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<br /> - ��, t, .. '� . .. ` .....�� -.:i�l^����-------------�--- •'..
<br /> .. N ..Ta�c� ""'__. .. '
<br /> ' 97� 1Q7�4'7 _
<br /> • conflicte wllh app�lcnble law. euch conllict ehail nnt �flect other provlslone ot lhis Secudty Inatmmenl or the Note whlch c�n b� _
<br /> 9Nen ettecl without the confpcllnq prorislon.To tL•Is end the provlslona of thls Soauriry Instrument end the Note are declared to �
<br /> " be severeble. �
<br /> 9 0}ihe Note�nd ol tl�le 9ecudh/ Instrument. ��
<br /> 16. B�r►ow�r'� Copy,Bonower ehall be N�n one contortned copy �
<br /> ' 16. Hu�rdous Sub�ttne��. Borrower nhtN not c�uae or permlt the presenca, uae,dispoeai, etor�qe, or releaae o1 �
<br /> . any Hazardous Subslance� on or In the Properry. Borrow�r shdl not do. nar ellaw anyone else to do,mylhlnp aHectlnQ the P.=-
<br /> property that Is In vlo{ation ot eny Environmentol l.ow. Tho prcccdinp two 3entr,ncee shell �ot appy to ihe presence, uae, or �.
<br /> � '��� storaqe on the Property of sm�n qu�ntitles of Huardoua Subatencea that are genea�N recoWil�ed to be�pproprlete to normN -
<br /> � rasldential uses and to malntenance d the Praperty =�-
<br /> •"iy1°�"�� J Bonower ahail promplly pNe Lender writtee nolice ol any Investig�tlon, claim. danend, Iaweuit or other actlon by any G�
<br /> ��M��� I govemmentnl or regulatory agenoy or ptivate party involving the Property end eny Hezardaua Subat�nce w Envkonment�l Law o1 --
<br /> " � which Bortower han aatual knowledpe. 11 Borrowor leams,or Is noUfled by eny gs��E ry� Bo�W�tO naN prompty t�ke all
<br /> ' � removal or other remedtatlon of nny Hazardous Substances aflxUng the Property _
<br /> � necessary remedlal actlons(n acccrdence with Envtronmentel Law.
<br /> As uaed in this paregraph 16. 'Hszardoue Sudstnnces'ero those substancea deflned as toxic or haurdous substances by
<br /> Environmental Law and the tollawing subatancea: gasollne, ke�osene, other tlammable or toxlc petroteum praducta, toxia
<br /> pesticides and herblcides, volaule soWenis,materiais contalning asbestos or fortneldehyde, and rsdiouctive�loeat that relate
<br /> � the parngraph 18, 'Envlronmentni Law" means iederel laws and lawa of the Jurisdictfon where tha PropeAy
<br /> �, to heaith,nately or environmental protection.
<br /> NON�IINIFORM COVENANTS.Bo�ower end Lender furthe►covenant and agree as totlows:
<br /> 17,Asslgnment of Rente. Borrower uncondttionally nsaigne and trenaters to Lenda all the rente and rovenuea of ths
<br /> property.BoROwer auihodzes lenda or Lender's agenta to coneat the rents and revenues and hereby directs ench tennnt of the
<br /> Property to pay the rents to lender or Lender's agents. However.pdor to Lender's noUce to Bortower ot Borrower'a braach ot
<br /> 1� • any covensnt or ayreement in the Secudty i�swment. Bortower shall coYect and receive aU rents�nd rerenues of the Property
<br /> as wstee tor the banefit of Lender and Bortower.This esslgnment of rents conetttutes an absolute aaslgnment and not en
<br /> � assignment tor additional security ony.
<br /> It Lender gives noUce of breach to BoROwer: (a) ali rente receNed by BoROwar ahstl be held by Borrower�s trustea tor
<br />` �;:. � beneflt ot Lender onty,to be epptied to the sums aecured by the Securfty Instrument: (b� Lander shaH be anUtled to coNect�nd
<br /> = .�� .. raceive eA of the rents of the Property, and (o) eich tencnt of the I'roperty ehall pay ail rents due and unpasd to Lender or
<br />���� '��' ' Lendeer's agent on Lender's wiftten demand to the tmnnt.
<br /> ..��_J`�`.� �.�.
<br />�_,�,�IgY„�,, ' Bortower has not exeeuled any pria sssignment ot the rents and hns not and wiY not periarm any ect that wouid prevent
<br />��, �, .,y.
<br /> � `,�3;v,;.,., Lender trom axerclsing fts tighta under thls Paregraph 17-
<br />-� ��t.s Lender ahaN not be requted to enta upon,take eontroi of or malntaln the Property betare o�after glvk►g notke of breech to
<br />-""�f��`�" BoROwer. Howevnr, Lender a n JudidaNy appointed recelrer may do so at any time there is a broach.My+ippli�tfor►ot rents
<br />� -`�°%�'' shdl not nure or waive any detauR or Invaildate eny otha dght or remedy of Lender.This�aatynmont of rents ol the Rropary
<br /> �=_w..:
<br />__;.�:���., ahaN tertnMate when the debt secured by the Securlh►InaWmmt is paid In hdl.
