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<br /> `► ' ' Lender m�y, at any time, coilect�nd hold nmounte lor �ecrow Itemn In en �ggrep�te�mount not to exeeed the mockiwro —
<br /> .;y '1 , emount lhat rn�y ba requlred tor m7rtpwer's escrow eccount under the Real Estate 3erilement Praedures Act a1 1974,12 U.B.C, �u
<br /> t � ; �Zgp� ��g,end Implementlnq repulatlons,24 CFR Part 3500, es they may be �manded hom Ilme to tlms ('RFSPA"), ucc�pt
<br /> � that the cushlon or reaerve psrmitted by RESPA tor un�ndclpated dtsburoeme+ite or e saurn e prem umore the BortowK's
<br /> i psymenta are nvsllabie in the account m�y not be Waed on amounts due tor ihe moRg�p
<br /> • 'ct i 11 the amounta held by Lender for Escrow Itans exceed the amounta perm�tted to be h�ld by FiESPA,Lender eh�N�ccount
<br /> .� to Borrower tor the excess funds ae requlred by RESPA.II the emounla o1 funds hNd by Ldnder�t �ny tNne era not aufllolmf to �
<br /> pay the Eacrow Itema when due. Lender may notty lhe Borrower and requlra Borrovrcr ta meke up the shoAage as permitted bY �
<br /> ;�.*+' RESPA.
<br /> � The Eacrow Funds are pled�ed as aadiUonal secudty tor nll aume aecured by this Security Inatrument. It Bortowe►tendero
<br />_ �� to Lender the tull p�yment of ell euch auma,9ortower'a�ccount shail be creditod with the baWce remaln�tor all Instao�e
<br /> Items (e), (b), and (c) and any mortgage Innurence premlum Inst�tlment thet Lender has not become obU ted to p�y
<br /> �� . �,� 3ecretary,and�L bd L�der,PBorrow ro�cou t ahnlisbe uadited8 @h nnY balnn�A�a^°Pn ngtfordl Instatlments torktems W(b� f _
<br /> or fts acqulelU y
<br /> and(c).
<br /> • • 3.Appllcation of P�yments.AII pnymonts under Pnragrnpha 1 end 2 ehell be applled by Lender se foliows:
<br /> FII'st,to lha mortgage Insurence premlum to ba pald by Lender to the 3ecretary or to the monthly charye by the Seaetary
<br /> -'"...>�•�� Instead of the monthy moRgeye inaurance pranlum;
<br /> ��� �:• ents or ground rents, and Ne, 11ood md other hax�rd
<br /> : S��ond, ta eny texos, apacial eesessmcnts, leeaehold {uym
<br /> J't..:' . Insurence premlums,as re�quked; �
<br />°:" ''"'" Third,to interest due under the Note;
<br />:::��,t�t�'+'__ , ':�
<br />=�,�a���s Fourth,to amortization of the princfpel ot the Nota;ar�d
<br /> _yti:i,�'` FHth,to late charges due under lhe Note.
<br /> � f'�' � 4. F1re, Flood and Othar Hazard In4ur�nce. eorrower ahall Insure all knprovanents on the Propxry, whetha
<br /> ;���-_= now in oxistonce or aubaequenUy erected��9ainst any hezards. cesuaides, an� continyendea,including tke,ior which Lenda
<br /> `"t h�`F� requMea Insurance.Th�a Inaurance ehaN ba matntelned In the amounta nnd for the pertods th�t LerWer requiros• 6orcowx stu�N
<br />-�+��4��� also insure eN improvementa on the Properry, whether now In exlatence or subaequentiy aectad� eqainst losa by flooda to the
<br /> :'��r.;�¢� extent requfred by the 3ecreterY• lul ��aurance sluli be ccrried wHh compeniea approved by lender.The Insurance poNdes and
<br /> __ _ any renew�ia aheN be hdd by Lender end shnll Niclude losa paynble dausea In favor of, and In t form accepLble to,Lander.
