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201207373 <br /> senCences shall not apply to tl�e presauce, usa, or storage on the Properly of small quantitics of Elazardouv <br /> Substnnces th�t�re generally reca�iized to bc appropriate to norniAl residautiel uses end to m�inlenanoe oP <br /> the Property(includu�g, buY noY limiEed to, hnz�u-dous subst�nnces in conswne��productis). <br /> Ron�ower shall�roinptl}+give Lender�n�itten nolice oP(fl) any invcytigallon, claim, demtuid, lawsuit or other � <br /> action by any governmeufal or regulatory ageney or private pTrry involving the Yroperty�nd aiiy HazArdous <br /> SubsCanw or�nviromnenYal Law of which Borrower has actual knowledge, (b) �ny L'nviroumonkll <br /> Condition, including bul nof]irnitcd to, any spi11ii1g, leaking, disehw•ge, release or fhrenl of release oP any <br /> Hazardotis Subst��noe, and(c) any condition caused by fhe presence, usa or release of� I3azau�dous Snbstzjnce <br /> which adversely affects the valne oP Che Property. IF Borrowc.�'1eams, or is notified by auy govermnental or <br /> regula�tory autliority, or any private pw•iy, thnt nny removal or oCl�er reinediation of any [-lazardoue SuUstauce <br /> affectin6 the Propexty is neceesary, Borrowcr shall prompt1y t�lce�11 necessaa�y remedial ac6iona in <br /> accordance with Environmental L�w. Nottvng herein ahnll orenke�y obHgation o�2l.ender for an <br /> Lnvironmcnta1 Cloai�up. <br /> Non-UniPorm Covenanfs. Rorrower and Lender covenant and agree Aa follows: <br /> 22. Acceleration; Remedies. Lcndcr slinll givo uotice to Ba•irower prior to ncceleraCion following <br /> 13orrowe�°s�brexeh of any coveu:uit m• a�g�•eemeut i�i t�is Secnrity Tnstrument(bnt not prior Co <br /> nsceleralion under•Section 18 imlese .4pplicz�ble l.nw provides otlierwisc}. Thc notiec shall apecify: (a) <br /> the defnult; (b) Che actimt reqnired Eo cm�e ll�e defaalt; (cj a date, nok less�tli:ui 30 days fi•om f1�e dete <br /> Uic notinc ie givcu to Borirower, by wl�icli tl�e defaidt mnet be cm�ed; and(d) Cl�at failnre to cure the <br /> default on or bei'ore tlie do-�te specified in thc noGcc may resnit iu ncccleration of tLe emns secnred I�y <br /> tltis Secnrity Iristrnmen0 and sale oF Cl�e Property. '1'he notice shall fnrtlier inform Bm•rower of thc <br /> i�ght to reinetate After accelerntimr nnd tlie rigLt to brtng n conr[ actiou Co flasert the non-existence of a <br /> defnalf or any otlier def'ense of Borrower ko neccicrntiou and sala If Che default is vat cw�ed mi m� <br /> bePore fhe �late specified in the notice, Lender at its option inxy reqiiire iminediato�paymcnt in fnll of <br /> all emns secured Uy this Secm�Ity Insh•nment wiCLmiC fi�rtLer demand xnd may invulce the puwer a1'snle <br /> wid nny other remcdics permittcd by ApplicaUle Law�. Lender slinll be enCi[led to collecC all ex��enses <br /> incw�red in pm�tii�ig tlie remedies provided in this Section 22, inclncling, bnt no[limited Io, reasonable <br /> atCm��eys' fees ancl costs of title evidence, <br /> If ttie power of sale is involced, T���etee s}�all reeord a notice of def:udt v�es�c6 com�ty ui wluch any <br /> part,of'tlie Propc��C,y is locatod and sltnll ntnil cnpies of suclt notice u� Che mam�er preseribed by <br /> Applicable L:�w to f3mrowec .�nd tu khe ufhee Ncrsons prcecribed by ApplicaUle Law. After Che time <br /> r¢qnired Uy Applicable Law, T'rnsfee stiall give public notice of s:�le Co the persmis nnd in Cho mnmicr <br /> prescribed by ApplicnUle Law. TrusCee, wiChoat den�nnd nn Borrower, shall sell tl�e 1'rnperty nt pnblic <br /> anction Co the highest bidder nt tlie time nnd pinec and m�dcr tl�e terms clesign�ted i�i tlie nol3ce of eale <br /> in one or more parcels and in auy order't'rnstee determines. TrasCce may NosCponc salo of all a� auy <br /> parcel of tlm Property I�y public annonnceu�enC nC Che C9me and place of auy previously sehednled salc. <br /> Lender or if�desig��co�nay pm•cl�asc Yl�c Property at any snle. <br /> Upon reocipt of payment of tlio price bid, Trustee sliall cleliver io tl�e piu•chAser'Prustee's deed <br /> cm�veying the Propert��y. The recitnl�iu tho Trnatce's deed shall 6e prima facie evidence of Wie h�utli af <br /> the staCements mflde Chereiu. 7ti�isiee shall xpply tlie proceeds of thc anle in tlm following ordex•: (a) Eo <br /> all costs and oxpenses of exercising tite power oF eale, and Che sale, including fhe paymeut ot tlic <br /> Cn�stee's fees aictaally incm�red nnd rensonablo attorncys' f'ecs as pentiitted by Applicable Laiw; (b) tu <br /> all eimie secixred by Chia Secm•ity InsC�vment; xnd (c) any excesa to Y�lic pereon or porsons legally <br /> entiYled to it. <br /> 24002055 <br /> NF➢RASICfi-SingleFamlly-FannleMne7FreddleMncUNIFORM MBTRUMENT Porni302.8 V01 <br /> VMP� VbIPG(NEl(1705) <br /> Wolfers Kluwer Flnondal Servlcas pagA iq o{17 <br />