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201207436 <br /> 12. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extension oi'the time for payment or <br /> modifieaYion �f amorti��6ion of the sums secured by this Secnrity Instrmnent granted by C,e�idcr tio Bovrower <br /> or any Sucoesaor in Interest of'Borrowe�'�i»17 ilot o��raCe to release fhe llabilily of Bormwer ar any <br /> Succossors in Interest of T3orrowcr. Lender shall not be required to coimnence proceedings�against any <br /> Snccessor iii InteeesC oP Boxxower or to refuse to extend�ime for Wayment or otherwise modify ttmortizaHon <br /> of the sums secured by Yhis Secwity Instrument by rcason oPany deu2�ncl mnde by the originnl Borrower or <br /> tisiy Successors in Hiterest nf Borrowcr. Ai2y�forbenrance by Leudar in exercising any righf.or remedy <br /> nioluding without limit�afion, Lender's ncceptanee of�ayinents from tl�irdpersons, entities or Succcesors in <br /> hiterest oF Bon�ower ox in aniounts less fhan the amount fl�cn duo, s17a71 i7oC be a waiver of or preolude the <br /> excrcisc oP�ny right or remedy. <br /> 13. Joint and Several Liability; Co-signers; Successors and Assigns Bound. Borrower covenauts and <br /> �grees thnk Borrower's obligations a�id liability shall Ue joint�nd severaL Howaver, anq Borrower who <br /> co-signs 1'his Secnrity intitrumen( but does not execute fhe Note(a"co-si��er"): {a)is co-signing Chie <br /> Security lnsh'uinent only to mortgttge, granE aud convey thc w-eigncr'a interesl in the Property under the <br /> Yani�s of[his Security Instrwnent; (b)is not person�lly oblig¢Ced to pay the sums secured by this Security <br /> Inskumant; a�id(c) agreea fl�at Lcnder and�ny other Borrower oan agrea to extend, modify, Foa•bcar or make <br /> any accou�modaHo�is with regard to the terins of this Security Insttumcml or thc Note wiU�iouL Che co-signer°e <br /> conscnt. <br /> Sub.ject to thc provisioiie o�f Secfion 18, auy Successor in ]nterast of Borrower who a�stunes Bon•ower's <br /> ob1igations under this Security Instirument in vn�iting, and is approved by Lender, shall obtain All of <br /> Borrower's rights uxl banetlte iuider this Securiry InsCrmi�ent. IIarrower sh�ll not be rele�aed from <br /> Borrowar's oUligations nnd 1ic�Uility undcr this SeouriCy Insh�mienti unless Lender agreea to suoh release in <br /> writing. 'Phe oovcuanfs and agreements of this Security Instrument shall bind(except as providcd iu Scction <br /> 20) pnd benefit the succeseois and assigna of Le��der. <br /> 14. Loan Charges. Lender may charge Rorrower fecs for services perPonned in com2eotion with Borrowea�'e <br /> default, for tlia purpose of��rotccting Lencier's inCerest in the Pro�erty and rights mider this Seotiuity <br /> ]nstrunient, iixchiding, but not limited to, attorneye' fees, property inspection and valti�akion fecs,In rogazd to <br /> any other faes, Che absence of express authoiity in this Sccurity U�sLruinenC Co charge a speciGc tee to <br /> Borrowor s'hall not Ue constxued eis <<prohibition on Che charging of such fec. Lcnrlor rrutiy not charge feee <br /> tliat are expressly prohibited by thie Security Inst�uinent or by A�ylicable Law. <br /> Tf t710 Loan ie snbjeol Lo a law whioh sete i�aximwn loaai chv ges, aud�1iaf law is Pinally iuterpreted so that <br /> thc interest ox other lonn cl�arges collected or to be collected in comlectio»with the i,oan excecd thc <br /> permitted limits, tl�en: (a) any such loa�1 cl�aige shall be reduced by the amount neceseuy Co rednce the <br /> charge ta the permitte;ci lunit; nucl(b) nny smns �Ire�dy collected from Borrower whioh exceeded permitced <br /> lin�iCa will be refiindecl to Borrower. Lender may choose to ma1re this refund by reducing the Urii�cipal o�ved <br /> imder Yhe Nofe or by m�lcing n dircct paymcn�t Co Borrower, If a refimd reduoes principll, the reduelion will <br /> be t�eated�s a partial prepayment wiChout any prepayment ekfuge(wkiether or not a�prepayment charge ie <br /> providcd foi`under the Note). Borrower's ticoe��Cance of any such re4und made by direoE payment to <br /> Borrower will conatitute a waivar oP ang righC of actiov }3ortower mi�;ht have arising out of such ovcrcl�argo. <br /> 15. Nofices. All notices given by Borrower or Lender in comiecUon with tliis SecmiCy Hisl'rmnent must Ue in <br /> wtiting. Any notice to Bocrower in comiection with tl�is Sectiirity insh tiiment sl�all be deemed to l�ave beeu <br /> given to Borrower wl�en mailcd Uy firet claes n�ail or when aciqelly delivered to Bon�o�ver's noCice addreae iP <br /> sent by�ther mc�tie. Notioe to any one Bon•ower ehAll couetituYe notice to 111 Borrowera unleas ApplicaUle <br /> I,aw expressly xequires otharwisa. The noCice Tddress sl�all Ue the Prope��ty Address unless Borrower has <br /> �--- . z400zo�t <br /> N EHRASKA-Sin91e Fam ily-Fvrinle M aPlf-redtlle M ac UNIPORNI INSTRUM ENT Form 3018 9/01 <br /> VMP� VMPA{NG�(1�05) � <br /> Wollers Kluw er Finnndal Se^vlces Pepe 11 .f 79 <br />