<br /> -- — In the eve�t of losa. Bor�ower sheN qNe lender Imme�Hate nol(ce by mail. Lender msY make pwoot o�f�bss� Quch loas
<br /> -- promp�y by BoROwer. Each k►aunnce comp+u�Y oonceme� is h°roby auii'o'K�of he In�surae e proceeds maY be �PPM°d bY
<br />--------- dkectly to Lender. Inatead ot to Borrowfx md to l.ender jointry.All or any pn
<br /> "'""� Lender, at ka optbn. either (�) to the reductlon ot the h►debtedneaa under thi 0 ote and t«b Seauity���«t��
<br /> dyinquent�mounts�pP��the ordar In Parag�ph 3,�nd then to propaymen prheip�l, (b)
<br /> .--. the damsped ProPertY• MY aPP�tion of the proceeds to the pdncipal shaN not extend a poatponeMt y����aunnce
<br /> monthy paymenta wh�h aro reterred to In Py�9�Ph 2. or change tha amount of auch payme►
<br /> proceeds over en�mount roquked to pay et oubtendMip Indebtedness under the Note and thie Saarfty Inatrumw►t ahall be pald ,
<br /> to the entNy Ieg��N entltlad thereto. ,
<br /> In the eva►t of toredosuro of thia Secu�My Inabument or other tranatar of tlde to the Propsrty that exdn0u�ahes the
<br /> Indebtedneas,aH rlght,tlde and Intereat of Borrowe�In�nd to insunnce poNdes
<br /> in tores shaN asa ro th�purchaax•
<br /> 6. Occupancy, Pns�rvetlon� MalM�nmc� snd Prd�ctlon ot tiM Prop�rty; Bonow�r's Loan
<br /> APPI1etHon: l.sapholds. eorrower ehall occupy,eatabNsh,�nd uae th� Prop�rty ws Barow�r'a prkidpd nsidenee within
<br /> alxty daya dter the executlon of this 3ecurily Instrument(or wkhin aixty daya of e kter aale or Iranaler ot the PropMty)and ah�
<br /> conUnue to occwpy U►e PropertY as Bortower'a prk�cipd �esldence tor�t teaat one yen a1lK tl�e d�t� ot oaap�r►cY, unie�s
<br /> Lender detartifnea th�t requkemeet w@ cause unAue twdahip for Borrower, or unleas exbnwih� dreum�tanas�}St which aro
<br /> beyond Bortower'a conVoL Bortower ahall notNy Lender of�ny extenuaUnp dramat�nc�s• Ba►owK sh�M not �orm���te or
<br /> dsstroy, du►w�ge u aubatsntinNy chanps the Property or albw the Propaty to detaio►ab, rM�omble we�r�nd tNr exapbd. ,
<br /> �ander may k�apect the Property M the ProperH lo v�ant a abandoned a the lan Is h dikulL LendK tnay take re�aon�bM
<br /> acUan to proteat�nd proaave auch vec+mt or�buidoned PrePedY•Bort4wer 6fuA also be M detaut If Borrower,dwY�p th�lori
<br /> �pp�tb� proc�ae, qave metedany lelae or Inaccurate IntomxUon or atatements to Lender (a fa0ed to provid� Und�r wNh�nyr
<br /> ���}�y�) M conneation with the loan evldanced by thA Note, Indud(n9, but not lknGed to, ropreaentatlons conaminy
<br /> BoROwer's occup�ncY of the Property as a pihdpd rosfdence, If thl� Security Instnrment b on a le�sehold, Borrow�t eA�1
<br /> compy with the provisbne ot the teese. If Bortowe►ccqukea tee titla to the Propaty, the le�aahold md tee Uds shaM not b�
<br /> -- merged unbsa Lender agree�to the marger in wdtin9•
<br /> 6. Cond�mnatlan.The proceed�ot Ny ewud or claim for d�ma�, dke�t a�a"�QW���� �°°�0� �h �^y
<br /> — cpndannatlon or other taking of my pa�t of the F'ropxtY. or tor conveyence In pl�ce oi condMnn�llon��ro hereby aeslp�ted�nd
<br /> ahall be pNd to Lender to the extent ot the fuN amount of the Indebtednesa th�t romaim unprJd und�the Nots �nd this
<br /> ---=:_—� 3ecurlty Instrument. I.endor ahaM appy suah prxeeda to the roducdon of ths hdebt�dnssa unda the Note and thla 3rew(ry
<br /> �._::�?'�`r- IIISINIIIlilt, �t 10 any deNnquent amounte appNed In the order provided In Panprtph 3, and then to propaymeM ot prkidp�l.
<br /> - =e.s�s-�
<br /> ""`="�• q�y eppWation of the proceeds to the princfpr ahul not extend or postpone the due d�te d tl�e manthy paytr�a►ta,whbh en
<br /> ��.:�1r,� ents. q�y excess proceeds over m emount roquked to pay aN
<br /> —__ _v�� retemed to in PangnWh 2,or chRnge the amamt of auch paym
<br /> — -- = outaLndtng indebtedness under the Note�nd thls Security Inatrument nhaN be pdd to the e�tly leptlly enUUed thersto.
<br />---� �_ __ � �..........�. �nd Peehe.t1011 of L�nd�r's Rlahts In th�Prqwrty. e«rower shap pay.N
<br />-�_-�� i. a.owiyw. •.. ...........�. --- - ---- - .
<br />:i��,�,. _ povemmentel or municlpsi charges, fines and knpositlona thn sre not induded ki Puaynph 2. Bomow�r shaN pay tho�e
<br /> obNp�tlona on tlme directiy to the entity whleh Is owed the payment �t faNuro to p�y woutd�dverselY atfect Lender'a Intereat In
<br /> ."�"�-"`�f the PropeAY. P��P1N
<br /> :,,, , •�� upon Lender'e request Borrow�shsll tumish to Lender recelpta evidendn9 these paymente.
<br />`°:.�:�;-��';,,,; ts or the p�yments requked by Panprnph 2,o�Nla to perlam�ny other covemnts
<br /> -`,;.ti.�� It Borcower felis to meke these pnymen atfeot Lender's riyhta In
<br /> and aprea►ients contak�ed„ thls Security InaWment,a there la�leyal proceedin9 that rt►ay etgniM�ntlY
<br /> ��f�=�-'�� ihe Property(auch sa�proceedhp in b+mkruptcy. 1or condemn�tion or to �torce kwa or repulallona),then lender rt►�y do and
<br /> ,, °�i•.�,�± Indudin t ot t�ces,
<br /> ,,_�:�•ti��';,�, � pey wh�tever la necesenry to protect the value of the Properly�nd lender'e dghte(n the Ropeity, 0 P��
<br />- �` � hezard Insurance end otlier Items mentloned M Peragnph 2,
<br /> _ta+�'�f.,
<br /> - ,..r.,.�.-
<br /> .-�,��,
<br /> , , Pepe R ot 9
<br /> F���''.
<br /> F581J.LM0 19f98)
<br /> I04970025 _ _
<br />