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201207370 <br /> in Lhe Property aind rights iq�der fl�is Security instr�iment; and(d) takas st�tch aotion as Lender m2y <br /> roasoxiably xeqnire to assure th�C Lender's inturesf in lhe Property and r�bl�ts timder this Secntity Iustriuneut, <br /> aud Borrower's obligaCion to pay the sutns securecl by this Secnrihy InelrumenC, shall coiTtinue unohruiged. <br /> Lu��der n�stiy iequire tl�at Borrower pay such reinstatement smns uid expenses in one or more af the followiug <br /> f�nns, as nolected byLender: (a) cash; (b)money order; (c) certified chack, bank check, treasurar'a check or <br /> oashier's cl�ecic, provided any Fuch check is drawn �i��on an institution wbose deposits ara insured by a <br /> feder�l agency, inetrumentality or enti6y; or(ci) �leot�onio Funde Transfer. Upon reinstaternont by}3on�ower, <br /> this Secw•ity Instrwneut and obligations secured hereby shall rem�in fidly effective as i£no acoeleration hac{ <br /> occurred Howevar, this right to reinstate shall not apply in the case of accaleration tuider Seotion 1&. <br /> 20. 3ale of Note; Change of Loan 5ervicer; Natice of Grievance. The No1s or a pareial interest in the <br /> Note (together v✓itli this Security Snshument) can be sold one or rnore times without prior notice to <br /> Borrower. A sale mi�;ht resnit it� a change in tbe entity(Irnown as t�he "l;oa�t� Servtccr") tihaC collects Periodic <br /> Payinents due under the NoCe aud Llvs Security Inst�rmnenl anci performs other mortgagc loan,scrvicing <br /> obligations ui�der the NoCe, this SecurityInstrument, nnd Ap�alicflble Law. There also inight be oue or more <br /> ohauges of the Loan Servicea•um�el¢ted to a sale of the Note. If'fhere is m chauge of the Lo�n Servicer, <br /> Boi'rowar will be given wrlften notice oF Che olkvige which wi11 sEaCa Uia nama aaid address of tha new Loa�i <br /> Servicer, the address to wl�ich payments sh�uld be mado ttnd any ot1�er infortnation RHSPA requires in <br /> counecGon wiYh a notice of lransfer of seivicing. I�f the Nole ie solci and fhereafter the Loan is serviced 6y a <br /> Lonn Servicer ather fhan the pwrohaser of the Note, the morlgage loen servicing obligetions to Borrowei•will <br /> remain wiUi Uie Loan Sarvicer or Ue U�aus£erred to n successor l,oan Se�vicer and are not assmned by the <br /> Note�>urol�lscr w�lcss otherwise�rovided by the Note purchaser. <br /> Neitlier Borrower nor Lcnder may coimnence, join, or be joined Lo a��y j nclicial ncCion(as eiCher an <br /> inclividu�l litig�uit or the inember of a clnas) that azises Prom the other pnrt}r's aciirn�s�ursuant to thie <br /> Security InsYrumant or tihat t+llages Ehat Yhe oYl�er party l�as Ureaclied aiiy provisioii of, or qiiy duCy owed Uy <br /> reason of, Uiis Security Hi�h�mYient, timtii sncli Rorrowe�•�r].cnder has notihed thc other pnrEy(with sucli <br /> notice given in complianco witY�tl�c�requiromcnka of SecCion 15) oP s�ich alleged l�reach and afPordod tho <br /> other p�rLy hc,�reto a reasonable�eriod afler the giviug of suoh no6ce Eo take correcrive t�etion. IF Applienble <br /> I,aw provides a time period wliich muat elapse befora cerCain nction caai be cakan, Y1iat time period will ba <br /> deeined to be reasonal�le�for purposes of fl�is paragraph. 'I`he notice of accelerat'ron and opportunity ta cure <br /> given to Borrower pw•sunnt to Section 22 tmd Yhe notice of'acceleration given to Borrowar pnrsuaut to <br /> Section 18�shall be deemed to satisfy the noticc and opporti�mity to tako corrcctive�etinn prc�visions of fl�is <br /> Seotion 20. <br /> Y1. Waaardous Suhstanees. Aa uaed in this Section 21: (a) "Hazardo�rs Substar�ces" [ue tliose substnncee <br /> dehned�e toxic or h�zArclous substauces, polltirtanCs, or wastes by L�nviromnental Law azid llia Following <br /> sttbsta.uces: gasoline, lcetosene, otlier flaminabl,e or toxrc petr•oletiim}n•odtiicts, toxic pesfrcides and herbioides, <br /> volati7osolvents, matcrials conklining asbcslos or Ponnaldehyde, and raclioacCive maisri�ils; (b) <br /> "L'nvironmental Law"means feder�l laws and laws of Uie juflsdiction where the Property ia locnted thak <br /> relate to health, eafety or enviromnenYal protecCion; (c) "Errvirortnienttsi Cleccrzup" includes auy res�onse <br /> action, reinedial action, or roinoval aeNon, as dofnad in Li�viromitx�ntal Law; and(cl) an "L'nvtrc�nrroendal <br /> Conditiun"mc�ns a wndilion that cnn oause, contribute to, or otherwise trigger an Environmental Cleanup. <br /> Borrower sh111 noC cause or permit Che presence, uae, disposal, storage, or reletise of any I3azertlous <br /> SubsYanees, or threaten to release any Hazardotts SuUstances, on or in flie Property, T�orcower sl�adl not do, <br /> nor allow uryoue elsa to do, anything affecting tl�e Property (zi) that iF in violation of any L+nvironinontal <br />, (b) whioh crcat�s 2n L+i�viromnental Condi[ioxi, ox (c)which, ciue Co 6he presenoe, uae, or release of n <br /> Haz�ndoius SubsCnnca, ore�tes a condirion thet�dvarsely affects the vThxe of tl�e Property. The preceding two <br /> ��� � 24002014 <br /> NEBMSKA-Slnplo Femily-Fannle MeNReddie Mer,IINIFORM MSTRl1MCNT Forn�3028 1101 <br /> VPAP @J VMP6�NE)(110G1 <br /> Wollare Kluwer Financlal5srvices PAge 13 of 17 <br />