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201207436 <br /> in the Plnperty and riglits nnder kliis Securrty Jt�st��ument; and(d) P�ces euch act�on ae ]�ender may <br /> rcasonal�ly rcqiure to ae�uro th�t Lendex's interest in Lhe Pmperly and ri�hfs under ttns SeouriLy v�slrun�ent, <br /> nzul Borrower'e obligation to pay the sums secured by this Security Inet�umenE, ehall continue nnchAnged. <br /> Lander may require thai Borrower pay such reinstaten�ent aums and expea��aes in one or more of the followuig <br /> fonns, ns sciccted by Londm�: (a) cash; (b)inoney ordei; (o) oerCified check, bank check, trcasurer's chccic or <br /> cnshier'�check, provided nny suoh check is dxawn upon en institution whose deposits �u•e insured by a <br /> federal agency, insY��wnentality or entiYy; or (d)�lectronic Fuuds Tranafer. Upon reinstateinent Uy Borrower, <br /> this Secuxitiy Instrument and obligations secured horcby shall remain ftillycffective as ifno acccloration lta4 <br /> occnn ed. Howevo�, this right to roinstaCe shall noC a�ply isi H1e c�se oP neoeleration under Section 18, <br /> 2Q. Sale of Noke; Change nf Loan Servicer; Notice of Grievance. ThoNofc or �partial rntcrest in thc <br /> NoCe(together with this 9ecurity Instrume�it) can be sold one or u�ora tnnes without prior notice to <br /> Borrower. A snle mighti resulf iit a chaiige in the entity(Irnown as the "l.oan 5"ervioer")t1�at collects Yeriodic <br /> PaymenCs due tiuider the Note and Yl�is Sccurity InstruinenC and pesfonvs ofher inorlgage loan servioing <br /> ol�ligaNnns undcr tho Note, tLis Security Instrnment, And Applicable L�w. There elso might be one or more <br /> changes of the Lonn Servicer unrelated to a sale of'the Note. If ihere is a change of the 1�oan Service�, <br /> Borrower will be given writiCen noCice of the change which will sfate tho namc and addre�s of the new Loan <br /> Servicer, tl�e acklress to�aliicl� payinents should ba m�c1�and any other information RESPA requires iu <br /> connecfion with a noSice of li�ansPer oP aervicing. If the Note is sold and thereafter the Loan is �eiviced by a <br /> Lonn Servicer other thnn the purchAaer of the Note, the inorCgage loau servicing obligationa to Borrower will <br /> remTin�xrith the Loan Servicer or be traaieferred to a sucoe�ssor I,oan Sar�icer and are not asstiimed by thc <br /> Note pnrchaser uuless otUerwise provided by fl�c Noto purchaaer. <br /> Neither Borcower nor I,ender inay commence, join, or bc,jc�ined to ar�y judicial action (as eithcr an <br /> individual 116igant or the member of a class) Lh1C e�ises from the oHier pnrLy's notions pnrsnant to this <br /> Security IustrumenC or t�at a1legEs that the ather paaty has breached tiny provision of, or any duty owed by <br /> reason of; this Secuiity I�istrwnent, mrtil sucb T�ori o�vor or Le�ider has notified tlie other party(with such <br /> noticc givon in co�ziplitu�co wi11i Che requiremen�s o�F Section 15) oP such alleged I�renoh a�id nfPorded i12e <br /> other pnrty heeeto a rensonable period after the giving of'such uotice to Yake corrective action. IP Applicable <br /> Law provides a time period which inust elapse beFore cectain ection can be Taken, that time period wi11 be <br /> deemed t�o be reasonflble for pm�poses of this paragrapl�. 7 hc nnt'rcc o£acccleration anci opportunity to curc <br /> given to Borrower pursunnt to Section 22 and the uotice of acceleration given to Borrower pursuant to <br /> Section 18 shall be deeined to s�tisfy t11e notice eaid opportunity to ta1ce corrective actiou provisioi�s of tl�ia <br /> Scction 20. <br /> 21. HaiaYdous SubstanCes. AF used 'n�this Scction 21: (nj °Ilazrardous Sxefistances^ u�e hl�oso subslances <br /> cleflned ps toxic or Lnzerdous suUstfuzc�s, polhitnnte, or wastes Uy finviromnental Lnw Rnd the following <br /> subsPauces: gasoline, kerosene, other tlammaUle or tosic petrolenm products, toxic peaticides and herbicides, <br /> volatilo solvents, niatcr�ia7s containing anbcstos or furmaldehydo, an$radi�activc materials; (l�) <br /> "L'nvironmental Law"means Fecieral lawa nnd lawa of the jurisdiction wliere the Property is lacated that <br /> relate to haalth, sAfaty or environmental protection; (c) "L'rivi�^onmental Cdoanesp" includes any rasponse <br /> action, remedial action, or removal action, as defined in};nviront'nental; and(d) an °E,nvironmental <br /> Cnnclition" means a condition that ean oausq c<�ntribuCe Co, or otherwise 6rigger an Lvviromncntal Cleanup. <br /> Borrower shall not catiise or permit t1�e presenec�, ueo, disposal, ntora�;c, or rolease of at�y H��ardous <br /> Subsfanoes, or Cln�ea[en Co release any Hazardous Su6stftnces, on or in Ehe Property. Bon�ower shall nol do, <br /> nor allow eui,yone alse to do, anything aff'ecting the Property(a)tha�t is in violation of any Enviroiunental <br />, (b)whiol� creates an Fnvirommental Condition, or(c)wl�iel�, due to the prese�ice, uee, or releaee of a <br /> Hazardoiis SnUsC�;�ce, crea�es a condifion fhaC adversely affeots the vnlue of lhe ProperCy. Thc preoeding two <br /> znooso�t <br /> NEpRASKA-SlnBle Famlly-Fennle M eelFredtlie M ac UNIFORM MSTRUM[NT Porm 3020 7IOt <br /> Vh1 P(�J VA7 P6'(NE1(11051 <br /> Wolters Kluwer finandal Servicas Page 13 of 1� <br />