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<br /> . . .�•'�i/;�
<br /> '►. �.t .. ,ayr,�7qt��µ�_�.... . . ..____— —. ........ .. _, _1,.T_ —.___.l:Jt_,
<br /> . ...o.�..� -.r.r.v-,.. ... ... . . - . .. ... .. . .-
<br /> .c.a� ' {
<br /> . . �: g�- iC�'�94'�
<br /> � . �
<br /> , • My amounts dleburaed by Lende� under thls Puagnph ah�N become an additlonal debt of Borrowa► and be eecured by
<br /> � thla &w�iry Inetn�ment. Thaae �mounte ahell beer Interast trom the dnto ol dlsbursement et!he Note rete, end et the optlan ot _
<br /> ' . �� LendK,ah�N bd Immedl�tely dus and pay�ble. �
<br /> ,_� BoRawor sh�A prompty dlscharqo any Ilen whluh has priodry over tliie 3acurity Instnxnant unlesa Bortower: (s) agreea In _
<br /> wdtingto ihe payment ot the obllyatlon secured by the����oce dnnyr�„leptao the Lender'sbopinlonsopereteoo'prevent 'the _
<br /> �' � by, or deUnda �p�lml entorcement ot the Ilen In, lepal p 9 ..
<br /> enlorcement o1 the Ilen; o� (c) aecura� from the holda o1 the Ilen an agreement s�tisfactory to Lender aubordineting the Nen to
<br /> lhls 3ecutlly Inatrument. I}Lendar datertn�nas lhol ony part of tho Property Is subJect to A uen which may attflin prlorlty over thls �,
<br /> ,.,,5-``1�. gecurqy inatrument, Lender m�y gNe Bonower a notice Identltylnq the�en.Bnrrower ehNl s�tisy 3he Ilen or toke one or mae of –
<br /> the acllona ael torth above withln 10 days of tho giving ot noUce.
<br /> 8. F�RS.Lenda may collact tees and chargea authorir.ed by the Secratnry•
<br />",�,,...---.,-
<br /> G� 9. Grounds lo�AccN�rdlon of Debt.
<br /> � (e) Dsf�tllt. Lender maY. excapt as Iimited by regulatlona lesued by the Secretcry in the case of aayment detaulta,
<br /> require immedlste payment In fuil ot sIi auma secured by this ga����t'required�tby this Security Instr+iment prior to ar on
<br /> � (I) Bortower detautts by fniiing to pay in full any monthly p ym
<br /> ' the due date oi the next monthly peyment,or
<br /> ' ' • (Iq Borrower deMutts by fafling,for e period ot thirty days,to pnfortn nny other obligations conWned In thla Secudty
<br /> � ` ' .� i InaWment. p�� qw �Gudinq sactton 341(d) of the
<br /> `,•,,{,.
<br /> (b) Sal� Wtthaut CndR Approval. Lender nh�N.H permltted by apP
<br /> " C�amSl Gemiain Daposftory InstituUone Act of �88? 12 U.S.�. 1701j-3fd)) nnd wilh the pdor epproval of the 3ecrct�y�
<br /> .;_.�,;,. , requtro Immediata payment in 1uU ot all ihe suma secured by tn�.: Securlt� Inf vment
<br /> ' ' • m AN or paR oi tha Property, or e benellcid interest In a trust owning �Y or part of the PropeAy, Is soid or
<br /> ':� otherwise trnnsteRed(other than by deviae or descenf), and
<br /> -; � (N�The Properry la not occupled by the purchaeer or grtntee as hls or her princ�Pa�residence, or the purch�aer or
<br /> � "; yrantee does ao occupy the Property, but his or her credit has not been approved In eccordnnce with the
<br />_. �.-•�`-
<br /> _ requiremante of the Seaetary
<br />:��,�,'; (0) NO W�ivYr. If ckcumstances accur that would par�Nt Lendor to require knmedi�ta payment In 1ull, but Lender
<br /> ,;.:r;�.:,'� doas not require such paymenta.Lender does not waive ks �Ighte wfth respect to aubaequcnt events.
<br /> 1;,r.y;.'�; (d) R�gulatlons of HUD SeCrstary. Im m�ny circumaunces repu�U� �s�d boredoses H no�p�Vd� Th
<br />__ay;�p, Lende�s dght�, in the caae of p�yment deltuRa, to requiro immedkte paym
<br /> --- �y;�y=nottumsx�t da�s n�t w��tho�ize ncceleraUon or foreclosure B not permitted by reguladona of the 3eaetery.
<br /> �''"`�`� (�) Mortp�p� Not Insured. Bortower egrees that it this Securlty Instrument and the Note are not deterrnlnecl to
<br /> _. r�.,
<br /> ,;,.`.i; trom the date hereoL on
<br /> , �.,,,�,� be elf9►bie tor Insuranae under the Nationel HouaMg Act wtthln 90
<br />--___
<br />