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201207436 <br /> designated a substitute notice address by notice to Lender. 13orrower shnll prompLly nofiCy Le��dor of <br /> Borrower's clkvige of address. If Lender specifies a procedure ior reporting Bonnwer's change of adcU��.ss, <br /> tl�on 13orrower sl�all vnly rcport a cl�ange of address througl�that specifled procedure. <br /> '1'here may be ouly one designated notice address timder thie Secwity InstrumenC at any one time. E1ny notice <br /> Co LEnder shall l�e given l�y cielivering iC or by n�niling iC by first clase mail to Londe�•`s addreys stated l�erein <br /> iuilesa Lender hns design�ted �noYlier eddress by notice to Borrower. Any notioe in coimeaCiou with chie <br /> Secnrity Instnunent sli�dl not be deemed to liaue Ueen given to Lendar tui'Cil acttually received by Lender. If <br /> anq rlorico reqtUrcd by this Se�;urity I�rstrument is also reqtiiired undcr Appltcable l�a�w, thaApplicable Law <br /> requiretnent will sakisfy the eorresponding requirement under this Securily Inslrwnent. <br /> 16. Governing Law; SeverabiliYy; Rules of Constructlon. This Seourity Ins�ivmenu s1�a11 be govcrncd by <br /> federal law and the lew of Yhe jurisdietlon in whioh the Propa�ty is locatecl. All xighte�ncl obligations <br /> conCained in Yhis Secm'itiy Instrumeiit are subject to any requirements and limitations of Applica6le Law. <br /> Applicable],aw ii�ight explioitly or iroplicitly allow tho partres to agrec by cbntraat or iC inight be silant, but <br /> such silencc shall noC be oonslrued�s a prohibition against agreemenl by con(cacL In iho evcnC tl�ht any <br /> provision or clause of this Seeurity&etrmnenY or Yhe Note conflicts with Applicable Law, such conflict shall <br /> not afPect other provisions af t1ii� Sectiuit�y Inshuinent or ffie Note which can be given effecC witl�out tha <br /> couflicirng pr�vieion. <br /> As uscd in this Sceurity Snstrument: (a) worde of the masculine gcndcr el�al] mcan and ine1�tde corresponding <br /> neuter words or worcls of the feminuie gender; (b)words in the singul�r ahall me��n aud include hho plural <br /> and vice uersa; and (c)the word"may" gives sole discretion without any obligaCion to tnke any action. <br /> 17. BorroW er's Copy. Borrower shnll be given one copy of'the Note and of[his Seourily Inshiunene. <br /> 18. Tranafer of Che Property or a Beneficial Interest in Borrower. As used in chis Section 18, "Intcroet in <br /> the Pz•operty" means any leg�l or benetcial interest iix tha ProperCy, including, but not limiYed to, those <br /> beneficial ititerests�i�ansfarred in abond for deed, a�vtlact for deed, inytallment sales contract or escrow <br /> agreemenC, fhe inlenc of which is the Lransfer of title by Borrower at a fu[ure daCe to a piircl�aser. <br /> IP all or any pv�f.of the Pro�erly or�ny Interest in Hie Property ia sold or LrnnaPerred(or if Borr��wcr ie not a <br /> natural person and a beneficiel interesP in Borrower is sold w transPerred)without Len<ler:s prior wricten <br /> cons�nrt, Lcnde�'mny requirc imincdiate payment in full o�P 211 eiuns securcd by this Security.lnstrnment. <br /> Howevei-, Chia option eht�ll not be exexeised Uy Lender if auch exercise is prolubited by A��IicaUlc�Law, <br /> IP Lcuder cxcrcisc,a Uiis oplion, Lendcn�shall give Boxrower no6ica of acccicration. 'I'he notioe sha1l provide 2 <br /> p�iod o£not less thxn 30 days from the dete the notice is given in aocordance with Sec�ion 15 within wl�ich <br /> Borrower mLi,C pay all suma secm ed Uy Uiis Securidy H�su-ument. If Borrowec fails to pay these sums pxior to <br /> tl�c cxpiration o£tl�is prn'iod, Lcmdor ii�ay involm any rcinedias permitted by this Secnrity Inst��wnent withouti <br /> fixrther notice or demand ou Boxxowex. <br /> 19. Borrower's Right to ReinsCatu After Acceleratfon. Sf Boirower u�eeCs certain condiiions, ]3orrower <br /> sha11 heve the right Yo have enforcement of tliis Sectuity Instrument discontinued et nny time prior co the <br /> 2ea�liest of: (A�)five days before sale o�t1ie]'roperty ptiustiit»�t to any power of sale conCained uL thie Seourity <br /> In�trumcnt; (l�) such other period ze Applieable Law might Fpeeify For the tcrmination of:C�orrower's righC to <br /> reinsGlfe; or (c) entry of a�ndgment enforcing this Seeuriry Instrnmei�it. Thoae conditions are Chat Boi'��bwer: <br /> (a)pays Lencler all eums wl�ioh then would be due wider Ylus Security Inat�•unienE nnd che Note Ae if uo <br /> acceleration had occuned; (U) cures �uy defatidt of any other ooven�arts or agi'eeinents; (c)pays all expenses <br /> inourred rn enforcing fUis Securily Inslrun�enL, ineluding, buC not limi[ed Lo, rcasonable attorneys' fees, <br /> property inspaction nnd v�lua�tion fees, and other fees inetiirred for the pi�rpose oFprotecting Lendcr's interest <br /> znoozmi <br /> NEBI�A&KA-Single Famlly-Fannle Mne7F[etldla Mec UNIFOWvt WS'fRUM ENT Porm 3020 1/01 <br /> VMPn VMP6(NE)�1106) � <br /> Woltars Kluwer Financlal 9ervioee page 1Y oF 1] <br />
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