<br />-��� 41� 18. Foreclosuro Proc�dure. If l.�ndsr requirss Imm�dlat� paym�rrt in iull und�r Para�raph 9�
<br />�,,,��^,..�� iicabl� law.
<br />_��;.-�� l,�nd�r may Invoke tho pow�r of sal� and any oth�r r�m�dl�s p�nnitt�d by �pp
<br />---::�';,�,�� I.�nd�r shail bs entltbd to cdlsct all sxp�ns�s incurnd in pursulnq ttH r�m�dbs pravid�d in
<br /> - -- this Para�aph 18, includin�� but not Iimit�d to, reiaonabl� attorn�ys' fers �nd cab af tfH�
<br /> -_- — avid�nc�.
<br /> - If tho poMCSr of a�l� is Invok�d, Trustes shall r�cord a notic� of d�hu�i In aach couMy in
<br />_ _ = whlch any pa�t af th� Property Is loc�t�d and shall mall copi�s of iuch noHa� In the msnn�r
<br />����o� pr�sarib�d by eppHc�bls I�r to Borrow�r snd to ths oth�r p�rsons pnscrib�d by�ppDcsbl� law.
<br /> ---- = Aft��ths ttm� r�qutr�d by appllcsWa taw. Trust�o aha11 gtv� puWla noNc��of �I�to tM psnon�
<br /> °--_-- and tn tha m�nresr pnscrlb�d by applicabl� law.Trusts�, wkhout d�m�nd mn Borro�w�r, shsll NIl
<br />- - th� Prop�rty �t publlo �uction to tho high��t bidd�r at th� tim� and plsca and und�r th� Nrms
<br />"����� d�s l p n a b d in th� noNc� of al� in on� or mor� qarc�ls and in any�I c �n n�m�n t a�li t h�
<br /> Trust�s may p�P�� ��� � all or �ny ptrc�l o f t M Prop�r t y b y p
<br />=��� 41me �nd ptac� o�f �ny prevlousfy sch�duled aal�. 1.snd�r or Its dosiy�we may purch�s� th�
<br /> --z�.�:� prop�rty�t�ny salo.
<br />=��'��``� Upon ncNpt of paymant of ttw price btd� Trust�o shail d�livor to th� purchas�r TrustN's
<br />-"'�'�' '� dsed convsying the Prop�rty.Th� reoltals In the Truat�e's dv�d �hall b� prim�t�cl� �vid�nc� ot
<br />`�";�:•� ^ �' ths truth of thr etat�ments mads thecein. Trust�� sha0 �pply th� proc��ds o�f ths sal� in th�
<br /> _ ,.� ��r,y a.
<br /> �' "��'��' following ord�r. (a) to dl costs and �xp�nps of exerclsin� th� pow�r of w1�, and th� sa�,
<br /> ---.�• 4 PN .•.
<br /> �' ��� �4� Including the p�ymo� of th�7ruass'�f�e�actwlly lrtau�rod, not to exce0d 10'1G %
<br />—',i.:' °-'�':� �
<br />�� �'::,�-•,. o f tM princl pal amount of the noto at tl� tims of th� docl�ntton o� defnuit, �nd r�asonabl�
<br />-rv�' attom�ys' fo�s as p�rmiitad by law; (b) to all sums s�curod by th(s 8ecurity Instrum�nt; and (c)
<br /> Y`i'. , :'
<br />��;...�'�,,,;�,: ;. � a�ny �xc�ss to the porson or ptrsons leq�tity entiti�d to It.
<br /> ri�. • •.'.•.,t•;. H tt�e L�nder's Inter��t in thls S�au�ity Inatrum�nt Is hoid �yt tho Sacrttary and th� S�cntary
<br /> �- _ �.�• requires Immodlate paYm�ret in full und��Paragraph 9. the S�cntary may �rnok�ti» nonJudtclai
<br />�"''` `� power of aals providod In th� Single�amlly Mlortpap� Fonclosur� /4ot of 1994 ("Act'� (12 U.S.C.
<br />-=..-=��a�_ __. �.. �_.r.�M.. .s.....-���r.commiaslon�r d�s lan a b d und�r th� Aat to comm�nc�
<br />-- -`— .'il:7i �y �lSi4 wl •oy..��....s - --------- -
<br />�'.��� `��'E"'�' foreclosure and to �dl th� Prop�rh► :s provid�d In the ACt. Nothiny In th� pr�c�sllnp wnt�nc�
<br /> ,., .�,,,,....
<br /> " ��� ° �. ehall d�privo th� Secrst�ry of any rights othorwlas evaflabl�to •Lend�r und�r thl: P�rayrap 8
<br /> __ � { or applic�bl� law.
<br />- . � ; 19. Raeonvsyanee. Upon pa��nent of all sums secured by thia Security Inatrument,Lender shd request Trustea to
<br />-� - reconvey the Property end shaG surrender thia 3ecuilry Instrument and all noted evidencing debt eewred by thit S�at1ty
<br /> ` Instrumant to Trustee.Trustee shsll reconvey the Propeity wRhou2 warranty end without chuge to tha person a p�aona Iep�Ny
<br /> entitled to R.Such peraen or pemona ehall p�y my record�Lon coats.
<br /> F58�3.LMU(9N6) Pape 4 ot 5
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<br /> 1 as�oo25 --
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