<br /> in the Property and righEs mider tlus Secucity Inshvznent; �nd(d} takes such ttcticm as Lendar may
<br /> reasonably reqiure to asetiirc that Lender's int�erest in tl�e Property and rights under this Security I��eh�ument,
<br /> and Boxrower's obligation to pay the sums seoured by this Security Jnsfrwnent, shall continueimchanged.
<br /> 1.onder�nay reqtuce that Borrower pay sueh reinstatement aun�s and expet��cs in onc or�nore of the following
<br /> forms, as selected by l.ender. (a) caah; (U) money ordei; (c) certi�ed checic, bacilc check, �rcasurer's check or
<br /> cafihier's check, provided any such checic is drawn upon ui iustitution whose depoaits are insi�red by a
<br /> federal agenoy, inslrumenlali6y or evfitiy; or (d)Nlectmnic Fuuds Trausfar. Upon reinst[ttement by Borrower,
<br /> this Security Instrument ntici obligaeious secnred hercby sl�al] rcmain fully effective as iFno acoeleraCion had
<br /> occm�red. However, Yhis right to reinetate shall not apply in fhe case o4'accclerat�on undor Section 18.
<br /> 20. 5ale of Note; Change of Loan Servicer; Notice of Grievance. 1'hc Note or a partial interest in the
<br /> Nole(LogeCLer with this Sccm'ity Cnstr�umcnt) can�ie sold one or inore tiines without�rior notice to
<br /> Borrower. A satle might xesult in a oh�nge in Che en6ily(lmown as the °Loan Servicer") tl3at collecTs Periociio
<br /> Payfnentis dne tiwder the NoCe and tlus Security Instrument�nd perfoxms other 1norCgage loan scrvicing
<br /> obligations undcr the Note, fhis Secm�ity lnsh�mnent, aud Applicable Law. Thero also might be one or n�ore
<br /> changes of the Loan Sorvicc;r um�olatcd to a salc of thc t�ot�. ]f there is a changa of the Loau Servicer,
<br /> Borrower will be given writlen notica aP fhe change w]�ich will state thc name and addi'ese of the new Loau
<br /> Seivicer, the address to wlfloh pa5nnents shoiild be inade anci any other infonnation RtiSPA reqi�ires in
<br /> coimection with e notiea of tr�nsfer of servicing. If the Note is sold end thereafter the Loan ie�ervice,d by a
<br /> Loa.n Seivicer oUier Uian the purchaaer of the ATote, tha mortgage lo�n eerviaing obligatious to]3orrower will
<br /> remain wiEh fUo Loan Soiviccr or bc trannferred to a successor I,oan Seivicer and are not t�esumed by tihe
<br /> Note�iurckiaser unless ocherwise provided by the Nole purch�ser.
<br /> Neither Boxrower nor Lender n�ay commettce, join, or be joined ta any juclicial aclion(as cither an
<br /> individual litigznt or the member of a olaes) that arises &�om the other perty's Aceions pnrsuant to tliis
<br /> Security I�lstruincnt or Uiat allegcs t1��t thc othcr party has breached any provision of, or any duty owed by
<br /> reason of, thie Security I�ist�ument, until stioh Borrower or Lenc{er has notifiul tho othcr parfy(wifll snch
<br /> notice given u�complienca with the requirements of Section I S) of such allegecl hre�nch and afforded the
<br /> oUier p�u�ty hereto a reasonaUle period after the givuig of such notice fo take carrective acciou. If Applicable
<br /> Law providcs a time pe�7od w1�io1� tmist elapsa before certaiu acCion can be kelcen, that time period will be
<br /> deen�ecl to be rensonaUle�fox purpoFes of Lhis paragrapl�. 'I'he noticc of accelerafion and opportunitp to cure�
<br /> �ivcn to Rorrower pLu�suant�to Section 22 aaid the notice o'P accaleration given to Barrowec pt�sumit to
<br /> Swtion 18 s1ia11 be deemed lo satisfy Che noticn and opportw�ity to t�1ce corrective action provisions of this
<br /> SecYion 20.
<br /> 21. HazardoUs SUbstanCes. Aa used in thie Seoflon 21: (a) "Haaardous Sufistctnces"nre tihoec uubstances
<br /> defincd as koxic or hazaadous subst�aices, pollutauis, or wastes by Environmental Law and the following
<br /> subslancos: gaeoli�tic, korosenc, othcr flam��iable or toxic pet��oleiim prodneta, toxic pesticides end herbicidea,
<br /> volatile solvei�ite, inaCerials conhaining asl�cstos or form�ldohydo, and rtuiibactive mateiials; (b)
<br /> "Et��vit^anmeneal Law" means federal laws nnd Inwa oP the jurisdiotion whcro the Property is located that
<br /> relate to haalth, safety or enviromnental proYection; (c) "Efzviirori�rner�tal Clecanup"inolud�s any rc;s}�onso
<br /> action, rc�nedia1 actiai, or removal action, as defined in Eirviromnental L�w; �nd (cl) an "L'r�vlrori»aental
<br /> Condition"n�etms n condition thaC can causq conliibuto to, or otherwise t�igger au Fnviromne�rtt�l Cleannp.
<br /> Borrower shall not cluse or permit lhe prescnioe, ��sc, diepe,sal, storage, or relsase of any Hazardous
<br /> SuUsYancas, or tlu�eaten to releese any Hea�rdous Substences, on or in fhe Properfy. Borrowcr shall not do,
<br /> nor allow anyone else to do, anytliing affecCing the Prol�ert'y (a) 11ut is in violafion of any Envn•omnenCnl
<br /> Law, (b)wluoh oreates an LTnviromnen[nl Condition, or(c) which, due to the presence, use, or celease of e
<br /> Hazardous Substtuice, creaCes a condition thfle edveraely�ffecCs the value oP Che Properry. 7 he preceding two
<br /> 24002D35
<br /> NEBRFl51<A-SingleGamily-Pannie tdaelGredtlie hlac IINIPORM INSTRUMMT Form 3�28 1/07
<br /> VMP� VIriP6�NG)(7706)
<br /> VJolters Kluwer Flnanclsl Servlces Page 13 of 17
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