepted and ap�lieci by Levcler shall be applied iu the following order of priority: (a) ii2tarest due uuder ttie <br /> Nota; (b)principal due under the Note; (c) ainouuts dite ttnder Section 3. Sucli pa�nents sl�all be applicd to <br /> eaeh Pariodic Payment in the order in w1�ic1� it Uecamc duo. Any re��naining amounts shall be applied first to <br /> Iate charges, second fo any oChor amonnCs ciue imder this Seenrit3�Insuurnent, and then to reduce the <br /> principal balanee oP Che Note. <br /> If l,ender reccivcs a paynienC from Borrower for � delinquent Periodia Pa}nnent wh}cli includes � suPlicient <br /> amomiC lo pay nny late chaz•ge due, tha payinant inay be applied to the delinquent payment and tlie lato <br /> charge. If more thui one Periodic PmynTent is outstanding, Lcnder may xpply any p�tyn2ent recaivecl fi�om <br /> Borrower to the rcpayment of the Perioclic Paynnents iL, and to the extent that, eech pa�yment cen be pud in <br /> Pnll, To flie extent thnt eny exoess exists aftec Y1ie payinent is applied to �1ie iiill payment of one or�noi�e <br /> Periodie Paymai2ts, such excesa lnay Ue aypNed to any latu charges due. Voltixitary t�ropaymcnCs sl��ll he <br /> applied firs�C to Uny prcpayinenC charges axicl then as desoribed in tl�e Note. <br /> ------ saoosoit <br /> NEBftA3KA-Single Family-Fannie M aelF�etldlc M ac UNIFORM1i IN6TRUM GNT Form 3026 1l01 <br /> VMP p VMPB(NF)(11051 <br /> Wnl[ers Kluwnr Finarioial 9xrvlr.ex Page 4 of 19 <br />
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